Blogs from Bangkok, Central Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 687


Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 13th 2006

Tot 1 maart a.s. laten wij jullie een aantal foto's van de bevolking van Thailand zien. In de 'Gallery' plaatsen wij de portfolio The People of Tailand'. Laat eens horen wat je er van vindt. Nog bedankt voor alle felicitaties, mails, e-kaarten enz. voor Monkey haar verjaardag. En voor 14 februari: HAPPY VALENTINE FOR ALL OUR FRIENDS Monkey and Bear.... read more
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Bergvolkeren - Lange nekken volk

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 13th 2006

I'm a happy man now - we've finally got away from Bangkok and have escaped to the more chilled out north of the country. I've managed to get quite a lot done in the last few days so will try to remember whats happened. First thing, I apologise again for lack of pictures, I'm currently typing this blog on a wind-up computer so its a bit out-of-date to plug my camera into. not to worry, more to add to the gallery when i find a suitable computer - although this may be difficult in laos which is one of the world's poorest countries. lets hope eh? Monday morning was our first venture out into Bangkok as a group and this was welcomed by more rain - which is really weird considering we are mid way through ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 13th 2006

Well it seemed to take forever but I have finally made it to Thailand. The National Express coach trip to Heathrow was interesting as the driver decided he was going to pull alongside another National Express Coach and have a conversation with the driver while trying not to take each others wing mirrors out!! The air journey was very long and very cramped. God knows why anyone in their right mind would choose to sit for eleven hours with not enough room to move an inch. Customs in Bangkok is nothing like I was told it would be. The travel agent tried to sell me a Thai Visa costing about 60 quid (can’t find pound key on Thai keyboard). They also said they were very strict and you had to prove you had onward travel. The ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 12th 2006

Well, here I am again, writing from a internet cafe in steamy Bangkok. Met up with my tour group today - things were starting to get a bit boring, so all is good now. The group seem like a really cool bunch of people - there are 12 of us in total plus the tour leader. From what i can remember, there are 4 or 5 aussies, a couple of kiwis, a few canadians, and the rest are brits! interesting mix of age groups and backgrounds, and we are all getting along great so it should be fun over the next 4 weeks. our tour guide is called jarrod and he's an aussie, really laid back (find me an aussie who isn't) and very knowledgable. We all went out to a really nice thai restaurant this ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 12th 2006

Met up with Pim, a Thai friend, and co. at Siam Centre Point to see Toni Blackmon Hip Hop Ensemble. Joey Boy (Thai rapper) opened. After the show, went to Brown Sugar for food and drinks. Then to Tokyo Joe’s Blues Bar for a few more…... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 11th 2006

Rode BTS to MBK (one of Asia’s largest malls). Checked out prices of mobile phones and looked for a headset for the laptop (didn’t buy either).... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 11th 2006

And it goes on. We've been sick for over a week now. The last week in Cambodia was a washout, we couldn't do anything more than lie by the pool, which probably sounds perfect, and it would've been if it we didn't feel so miserable. Anyway, we're back in Bangkok now, with an arsenal of medication to try and kill the thing off. Now I'm just bloody annoyed because it's stopping us from eating properly, and we've only got about 15 meals left!!! The horror of it! Also, the chemist said we shouldn't eat fruit. What a cruel fate. We attempted Chatuchak market this morning. It would've been great, because there's sooooo much stuff there, but Stuart especially was feeling really rough, so we couldn't stay long. Never mind, there's always next time. Promise to put ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 10th 2006

Woke up today at 1pm after a late night! Managed to drag ourselves out of bed and make the day productive though. Got a tuk tuk ride to the Grand Palace, we weren't allowed inside the Palace building itself but we could tour the grounds and visit the museum, theres about a 2000metre wall around the grounds- so there was plenty to see! Within the Palace grounds was the Emerald Temple, you had to take your shoes off before entering and weren't allowed to point your feet towards the Shrine of the "Emerald Buddha" as this is seen as disrespectful. After about 2 and a half hours around the temple we decided to get some food and headed to Chinatown, some of the street food looked really strange- I didn't risk any of the seafood and ... read more
Me and the Palace
Me in Palace Garden

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 10th 2006

Packed up our stuff and Marife drove us to our apartment—P.P. House, on Sathorn Soi 13. Had lunch at the canteen down the street, it’s basically a covered area with about 20 food stands with a lot of different meal choices. There are a lot of cheap places to eat right near our apartment and it take about 5 minutes to walk to the nearest BTS station. Walked to Silom that night.... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 10th 2006

Well, finally I've got here! don't really think its sunk in yet, but i can tell you one thing, its really hot and steamy here! spending the winter in the UK doesn't really prepare for it, although air conditioning is nice. the flight seemed to go really quickly and i even managed to get a bit of snoozing in, which is a rareity for me. I must admit i was a bit nervous about getting into bangkok and finding my hotel but it was pretty easy in the end. visa was stamped into my passport without any problems (hopefully the start of many more to come!) and qued up for one of the licensed taxis in the rank outside the main terminal. we went via the express toll motorway which runs through the city and the ... read more

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