Blogs from North-East Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 6


Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand » Nakhon Phanom February 6th 2013

Just when I thought I was getting used to life in Thailand I was reminded just how different it is from home. Everyday really does bring something different… Yesterday we were informed that we were required to attend our secretary’s grandmother’s funeral and to come in wearing black with a white shirt and that we would be leaving school at 3pm. But of course, this being Thailand that didn’t exactly happen. At first we were informed that the school minibus we were all meant to be travelling in was in Bangkok and so we wouldn’t be able to use that to get there, some of the teachers were on about borrowing a car off one of the Thai teachers but in the end it was decided that our manager would take just 5 of us in ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand » Ubon Ratchathani February 5th 2013

Two weeks ago we received a visit from our desk officer Kate and her friend Heloise. Ben and I were up late evicting wildlife from our living room and removing peeled paint from the floor. Everything except the rotting contents of our broken fridge was spotless and ready for inspection. Tomorrow afternoon they arrived and each observed one lesson. Unfortunately my M5 class were 20minutes late and only half turned up. Afterwards we all discussed our project and talked about getting an increase in our wages. Kate agreed that 4,500baht a month was barely enough to live on and was shocked that Pra Yang had been buying us shopping almost every week. Although later in Tesco Lotus she understood how impossible it is to stop Pra Yang paying for everything. Our host really is the kindest ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand February 1st 2013

‘Open house’ or as us English like to call it.. parents evening! Apart from the fact that it’s not in the evening, not all that many parents came and they didn’t get to discuss their children’s progress with the school. Apart from that it was exactly the same. So naturally all week lessons were disrupted, meaning there were no lessons all to prepare for open house which was actually a morning of shows from all the students. The day involved different shows from all of the students which they performed for their parents to watch. After all of the opening speeches the show got underway with an Asean show where each year group did a traditional dance from each of the countries in South East Asia. Then the M1 students did a dance and said a ... read more
joes keyboard playing
m1 girlss

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand » Roi Et February 1st 2013

Here was my redemption moment, could I really ask for a better way to go out with a bang here in Thailand. I have just a few weeks left here, soccer failed miserably, I now have an obsession with running and BAM this 5k run falls into my lap like a gift from Santa. I had to prep all my crazy superstitious ways, so my outfit was ready, the breakfast prepped and the bandana bought. I chow down on a very delicious although not so sports bar like breakfast while stretching out to some P90X. Naturally nerves are wanting to bust on in but I'm punching them in the face and keeping them away. The alarm sounds to let me know that I should head to P. Aajong, who will also be running the race. He ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand » Khon Kaen January 27th 2013

While I was still in Cambodia a friend of mine had let me know about the Khon Kaen International Marathon and after a few seconds of debating about it I decided that I was game. A friend of mine had told me about running this marathon last year and had said how awesome it was so when the opportunity came I was all over it. I mean I had just finished my first one in Cambodia I might as well check off another race in another country and this one just a hot second from my own hood. Now I'm not cool enough to run a half marathon yet although I have started training, so I signed up for the Mini Marathon which is just shy of 12k. By the time the race came along it ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand » Ban Muang Samsip January 22nd 2013

The past two weeks has been teaching as usual around the notably cooler Muang Samsip. M5 have been writing up New Year’s resolutions, (some have been to listen less in class), and learning about English weather. My guess is that whilst I shiver in the 21degree heat, you are all sliding around in a winter wonderland/chaos depending how you look at Britain when it shuts down over several centimetres of snow. No dangers of that here! I have successfully bribed M3 into speaking English with fruit Mentos. Their lust for sweets means most are actually attempting to speak English rather than whisper it to themselves. M1 are a real mix. Some classes are powering ahead, keeping me on my toes as to what lessons I need to plan. Thankfully this is the majority of students and ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand » Roi Et January 19th 2013

We decided to go and visit our Geordie friend Amanda who lives 2-3 hours ago in the North East town of Roi-et. We have passed through Roi-et many times on our way to Bangkok but this time we decided to actually stop off and spend the weekend there. We left Mukdahan on Saturday morning and arrived by bus in roi-et at 2pm. We were picked up by Amanda’s personal tuk tuk driver and taken to her nice new apartment. In the afternoon we had a walk around roi-et and had a look at everything it had to offer. We went to visit a monastery which houses the tallest Buddha statue in Thailand, it was really nice and we walked up lots of stairs on the inside to get to the top. After this we walked across ... read more
in the clubbbb
big Buddha

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand » Roi Et January 17th 2013

I've talked about eating them and going out to hunt them but this little section is about actually farming them. Of course I'm talking about crickets. I might take it up once back in America since I'm not sure how else I'm going to get my hands on these guys. I had a soccer game today but the highlight of the day wasn't that game but instead all the cricket searching I did before hand. My sister had informed me that we would be doing this and I have to say when she first told me I thought, great I get to be dragged around while I anxiously wait for my game to start. We headed out, me dressed and ready for the game her buzzing on and on about her new truck. I clinged to ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand » Nakhon Phanom January 10th 2013

Day 5 & 6 - by far two of the longest days on the bike so far, not so much the distance but time in the saddle and how we were feeling. There always seems to be one day on tour where energy is a little low and that could be felt through the group today. Kel and I stuck together and dug deep as we rolled through some undulations or in Kel’s words ‘hills’! Going back to yesterday our ride into Mukdahan was both scenic and eventful. First stop in the morning after a 24km highway stretch was at a school where we donated soccer balls and once again handed out the sticky hands. The kids were so appreciative of our company, our gifts and the time that we spent there; their faces and smiles ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand » Nakhon Phanom January 8th 2013

Imagine this... you live in a village of no more than 50 people. You’re sitting around one day going about your daily business and all of a sudden a group of 29 cyclists ride through. First you hear the unfamiliar sound of a bike horn closely followed by some loud and often over accentuated greetings “HHHAARRRROOOOOOOO”. And in a blink they are gone. That would happen at least 10 times a day if not more on this tour as we continue passing through tiny villages. The highlight on day 4 definitely had to be passing through a village street party. Instead of following the detour sign - which in our defense we couldn’t translate - we rode straight through to the marquee where tables and chairs were being set up for the days festivities. Of course ... read more

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