Blogs from Seoshin-dong, Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea, Asia - page 4


Asia » South Korea » Jeollabuk-do » Jeonju » Seoshin-dong September 8th 2008

Today was my first day of school at the Hogwan. A little bit of background on what exactly a Hogwan is: A Hogwan is a private school that students attend to get taught extra subjects. These students’ parents pay big bucks for their children to attend these types of schools. My school, Top Language School was established in 1973, and is the most prestigious in all of Jeonju. I work at the Seoshin-Dong branch. (A dong is a neighborhood, so it’s the Seoshin-neighborhood branch.) All subjects are taught in English at this school. I have a Korean co-teacher, but we don’t teach together. She has the class one day, and I have them the next. We just flip-flop. The Korean teacher’s job is to teach them the meanings of the English words in Korean so when ... read more
My "Cookie" Classroom
My "Cookie" Classroom
My "Cookie" Classroom

Asia » South Korea » Jeollabuk-do » Jeonju » Seoshin-dong September 5th 2008

An-nyeong! On Friday at 6:30 am, I said good-bye to Mikey and my Aunt and Uncle and hit the road with Mom and Dad headed to O’Hare International Airport. We had a 4 hour car ride before arriving at Terminal 5. I checked in and found out that one of my bags was overweight, so Mom and I shuffled stuff from one to the other and managed to get it underweight. That was pretty much the first and only freak-out I have had so far (knock on wood). Then we went and exchanged some US Dollars (USD) for some Korean Won. I decided that I should get some of it before I leave so I don’t have to worry about it when I get there and have 4 heavy suitcases! Then we sat at the food ... read more
Dad, Mom, & Me
My plane
Phone on one side...

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