It's a long way to the top of the world

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Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel
March 26th 2008
Published: March 26th 2008
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No poster, no wallpaperNo poster, no wallpaperNo poster, no wallpaper

this is the Himalaya range as it appears at 6 in the morning. The big one in the middle is over 8,000m. Maybe we walk up to the peak on the weekend.
and we're just a stone throw away from the world's rooftop. We are settled in the center of Kathmandu, in the tourist ghetto called Thamel. Not the traditional place, but ideal for making all kind of arrangements. Kathmandu Valley is also a perfect starting point for lots of trips for trekking, mountainbiking, canyoning, rafting etc. Kathmandu is a very busy place, lots of street action, you better mind your steps always while crawling thru the city, the danger that somebody runs over you is very acute. But ... after almost 2 month in India, what should happen to us ?
The atmosphere is a little tensed since Nepal is in the middle of election campaigns. After a long-lasting conflict, the Government of Nepal and the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist signed a comprehensive peace agreement. For sure the king has to release some of his power, but nobody knows what's gonna happen in the near future.
Nevermind, we decided to not to vote for any political organisation or party, we are looking for some serious heavy-duty outdoor action. While Irina was staying in Kathmandu, checking out the surroundings and inhaling the cultural and culinaric scene, I burned some calories on a 3
Holi FestivalHoli FestivalHoli Festival

What a coincidence ... the day we arrived, whole Nepal celebrated the Hindu Holi Festival. What we didn't know either the people are out of control, everybody is shooting & throwing coloured water on you. We were totally wet and painted after 5min and decided to stay in the hotel for the rest of the day.
days mountainbike trip off the beaten track. For sure we gonna enjoy every minute in Nepal, some more hot action is about to happen in the very next days, like Rafting, Canoying, Trekking ... hope the pix will attract u a lot.
Just an additional minor detail ... when scrolling through our reports, click "View full entry" in order to read the entire text and view all photos.
So then ... how was Easter by the way ? Did u find all the easter eggs ? Hope you are all doing very well ... miss u !!!
Iri & Tony

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


Holi desaster approachingHoli desaster approaching
Holi desaster approaching

There was no way to defend or escape. 5s later we looked like parrots after a heavy rain shower. This was not funny !!!
Irina tries to compete with the goddessIrina tries to compete with the goddess
Irina tries to compete with the goddess

Isn't it astonishing ... they do look a little like twins. Whenever we try to bargain, she puts on this face and ... it works ... we get looots of discount
Durbar SquareDurbar Square
Durbar Square

the traditional heart of KTM's old town. Where the city's kings were once crowned and legitimised. A beautiful Unesco world heritage monument which catapults you back into another age.
Supermarket Nepali styleSupermarket Nepali style
Supermarket Nepali style

If Irina's not around or suddenly vanished ... you definitely shall find her at this stand.
Hittting the trackHittting the track
Hittting the track

near the border to Tibet. That was really the toughest experience so far in Asia. Of course we tried to push it to the limit. Georg, Guido, Details und ein paar Pix zum Trip folgen dann noch :)

26th March 2008

zeig mir ein paar krasse moves, keule!
tony, alte hütte, ich bin auf die pics und den bericht von deiner biketour gespannt. 3 tage, wow, guter trip. ich wäre gerne dabei gewesen. wir sind schon wieder 3 wochen nicht gebikt, dafür war ich aber ne woche boarden. da fällt mir ein, das könnteste dort ja auch ganz gut, oder ? viele liebe grüße an irina, ich drücke euch beide, und auf bald, georg
27th March 2008

8849Mtrs Mt Everest NeXt ?
Glad to know you folks are having a great time !Now that i dont find you contact numbers, i have been trying to use telepathic powers to get in touch with you .. and if you have been sneezing sometimes.. it could be because of these waves...;-)...i think you should take up writing ... the descriptions you provide makes one feel to be a part of the picture .....take care, luv mahe
1st April 2008

hey ihr zwei süßen! jetzt seid ihr schon 2 monate unterwegs!!! schätze die reise wird sich noch länger hinziehen ( bei den glück verströmenden bildern!!!). dann passt mal gut auf, wenn ihr nach tibet kommt, lasst euch nicht von den chinesen verkloppen. hier in d ist es die ganze zeit arschkalt und unangenehm. und schaffen müssen wir! so ein elend. im sommer werden wir uns wohl gen thailand aufmachen, aber so lange muss noch durchgehalten werden. denk an euch und drück euch fest! nil
5th April 2008

Grüße aus der Heimat
Hallo Ihr Beiden! Verfolgen Euren Trip die ganze Zeit und immer wieder erwarten wir mit Hochspannung die neuesten storys und pics von Euch. Bleibt gesund und viel Spass noch. Liebe Grüße aus der Bachemer 173. Alex und Gerd
6th April 2008

allt goes above 3 for a short period
hope u folks are still in the adventure land...i got back home today morning, i thikn we should start plnning for your trip 2 nippon.. i dont see an update from you for a week now.. have you folks started ascendin the mt everest ?? i hop u are carrying enuff O2 supply ..take care and update u page soon. luv, mahe

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