I can't believe I didn't break a sweat today!

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Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok
March 5th 2005
Published: January 20th 2006
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Visit Teak Mansion
Traditional Song and Dance
Not much else to see.

Overcast and signs that it may have rained earlier in the morning. Pleasant temperature with a bit of a breeze. I decided to walk to the Vimanmek Golden Teak Mansion since I've pretty much seen most of the sights that I wanted to see in Bangkok and I already had a ticket (included with the Grand Palace ticket).

It's a huge house...or rather mansion. The English speaking tour guides were a bit on the sketchy side though. Seemed more like it was all memorized. I couldn't really see much of anything since everything was roped off and stuff in display cases far away from where we stood. They really liked to point out the "gifts" given to the king and where they were from. Apparently the Vimanmek is the World's largest Golden Teak Mansion and is home to the first shower in Thailand?? It took 19 months to build the Victorian style home. They have a model of the place which took 18 months to build!

It was nice to just walk the streets of Bangkok knowing if I got lost at any point I could easily catch a taxi or tuk tuk for a reasonable price.

I'll have to think about some highlights and observations about Thailand before I leave for Cambodia...


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