Koh Samet........untouched paradise! (but very wet!)

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June 1st 2009
Published: June 1st 2009
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Another read for you peeps!

So we were back in Bangkok and done the rest of our sightseeing. The whole reason we came back to Bangkok was because we had to apply for our Vietnamese visas and they take roughly 5 days to process.
Now anyone that knows me, knows i liuke to get the best deal i possibly can on anything, but on these visas i proper had my pants pulled down over the price! I this annoyed me for days and days! We paid 2250bht each to have them processed from the National government office, whowever we later found out you can get it for 1400 bht on Koh San Road from a recognised T.A.T agent! .......i was not happy!

So we stuck in our visa requests on the monday and come wednesday we were bored of bangkok so we decided to go visit Koh Samet for a few nights. The bus and boat return trip costs us only 450bht each which was very decent. The total journey took about 4-5 hrs. When we got to the pier to catch the boat accross we were in for a surprise! the boats are maybe 3-4 deep so you have to jump from boat to boat with a massive backpack on trying not to fall in the poxy water!

So we arrived in Koh Samet and its raining! and did it stop..................oh hell no it didnt! Koh Samet is a national park and it costs you 200bht to get in, but trust me its worth it. The whole island is very localised all the thais go on holiday here and there are very few westerners around. The entire island is absolutely beautifuly (would have been better in the sun) we were truly gutted that we didnt get to experience it in the sun, but even in the rain we truly enjoyed our stay there.

When we first got there we had to embark on finding our home for the next few nights, after hrs of trecking up and down (leaving katie guarding the bags again) we settled on a place which was a little wooden hut on stilts costs us 400bht a night, which is more than we normally pay but for a room with a private bathroom it was the cheapest on the island (trust me i bloody hicked the whole place checking!)

So the first night we stayed there we found this little restaurant called the gecko, and we both had a thai yello curry! now i like currys but trust me this curry was the dogs dagglies! i have never had anything like it it was the shizzle my nizzle! and i could eat it every night for the rest of my life, oh and katie liked it too! And guess what was on tv? the champions league final, so i also got to watch man. u get humilliated! Problem was it didnt finish till half 4 in the morning so we slept very late the next day!

When we eventually arose from our pit, it was ........STILL RAINING! so we went back to the bar and had some lunch and sat and played cards. That evening we got dinner and went to the silver sands bar, which is class! we got buckets for 160bht we got drunk and we danced the night away with the sand beneath our feet. Then retired to the room with a cheeseburger in our hands! lol

The next day we left to go back to Bangkok, and guess what the poxy sun decided to come out to play! so on our journey back we were cursing the island and secretly hoping it would rain again! lol

We got back to Bangkok and just had enough time to collect our visas, we had a quiet night and an early bedtime because we were flying out to Cambodia the next time.

So stay tuned for its a new day and a new country next time!

Peace out A town down!

Katie and Scott


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