Blogs from Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, Asia


Asia » Pakistan » Khyber Pakhtunkhwa » Peshawar August 13th 2008

19 August Amritsar, Punjab, India Except for arriving from and departing back to the United States, I usually do not take too many flights when traveling. Yes, I know they cut distances and save time. But I need to be lodged against a window and see what I would be missing, impossible at 35,000 feet. If a train goes, I’ll be on it. Otherwise I’ll settle for a bus, minivan, outside panel of a jeep, or bed of a pickup truck. Ameen asked me back in Gilgit where I would go after we parted company in Chitral. “Peshawar”, I said. “Are you sure you want to go there?” I was. “Yes.” I would be fielding that question very often. “How will you go?” “Well, from what I gather, it is a ten-hour ride with a change ... read more
A Peek Inside
Wrinkles of Desperation

Asia » Pakistan » Khyber Pakhtunkhwa » Peshawar November 29th 2006

PESHAWAR Arriviamo che e' tarda serata e veniamo lasciati in un bazaar che l'e' un bel troiaio (si puo' scrivere???) niente male.... Optiamo per una sistemazione nel cuore della Old City, piu' vicini quindi al cuore della citta'. Il tempo di una cosina da mangiare e di rimediare il "necessaire" e a nanna. Quando ci mettiamo a girare la mattina successiva ci troviamo davanti ad uno spettacolo incredibile: mai, in nessuno dei nostri viaggi finora (chi piu' chi meno) ci era mai capitato di trovarci in un posto cosi'. Migliaia di persone sulle strade appartenenti a decine e decine di etnie diverse, con i loro tratti somatici peculiari, i loro abbigliamenti le loro usanze. Pochissime le donne in giro e quelle poche con burqa... Anche fermarsi qualche minuto in un angolo di una stradina ad osservare ... read more
Riparazione di zainetto
Ancora fra le strade di Peshawar
Donne con burqa

Asia » Pakistan » Khyber Pakhtunkhwa » Peshawar November 27th 2006

LA CADUTA DEGLI EROI La "vendetta di Montezuma" colpisce anche in Pakistan Dai diamanti non nasce niente, dal letame nascono fiori. Fabrizio De Andrè E così un bel pomeriggio parto da Quetta e mi accingo a lasciare il Baluchistan. Fino all'ultimo son indeciso sulla mia destinazione: arrivare a Lahore direttamente non se ne parla, troppo distante, così opto per uno stop-over: fino al giorno della partenza son propenso ad andarmene a Multan, ma alla fine deciso di fare una piccola pazzia, e cambio meta. E' infatti da quando son partito che, negli Highlights del Pakistan, nella mia LP, continuo a guardare una foto che ritrae un Mausoleo, e a dirmi: "Questo voglio proprio vederlo". Mi basta poi leggere cosa la guida dice al riguardo, per convincermi: "Famosa meta di pellegrinaggi, dove ben pochi stranieri arrivano... read more

Asia » Pakistan » Khyber Pakhtunkhwa » Peshawar September 26th 2006

Saturday September 23rd Another though ride ahead of us, but at least it would be the last before India. Technically it should be 11 hours to Peshawar but we'd been told this was about as optimistic as a "welcomed with roses" statement coming from georgie before the Iraq war. It started badly as they told Samuel it was full. He hadn't bought his ticket the day before so he was out of luck. It seemed a lot of people were missing and after a ride around town he went back to the station and picked Samuel as well as a few chitralis. There were still a bunch of seat missing in front but we figured it was for women who would join on the way. Sylvain and I were close to the front and luckily our ... read more
Khyber Pass
My escort, a random guy and my driver
Plenty of stuff to kill peope

Asia » Pakistan » Khyber Pakhtunkhwa » Peshawar August 29th 2006

August 29 Woke up early and headed to the passport office, to get permission to enter the tribal areas after being told no after waiting a good hour it was onwards to the Afghan embassy where it took us two hours to get visas even though the system was bloody confusing. After this it was off to the Kyhber pass agency were we were told that we did not need their permission as we would not be staying there and would rather need permission from the home office. After a stressfull time at the Home office and running several blocks to find a place for passport copies and also buying the officials a nice lunch we had our permission to enter the tribal areas. In celebration we went and bought burkas and kamizs along with some ... read more
Peshawar market
Peshawar sunset

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