Traintravel in Malaysia

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June 13th 2009
Published: June 13th 2009
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Entering Malaysia from the Thai side it looks a bit different. A bit more organized. All the way to Kuala Lumpur green surroundings, lots of ricefields rather well kept, lots of Palms and really lots. These palms are used for Palm oil.

They are building up the railway to doubletrack what probably will still gives a few years work to many people. Approaching KL there are quite a few new stations and they look like a serial of exactly the same built. In the trains they use a lot of airco and I found out that first class is even colder than 2nd class and it s not uncomman that people who are used to 30 degrees plus all over the year wear their coat inside the train.

All the way you see left or right medium sized mountains.

The border procedure to Singapore is simple. The Malaysian come into the train to check and give a stamp for Singapore you have to get out. Your temperature is checked automatically and than further to passcontrol and customs.Than back to the train and after a 20 minutes ride you reach the town.

In Malaysia are living a lot of races and religions rather peacefull together. There are people originally from China, Myanmar, Eurasians,India and many more. What you see is that it looks like the color is important. The less color the higher the position and it must be difficult to become a manager when you are really dark colored.

Taxidrivers in Malaysia are a special group. I did not find this kind of taxidrivers on all my travels. They are not really interested in people but only money counts.Even now it is compulsary to have and use the taximetre I did not find one who did not tell me very proud that the meter was out of order. They want only to talk about a fixed price and they don t take you if the trip is too short, too long or to their opinion in the wrong direction. I saw that a few years ago in KL and now again in Georgetown.


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