Blogs from North-East Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 8


Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand November 28th 2012

Loy Krathong is a traditional Thai festival held on a full moon in November where people give thanks to the water by floating ‘Krathong’ (objects with flowers and candles which float on the water) into the rivers. It was a beautiful festival; in Mukdahan we have the Mekong river which borders Thailand with Laos and thousands of people headed down to the river side to celebrate Loy Krathong. Heading there on the back of a motorbike we could see hundreds of lanterns lighting up the sky and lots of fireworks, it was amazing and as we got closer it was even better. Thousands of people lined the river setting off lanterns into the sky, everyone who had made (or in our case brought) Krathongs lit them and headed down to little boats from which we floated ... read more
Hundreds of lanterns
With my Krathong
Down by the river

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand November 26th 2012

So because of sports day we were very lucky this week and got a 5 day weekend, which we made the most of by two of our friends coming to visit. We had Friday - Tuesday off which we loved, a week off from lesson plans and teaching. On Friday morning our friend Ciara turned up at 7am after getting the overnight bus up from Bangkok and we went to watch the Sports day parade which was a lot better than I thought it would be. It went on for quite a while in the heat but it was really good and the kids all looked amazing, after the parade they put on a show and we got to sit down, relax and watch. We spent the rest of Friday sunbathing around the pool and then ... read more
Happy birthday Amanda
Me Gab and Ciara at Thanksgiving
With my wine for thanksgiving

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand November 19th 2012

Well after a month of living and working in Thailand I have realised a few things.. I am never going to find shoes that properly fit. I will never find a bra bigger than a B cup and that nights out here are completely nothing like back home!! We have been searching for the perfect night out and it seems that north east Thailand is no broad street. Pattaya’s walking street was a wild night out and Bangkok and the islands have western nightlife but up here in the sticks its like a night out in a southern american humdrum town, just where everyone speaks Thai. Every night out in Thailand is an adventure and we fit so much into one night and meet so many people its mad, so many memories made in just one ... read more
in the back of a pick up truck!!
thai pose

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand » Khon Kaen November 18th 2012

After spending two weekends in a row in Mukdahan we decided to venture out and do a bit of travelling so we looked for the nearest big city to us in the North East and planned a weekend away. Saturday morning bright and early we headed down to the bus station and for the grand total of 170baht (approx £3) we got our ticket and settled in for the 4 and a half bus ride to Khon Kaen. We saw our first traffic jam in a month - an actual traffic jam - when you have been in quiet Mukdahan for a month where we’ve spotted an elephant walking down the street it was actually quite nice to be back in civilisation. We got a tuk tuk to central plaza, which can only be described as ... read more
a real changette!!
we love a bit of chang
me an gabs

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand » Ubon Ratchathani November 11th 2012

Sitting in the Cafe once again, trying to recall last week’s events on one hours sleep. 'Remember remember, the 5th of November..' Bonfire night and we made sure it was celebrated over 8,000 miles from home. Ben worked hard at producing sumptuous toffee/treacle apples and I worked hard scrubbing off the burnt sugar. Alongside the volunteers from Kutchum, Lu nokta and Phana, we sat by our roaring blaze, eating an array of BBQ foods cooked by Bra Yung and the other teachers. Under a starry sky we shot off fireworks, deafened each other with crackers and ‘mistakenly’ hit trees and neighbours roofs with flare sticks. Nothing like the mass gathering of Hexham bonfire night but a good crowd of people, happily messing around with explosives and gluing mouths around sugar coated apples. On Wednesday night myself, ... read more
Suiting up

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand » Khon Kaen November 4th 2012

Den sista dagen höll jag i en presentation dels som utvärdering av utbytet men även för att beskriva hur det svenska sjukvårdsysytemet är uppbyggt. Att stå inför en hel sal av åhörare och hålla i en presentation är inget jag har speciellt mycket erfarenheter av, men är oerhört viktigt att träna på enligt mig. Lektorerna som var mina handledare under praktiktiden var oerhört duktiga både teoretiskt och praktiskt och kunde förklara det mesta på ett begriplig sätt. Vi hade problem med språket, då min medicinska engelska inte var den bästa och de har svårt med uttalet. Men vi lärde känna varandra väl och mot slutet förstod vi varandra bra. Lektorerna är väldigt stödjande och hjälper dig med allt om du vill. De är väldigt måna om att det ska gå bra för dig och att du ... read more
Sista kvällen

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand » Khon Kaen November 2nd 2012

Sista veckan, var min absoluta favorit!!!! På denna intensivvårdsavdelningen tar de endast emot patienter med medfött hjärtfel, oavsett ålder. De har under 10 års tid haft ett sjukvårdssystem där pat betalar en mycket liten peng och resten bekostas av staten och olika privata/statliga försäkringar. Därför fick jag se en ung vuxen, tjej på 18 år som kom tillbaka från operation efter en total rekonstruktion av fallot (TFO). Detta gjordes så sent på grund av att föräldrarna har varit rädda för att flickan skulle dö, tyckte inte att hon var så påverkad och klarade sitt dagliga liv bra samt av ekonomiska skäl, de hade en lång resa och föräldrarna hade det svårt att vara utan inkomst. De hade 8 vårdplatser i ett stort rum, jag upplevde personalen som mycket duktiga och samarbetade mycket väl. De var bra ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand November 2nd 2012

While we were warned that Thai schools weren’t the most organised of places, nothing could of prepared us for just how chaotic, disorganised and stressful our first week of teaching was going to be. Monday morning bright and early we got picked up by the head of English and then went and met the rest of our ‘hub’ staff in our big air-conditioned office and were shown to our nice desks with big computers. All was going well until they dropped the bombshell that we would be teaching ICT which I know nothing about but she reassured us that the ICT would be split between the two of us and not to worry about it. After a few hours of looking through teaching blogs and chatting to the other teachers we were sent home and spent ... read more
work computer
should be working but a afternoon at the pool instead

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand October 31st 2012

Despite missing everyone its great to be back in Muang Samsip. Chilling in a cafe with good wifi and our host has agreed to pay anything we get here! Will try not to take this piss... All week its been Halloween lessons. The students have been getting covered in flour searching out sweets and soaking themselves bobbing for apples. My older classes are learning Razorlight songs and with our work permits sorted we are no longer illegal workers! Yesterday the nights sky was filled with flare bursts and florid firework explosions as Isaan celebrates the monks coming out the monasteries after 3months. Ben and I shot off flares, blew bangers and were assaulted by kids wielding firecrackers! We've stockpiled some for our bonfire night on monday. Its going to go off with a bang!... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand October 28th 2012

So off we went for a new Thailand adventure, off half way across the country up to the very North East of Thailand for the next 5 months.. So me and Gabby (my friend who I have been placed with) said bye to the rest of our friends and headed off in a minibus with four other people who were been placed in the North East also and two of our agencies workers who would be taking us. We set off at about 3pm on Friday and by 8pm we were no-where near the hotel we were meant to be staying in so we had to change plans and find alternative accommodation. We ended up pulling up at what was advertised as a ‘hotel’ to find a bunch of huts in the middle of nowhere with ... read more
First chang in our local
saturday night drinks in Mukdahan
Mukdahans talent ;)

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