all is well

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Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Ko Chang
April 6th 2009
Published: April 6th 2009
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hello everyone!!!

just to let you know i am well; i entered thailand on the 2nd; had a few days in bankgog and headed down to an island call ko chang!!! i was going up north but theres 3 festivals going on at the moment and getting transport south or north was so expensive; so we decided on a remote island to chill out on; which i am very happy with!!! its small; got massive forests you can hike in; big cliffs if you need it and white sand blue sea beaches; what more could a woman want haha!!!! this comps not letting me upload pics so il have to come back with that one!!! i return to the mainland on the 11th and have another night in bangkok and fly down to phuket on the 12th; by the time im done there gerard will be out and were going upto the river kwai which will be ace!!!!

since the killing fields weve just been relaxing really; that wasnt that long till we came to thailand; had a few days in siem reap which was a lovely place!!! we got up at 4.30am to watch the sunrise over the angkor wat; its was specificallty built that when the sun rose it came up right throu the main temple library; and it so does; we had a private bus to take us around the area as its like 30k or something silly like that!!! i really didnt realise it was like that!! the angkor watt is only one temple; theres 100's there that you didnt realise about!!!! its so much bigger in real like that it looks on the documentaries but its also alot more run down as well; they have no plans do reconstruct; they say its too expensive!!!! i went home at about 3 as i hadsuch a bad head!!!! really impressive place thou!!!

really havent done too much thou lately!!! prob too much beer and late nights but im thinking im training for a month im allowed haha!!!!!

well will keep you all posted and try and get some pics on here soon

all my love



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