Isnt it grand?

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January 8th 2009
Published: January 9th 2009
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So, yesterday a group of us ventured to the grand palace. Dressed in our conservative clothing with no shorts or bare shoulders, many of us were smoldering in the extreme heat. But the place was a beautiful as i remembered it. It was a little overwhelming. After that, in the afternoon, a group of us went to uni to register for classes, im taking society and economy, market research, seminar in marketing and a thai language course. Then 3 of us girls (including me) ventured to the holy grail for many women, mbk, siam centre etc etc etc, shopping galore. While we didnt explore the area much as we were there to get our uni uniforms and a few other errands, it was fun. At 7.30 a group of us (16 to be exact!) met in the penthouse and went to soi 12 on sukomvit for tea at a place called cabbages and condoms (yes yes but what ever u spend there proceeds go to hiv research). While the cabbages lacked then condoms did not, they were EVERYWHERE! It was quite funny and i got a few good snaps.

But so far my fellow exchanges have been great to get to know, we all get along well. Apart from the fact that even though we all speak english, there are still words and sayings that sum of us dont understand but its all apart of the learning process. And really, u have to be pretty open minded if ur going to to an exchange in thailand right?

So tomorrow we are off to Koh Samet (haha dad) for the weekend to chill out at the beach before classes start on monday. So seeyou in a few days!



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