Blogs from Laos, Asia - page 579


Asia » Laos » West » Vang Vieng March 18th 2005

Happy Birthday Rich The ring. Laughs. Cake and Buckets. Whooping it up time. Today started out as an uneventful travel day. Nothing too spectacular happened on our three hour journey to Vang Vieng from Veintiane. Our arrival into Vang Vieng was about mid-afternoon after a morning drive from Tad fane to Pakse and then a flight out to Vientiane. After settling into our accommodations we all set our on a walk about town to get oriented and suss out the travel places for our next days activities. None of us were really keen on tubing down the river compared to the all day kayaking adventure. Not sure if the man describing the tour or his little three year old son did the better sell because the little guy was really cute and I see him being ... read more

Asia » Laos » South » Khong Island March 17th 2005

Trek to waterfall Uphill, downhill. Pretty steep Lots of stamina! This morning we had an early start and a bit of a morning "hike" with our tour leader Mr. Ling. On the agenda was to walk through a coffee plantation and visit two water falls. There were some pretty steep sections to climb both up and down. With all the dry leaves strewn everywhere it made it a bit slippery. Damn my sandals are like ice skates! The first waterfall we came to was the one opposite where our bungalows were situated. The second waterfall we actually were able to go in for a dip and boy was that refreshing! Quite the reward! There was an optional afternoon hike that only myself and Penny opted to do. This hike went up to the plateau. Nothing too ... read more

Asia » Laos » South » Khong Island March 16th 2005

Don Khong to Tad Fane Two ferry crossings. One wat. Boom! We have a flat! Another transportation day with a little bit of sightseeing too. First we drove about three hours and stopped of at Wat Phou. It was pretty hot that day. It was built in the pre-Angkor time and well worth the stop and climb up the hill to the different terraces of this Wat. Our home for the next couple of nights would be at the Tad Fane Resort. We were almost at our final destination when Boom! the tire on our mini-bus blows. We don't have the correct tools...Penny, why didn't you bring your socket set? haha Luckily though a passing truck came to our rescue. We got the tire changed and were on our way. But not before an ice cream ... read more

Asia » Laos » South » Khong Island March 15th 2005

Biking all day long Forty plus kilometres Hot and sweaty one. It’s an entire free day for us to do as we please. Here on Don Khong there isn´t a whole lot of stuff to do. The two options that sounded appealing to me were 1) cruise on the river and check out a cave or 2) rent bikes for the day for $1. Penny and I decided to go the bike rental route. We had a bit of a sleep in until half eight, grabbed some brekkie, changed our US dollars to Laos Kip and were on our merry way. We were told that it is about 35K to go around the island and that the southern part of the island is more picturesque so we decided since we were on the eastern part of ... read more

Asia » Laos » South » Khong Island March 14th 2005

Bumpy Bumpy roads Dirt infiltration all round Laundry day is here! Started of the day having to listen to Maria tell us repeatedly how she does not like bananas..."it's more of a texture thing...but I do like the little lady finger bananas..." I didn't say anything at the breakfast table but later back in our room Penny and I couldn't help but bring up the topic of bananas and how a certain somebody is not a fan of the banana. I know this is probably not good for my karma but I can't help but appreciate how much entertainment Maria and her husband Rohan have been providing me the last couple of weeks. After an early breakfast we headed out in two trucks onto the really bumpy, dusty roads north towards Strung Tung. We were about ... read more

Asia » Laos » South » Pakxe March 13th 2005

A real travel experience happened 2 days ago coming back from this Don Det Island. We began the day by getting up and having a bite to eat getting ready to make the journey 5 minutes across the Mekong river back to the mainland and then 146km's to Pakse, southern Laos. After the boat ride which if someone shifted to fast could result in a capsized boat, we made it to shore. Then it was a mile trek down the road to catch the "bus". Now we were under the impression that the "bus" was a BUS, it was infact a Sungtow, not sure on the spelling, but this is a truck with a roof over the back of the truck box. In a normal truck box if you had people on each side you might ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane March 9th 2005

Stayed in Vang Vieng for 5 days, at the farm doing absolutely nothing! The only thing there was to do was teaching English to the kids at the Community Centre in the evenings. Although very rewarding, I felt it was time to move on. Would love to come back and work there some other time, for a longer time perhaps! The kids are just sooo adorable, and so eager to learn! It's heartbreaking to see the poverty and lack of school materials for these children, and I wish I could give them a proper education! I think I can really get into this teaching thing, will have to look it up some more when I go back home! In Vientiane at the moment, I arrived earlier today and had a look around town. Not too impressed ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vang Vieng March 8th 2005

Just wanted to show some pictures I took at the guesthouse in Chiang Khong before departing for Laos. Sunrise and sunset on the Mekong River!!! Really beautiful!... read more
Sunset on the Mekong River

Asia » Laos » West » Vang Vieng March 6th 2005

"The bus from Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng leaves in 10 minutes!" he exlaims as he tries to push me out of his office into the street to get into a tuktuk! This tiny Lao man who the day before had told me he loved me in Swedish (and had been very proud of his limited knowledge of the language!), was now looking like he did not like me at all! The minibus I booked with him was supposed to pick me up at my guesthouse at 9am, but apparently forgot about it! Typical my luck, I could really feel what it was going to be like to be on my own again! Hard work!! So eventually after a lot of hustle and bustle I got to the bus station! But the bus was not there! ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane March 6th 2005

I'm deleting the text from my old travel blogs here, but leaving the pictures for posterity. Or something. ... read more
my house

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