Lazy Day

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December 7th 2006
Published: December 7th 2006
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Bren and IBren and IBren and I

On the ferry with Sam to get to the other side with our Motor Bikes
It's our last day in Chiang Mai and we're having a lazy day. We feel a bit drained so we're heading to the Central Mall to go to see "Happy Feet" at the movie Theater.
We bought our train tickets to Bangkok. We leave at 9pm tonight and will arrive in Bangkok at 9am tomorrow morning. I have so many bags to carry now after spending so much time shopping here in Chiang Mai... I'm actually relieved to go home so I won't have to carry all of them for much longer!😊
Yesterday we rented a motor bike and drove to the country with Sam the tattoo artist. It was a nice relaxing day. We drove about an hour outside of Chiang Mai were he took us to this beautiful spot with a small water fall. He said only Thai's know about this place so we were lucky to be able to actually see this peaceful place with Sam. Had some drinks, talked, fed the fish and then headed back to Chiang Mai at sundown. It was said to say goodbye to Sam, after spending so much time with him. He's a wonderful person. We'll definitely keep in touch with him and return to Chaing Mai to visit him again in the future. When I am able to I'll load the pictures of our tattoos. He's an amazing artist and anyone in Chiang Mai looking for some ink.. Sam is your guy! He has two offices and one is right in the middle of the night Bazzar.

Brendan and I both made at list of everything we purchased during our travels last night for customs, to make things run along faster at the airport. It took a while so we starting singing Christmas tunes to get ourselves in festive moods. Still doesn't feel like Christmas to us, but we tried😊 It's difficult when your walking around in shorts and tank tops and the sun is beaming down on you.

So, this may be my last blog before going home. Maybe, maybe not. I'll certainly post more photos when I have access to my dad's fast computer!
Thanks for all who followed me along this incrediable journey. It certainly won't be my last. The travel bug has got a hold of me and I NEED to see and experience MUCH more. This is only the beginning!
Looking forward to seeing
One of the MANY strays I befriended:)One of the MANY strays I befriended:)One of the MANY strays I befriended:)

Why can't I take them ALL home??
familiar faces back home! Hopefully I won't experience too much culture shock returning home after being away for over a year. Please be patient with me cause I have a feeling I may be a bit overwhelmed in the beginning.😉

A bientot!

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7th December 2006

Love the photo of you and Brendan on the ferry....what happy faces!! Sam DOES look like "THE MAN", for is nice that you have met some fantastic friends along the way. Only 5 more "sleeps" until you will be sleeping in your own bed in Russell! Enjoy your last days in Bangkok. Love Mom PS. BRING ALL THE STRAY DOGS HOME YOU WANT....SHHHHH....DON'T TELL YOUR DAD!!
7th December 2006

Miss you!
Jessie, I can't wait to see you again! I don't think I'll be able to come to the airport when you arrive, but I hope we see each other soon - before Christmas! We should go for coffee or to a movie or something! MANY HUGS!!! Love,Andrew

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