Blogs from Seoshin-dong, Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea, Asia - page 2


Asia » South Korea » Jeollabuk-do » Jeonju » Seoshin-dong October 5th 2008

I rode my new bike down to the Gazebo and finished my Kinder's report cards. It was a nice day and it was good to get out and get some fresh air while doing a boring task. Need I say more?... read more
View from the Gazebo
Getting started

Asia » South Korea » Jeollabuk-do » Jeonju » Seoshin-dong September 25th 2008

Yeah, so I'm really behind on my brogs. (Engrish for blog, since in Korean, there is no difference between the "r" sound and the "l" sound.) So I'm going to post pictures with captions and then add text later, so at least you can see what I've been up to. Keep visiting back for the story of my life!... read more
Korean Gas Station
Tom on his Birthday

Asia » South Korea » Jeollabuk-do » Jeonju » Seoshin-dong September 24th 2008

Today is Wednesday, so that means Haba Orda, or German game day, for the Kinders. I haven’t a clue about how to play any of the games because they’re all in German. I usually pick out tangrams-like games and picture-matching-type games. Sometimes, the kids are able to figure them out, but other times, well, 90 percent of the time, they only play with the pieces. They love to dump the game pieces in the play sink or in different containers and make-believe play. Today, one of the little boys was playing a poker type game with alphabet cards and apparently, I was always losing, while he always won. Imagine that, right? Haha. Well, the games usually get very old with the kids very fast since they have attention spans of gold fish. So they end up ... read more
Haba Orda
Matching Shapes

Asia » South Korea » Jeollabuk-do » Jeonju » Seoshin-dong September 23rd 2008

So today we had our weekly trip to Gymshule. Before we left, one of my students gave me a packet of something and I asked my co-teachers what it was, and In-Suk said, “Chocolate, but not good.” So she thinks it’s terrible, so later, I may have to try it. I’ve only met one bar of chocolate that I didn’t like, so as a chocolate connoisseur, I must try it. On the way there, as the weekly occurrence goes, we had 14 kids and four adults in the car and of course, we almost die about three times. We get to the building and shove every child in the elevator and head up. This week, the instructor had the kids running toward a mat that was upright and having them try to scale the vertical mat ... read more
Kids Scaling the Mats
Kids Scaling the Mats
Kids Scaling the Mats

Asia » South Korea » Jeollabuk-do » Jeonju » Seoshin-dong September 22nd 2008

…Wish it were Friday! Nothing really eventful happened today. I was exhausted by the end of the day. I was kind of peeved, too. In my afternoon classes, kids aren’t doing their homework, and there really is no punishment for them, but when their parents ask me why they aren’t getting any better, I guess I’ll have to tell them it’s the kid’s fault for not doing their homework. I wonder how that will go over. Joni got back from vacation and she said she had a wonderful time. She said that she got some wonderful rest and neat buys from both Bali and Hong Kong. She said Hong Kong was crazy and she has never seen anything like it! Hong Kong is also interesting because even though it is part of China, you do not ... read more
Raining in the Mountains
Jeonju at Night
Jeonju at Night

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