Ferang nights out.

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November 19th 2012
Published: November 19th 2012
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Well after a month of living and working in Thailand I have realised a few things.. I am never going to find shoes that properly fit. I will never find a bra bigger than a B cup and that nights out here are completely nothing like back home!!
We have been searching for the perfect night out and it seems that north east Thailand is no broad street. Pattaya’s walking street was a wild night out and Bangkok and the islands have western nightlife but up here in the sticks its like a night out in a southern american humdrum town, just where everyone speaks Thai.

Every night out in Thailand is an adventure and we fit so much into one night and meet so many people its mad, so many memories made in just one night!!
Last week we had a ‘big’ night out where I spent the grand total of £7, this included a litre of vodka for pre drinks (I shared!!) and a crazy red bull which makes you bounce off walls. This was definitely not like any night out you would get back home.

After playing bilingual drinking games (ring of fire) with some
in the back of a pick up truck!!in the back of a pick up truck!!in the back of a pick up truck!!

there is no such thing as health and safety...
Thai guys that the girls knew from school they then drove us to a bar where we got vip seats and the favourite song the band liked to play was ‘happy birthday’. no it wasn’t anyone’s birthday, they apparently just like the song. Weird. We then got a lift again to Mukdahans version of gatecrasher, the big wild nightclub haha. By the way, this lift was in the back of a pick up truck.. Amazing!! Well a Thai nightclub was certainly an experience, loving the chang and western music.. Going crazy when call me maybe came on! We were literally like celebrities. Like seriously, take the hottest girl ever and times her by ten, that’s what we are like over here. Everyone loves us and thinks we are amazing just because we have white skin, its mental. Not only did we get countless free drinks and everyone wanting to be our friends, these two guys who had brought us hung around in their car for an hour after we thought they had gone just to wait for us to come out so they could make sure we got home okay. Free taxi service, this would never happen in England!! But apparently its quite common, they wanted to make sure we got home okay, could get used to all these free drinks and rides.. Cheap nights out!! J

Our night out in Khon Kaen was equally as mad.. They don’t do normal nights out over here. Everything is just so surreal but I am loving it!! Could definitely get used to this celebrity status..

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