Blogs from Sarangkot, Pokhara, Nepal, Asia - page 2


Asia » Nepal » Pokhara » Sarangkot March 25th 2012

En cama hasta medio día, que felicidad!. Luego salí a caminar por la parte turística, bastante parecida a Thamel pero mucho más tranquila y relajada; a veces puedes ver el lago desde la acera y a veces solo tiendas, hoteles, restaurantes y cafés y para turistas... por momentos me sentía como si estuviera en un pueblo de playa (y el calor es casi un calor de playa). Luego de un par de horas caminando me senté en un café con buena música y WIFI a comerme un sandwich y a pasar el rato, después de todo no tengo nada que hacer hasta las 7pm que me reúno con los demás para cenar... que surreal se siente este cambio de rutina.... read more
mi lugar de desayuno
locales socializando por el lago
el lago

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara » Sarangkot March 5th 2012

As I said in the last blog our time as volunteers was coming to end. By this time the two girl volunteers had also left. We decided to leave for two weeks and visit some places in Nepal. Just to back track a new child arrived just as we went to Chitwan. He was adoreable, but a meance! The face of angel but the temperment of a pit-bull. And an evil one at that. He was only 4 years old so that meant that we had to take it in turns collecting him from school at mid-day. He took alot of occupying! Anyways so we planned to go to Pokhara to see some mountains. When we got there it was dark so didn't get a chance to see them. However the next day, (thanks to some ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara » Sarangkot February 27th 2012

We are currently enjoying the sunny lakeside town of Pokhara, Nepal! The people are lovely, the scenery is breathtaking and the Momo is to die for. Celia got chased by a Bull and Mike stepped in cow poo. He is also extrememly sunburnt. Last night we hiked up a mountain and spent the night, managing to catch sunset AND sunrise. A nice family invited us to their house for tea. There were 12 people in their family, living in a tiny tin shack. Off to a safari tomorrow in Chitawan National Park, Watch this space...... read more
A local bar
Lake Fewa

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara » Sarangkot February 16th 2012

Ai ai aiiii cantava ! la gambetta cigolava ! maremma la montagna bufala impestata !! Io faccio il ganassa dopo sveglia psuedo mattutina, ricca colazione , con un bus ci dirigiamo verso un tempio e da li ci perdiamo subito .dopo aver chiesto a dei tizi troviamo la strada che ci portera verso la cima di sarangkhot. dopo lungo camminare , passano pure dei bus ,ma noi indomiti saliamo fino in cima dove troviamo ,per nostra sorpresa, lancio di paranpedio sul lago .( dimenticavo la sera della partenza da katmandi mi son preso in prestito una guida lonley planet datata 1997 molto fresca e aggiornata ... ma comuque utile ) . Alla fine sgroppelliamo per 5 ore credo e dopo la lunga discesa , ( pure io che facevo tanto il gallo ho le gambette ballerine ... read more
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inizia la cammianta

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara » Sarangkot February 5th 2012

Nepal Well, I know Brian promised to post the blog about Nepal before we had left the country, but surprise, surprise, we have been in Thailand for a week now, and still no blog about Nepal (Not sure how this got past the editor!!)… Brian is busy doing much needed maintenance on the bikes for a few days, which gives me (Tanja) some time to write about Nepal for a change. Crossing the border Crossing the border from India into Nepal was actually relatively easy, but took ages. We therefore decided to spend the night in the border town before heading to Chitwan National Park the following day. Many people have said that after riding in India, Nepal feels like an oasis of peace, and that is exactly how we felt when we got to Chitwan. ... read more
Banana feeding time
Ely shower

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara » Sarangkot July 12th 2011

I just finished volunteering for two weeks at a foster home for children. DB and Rekha have adopted 8 children in addition to their 3 biological children from remote mountain areas of Nepal. Some of the children have fathers who have left or died and others were street children that did drugs. The rural areas in Nepal are very poor and without Foster Foundation Nepal these children would not have food security, healthcare, or go to school. DB and Rekha dream of adopting more children and expanding their program to include a handicraft business for single women with children. In Nepal, divorce is basically forbidden and women whose husbands leave them are branded witches by their family and village (this happens in rural areas), making it impossible to support their children. The organization is brand new ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara » Sarangkot July 1st 2011

Dear future volunteer ! My Time in the Innocent children home was amazing and full with love and child care .I have enjoyed every moment of life in this children home.Kids in the children home are very very happy and joyful with so little they have and fun with nature.Touching them and playing with these kids was just like the real God has come to you and talking to you ,playing with you,sharing many thing with you,loving to you and make you think about our life in the west,When these children in this country are happy with so little they have. It was a great adventure for me i became part of this family,the kids will be in my heart for ever. the avrage day waking up about 7 although the kids sometimes wake up at ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara » Sarangkot April 14th 2011

Phewa festival dagen ... Met het Nepalees Nieuwjaar op komst worden er tal van festiviteiten georganiseerd. Waaronder ook het Phewa festival die ook als doel heeft geld in te zamelen voor het behoud van het Phewalake en de bevolking bewust te maken van hun bijdrage hiertoe om het meer een langer bestaan te gunnen. Toen de speech hier omtrent beëindigd werd, bleek er echter weinig aandacht geschonken te worden aan dit eigenlijke doel van de festivaldagen. De dagen werden gevuld met verschillende dans- en zangoptredens die meestal niet extreem boeiend waren. Toch hadden we het geluk een goede kopie van Michael Jakson's dansstijl te mogen zien. De derde dag van het festival, woensdag 13 april, werd speciaal voor ons en zal mij zeker nog lang bijblijven. Aangezien onze lodge eigenaar meehielp de Tourist Run te organiseren, ... read more
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Photo 5

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara » Sarangkot February 6th 2011

Zondag 6 februari trokken we er met ons 5 eens een dagje op uit. Na aanraden van een andere Belg kosen we vor de bergwandeling naar Sarang Kot op enkele kilometers van Pokhara. Het bleek een goede keuze te zijn aangezien we voortdurend konden genieten van de Paragliders die boven onze hoofden zweefden, het mooie uitzicht over Pokhara, de ontmoetingen met verschillende locals uit de bergdorpjes... Na een dikke 2 uur wandelen bereikten we eindelijk te top. Daar zaten we snel een 700 meter hoger dan Pokhara (800-900m). Na een lekkere smulpartij hadden we terug voldoende kracht, energie en wil om aan de afdaling te beginnen. Toen we na een dik uur beneden aankwamen, begon het zeer snel donker te komen. We sloten deze mooie dag af met een lekker avondmaal. ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Pokhara » Sarangkot May 23rd 2010

Do you have chocolates?" "Where are you from?" It must have been a non-school day as many kids greeted me along the "trail" while trekking Sarangkot's hillside. Pressed for time due to delays caused by the bandh or strike on my way to Pokhara, I opted to just take a day trek after watching the sun kiss Annapurna. The trail is actually the road that cuts through about five villages. Quaint houses made of mud and bricks, corn fields, milk cans, goats and occasional water buffaloes dot the path. Overlooking Pokhara and Fewa Lake with clear view of the Himalayas, the villages lie at an altitude of 1,592 meters above sea level. The villagers are economically and socially underprivileged, with 90% living below poverty line (Quality of Life Nepal, 2009). Among the things I learned from ... read more
kids on a crusade
stranded in the heat

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