Blogs from Khao Lak, South-West Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 6


Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Lak August 29th 2008

I'm now coming to the end of my time in Thailand, and I'm finally leaving Khao Lak. I've only been here 3 weeks but it already feels like a second home. All the places and people have become so familiar. But I've had a brilliant couple of weeks since my first entry - here are some of the things I got up to: Tuesday & Wednesday of the 2nd week here I go to English Camp at Ban Thanung school which is about an hour's drive away. The students take 2 (or 3) days out of normal lessons to spend just doing English lessons, and as there's not enough room inside the school for all the activities we end up teaching al fresco under some trees next to a local temple. On the first morning the ... read more
Thai traditional dancing
Ladyboy Cabaret

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Lak August 18th 2008

I've been in Thailand for just over a week now and I'm already feeling right at home. I arrived on Friday 8th August to a sweltering hot Bangkok - though having stopped in Doha which is really a desert with as much humidity as it's possible to cram into the air - I was well prepared. Meeting Fonthip at the airport, I was whisked away for dinner before heading back to her house which is some distance from the city and mercifully quiet compared to the hot, dusty bustle of inner city Bangkok. On my first day we head into the city centre to see the Grand Palace with all its temples and splendour. Every surface is covered with ornamentation, coloured or mirror tiles and gold and there is almost too much to take in. After ... read more
Orphans at the nunnery
Temple in Phuket

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Lak July 31st 2008

I've never seen as many germans in my life! And remember I have been to Germany more than a few times! This is really the hotspot for german tourists it seems. Along the roadsides you will see more german languages signs than english ones! ........but enough about the Germans...Khao Lak, I like this place too! Sure, it isn't a backpacker hangout and like a lot of other places I have been, its low season and so you are more likely to see tumbleweed (or a German) on the streets here at the moment than you are fellow backpackers. But still I like this place! They have been the smiliest, most talkative people that I have come across in Thailand to date and the beach here is really nice. Khao Lak unfortunately made world wide news for ... read more
Police Boat 813

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Lak July 10th 2008

Sabai dee mai kwap? Okay, mega catch up time! Yesterday I arrived in New Zealand annd its FREEZING here. Really excited to start exploring as looks like there is loads to do but another benefit of re-entering eth western world is cheaper and way faster internet connections so hopefully I can claw back soem of the time I've lost. I reckon I'm about 3 blog entrys behind to catch up fully so without further ado here is the first. This will cover my last month in Thailand where I was living in Khao Lak, so here we go. As I mentioned at the end of my last blog, through pretty much random chance I ended up deciding to do a couple of weeks work as a volunteer English teacher in the town of Khao Lak on ... read more
Andy 074
Andy 079
Andy 082

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Lak June 4th 2008

NOTE - I have just finished writing this blog and its pretty long. I've had 2 months to cover and although I've skipped a lot of the details its still pretty big. Didnt want to miss anymore out just for the sake of keeping a record so this is almost as much for me so I dont forget anywhere I went. But just a warning. Staring at the Sun Okay, update time! When I finsihed my last blog my intention was to do another within the week to get me up to date but clearly 5 weeks on that hasnt happened and I'm way months behind again.... Hopefully now I'll get up to date with everything I've been up to in the 2 months and be caught up officially! The last blog ended with me crossing ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Lak April 23rd 2008

In the last four days I've spent about 13 hours under water looking at fish. It's at the stage now where I see them when I close my eyes... I've seen sharks, turtles, stingrays, seahorses, a manta ray, the coolest special effects from octopi, all sorts of mean-looking creatures, thousands of technicolor fish and loads of other stuff that I'd have to look back in my log book to list. The coolest colours? Of course, the smallest creatures. Nudibranches, aka sea slugs, look totally unreal. Go and google them now! I'm now catching up with various things online, like permits for visiting sensitive areas of Tajikistan that border Afghanistan. Don't panic, they're so safe even the British government doesn't advise me to avoid them.... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Lak April 13th 2008

We arrived at around 5am at the port town of Surat Thani. From the little we saw of it, there was nothing pleasant about the place and we were glad to be leaving immediately. We were met by a rep from the company we had used who then attempted to load 11 people into a pickup converted into a taxi with 2 benches and a frame with a roof along with our large packs. He managed to cram 8 of us poor tired sardines in before we mutiny occurred and we refused to let any more in. He tried to argue that it was only a 5 minutes and the other 3 could hang on the back (which is actually not unusual to see the locals doing) but we weren't having it and argued that if ... read more
Our shitty bus
Plums on tour
The countryside out the window

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Lak March 10th 2008

We thought we needed a little treat whilst in Thailand, and it was in the form of 4 days on a dive boat where all we did was dive, eat and sleep. We had never been on a 'liveaboard 'dive trip before so it was all quite exciting. We boarded the boat from Khao Lak in the evening, with about 22 other divers and 13 crew. We started off with one of many fantastic meals and set off for the Similan Islands which are about 60kms off the coast of Thailand. Our days were pretty long and tiring. We were awoken usually around 6 30 am, in time for a light breakfast prior to our first dive at 7am. We were split into groups of about 4 or 5 divers, and each had a guide which ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Lak March 3rd 2008

Hello everyone... We are finally back to civilisation and have had an amazing time since I last wrote... Last time I wrote we were still on Ko Pha-ngan... and getting to Khao Lak was not without its funny moments (this is Thailand!!). We stayed overnight in Thong Sala, and got the 7am ferry (choosing the Raja car ferry as its BIG).. The crossing was not too bad, but by the time we reached Surat Thani it was pelting down rain... quite funny seeing us bolt off an unsteady boat in the pouring rain with 20+ kilos on our backs for a bus! Once settled on the bus we had the 'same same' experience of them trying to sell us tickets to Khao Lak on 'their VIP bus' but we were determined to get the public bus... ... read more
Gorgeous Scenery... heading to our first island
Ice Cold Beer at Sunset!!

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Khao Lak February 20th 2008

I think on every traveler's odyssey, at least in Thailand, an attempt is made to 'get away from it all' and find your own private little paradise. Koh N'Gai was our place. After an hour long boat ride from Lanta, we were there. Our guidebook said something about this island being Robinson Crusoe-like without an indigenous population. Whatever that means, we soon realized the comforts we appreciate so much on more traversed islands were no-where to be found here. No convenient stores, Electricity is only on from dusk to dawn, no cars, no motorbikes, no ROADS!! You get the picture. We walked across the white sand beach to get to our resort. My conversation with the manager went something like this: me: Hello, can I rent a motorbike to get around the island? him: No motorbike ... read more
coconut hunting
among the palms

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