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December 3rd 2006
Published: December 3rd 2006
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Well if you like shopping Chiang Mai is the place to be!!! I was a recovering shopaholic and I'm sad to admit I've cracked! There's no stopping me now!
Brendan is presently in his 8th hour of getting a "sleeve" done on his left arm. It looks beautiful, even if you don't like tattoos, you'd be impressed. The artist, Sam, is great!! I'm getting another tattoo as well but compared to Brendan's it's mini! But I felt I needed one more as a reminder of our travels in Asia.
I've been to the spa for 3 hours and now I'm refreshed and relaxed to throw myself back into the "Night Bazzar" market and start big time bargaining... some of these shop guys are tough cookies, but I'm learning and getting better.
We're leaving Chiang Mai on the 7th. We'd like to do a day of treking before we leave here to see the "Longneck" tribe. A full day bus ride to Bangkok on the 7th. Pattaya for a day so I can sit on the beach and get my last minute tan before heading back to Ottawa, Canada's winter... where I've heard they've had an icestorm, which has cut the power of my small, little town of Russell!
We have our flights booked for the 12th, thanks to my mom and dad... THANKS MOM AND DAD😊 We leave at 6am from Bangkok airport. Stop in Tokyo.. not enough time to leave the airport. Then another stop over in Detroit... for 8 hours. Get into Ottawa around 11pm... hopefully customs won't be hard on us. We'll cover all our tattoos and try and look as innocent as possible so maybe they won't be hard on us😊

There's shopping to be done!
See you all in a little over a week!


3rd December 2006

Go get those Shop Keepers, Jess!! Show them what Canadian Shoppers are really made of!! But.......REMIND me NOT to be with you the first time you are shopping back here in Ottawa....just in case you end up forgetting what country you are in..... :>) Don't forget .....SEARCH for something BLACK or CREAM in colour, smaller than a dinner plate, for the wall of your new room or night table. SHOP ON!! I pitty the Customs Officer that happens to get you late Tuesday night when he is expecting a quiet, easy end to his shift. Just make sure you get our CROWN ROYAL through!!!
3rd December 2006

cant wait to see you!
I can't lie, when I read that you're almost home my tummy did a little flip of excitement! I've really missed you and can't wait to catch up and hear first had about all of your experiences!! Love you Jess. See you soon, Christa xxoo.
3rd December 2006

Hey Jess, You have to stop in when you get back - I am glad that you guys are having a blast - can't wait to see all the pics and hear the stories!! Pavan

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