Blogs from West, Laos, Asia - page 3


Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang September 28th 2019

Na een paar uur vliegen landde ik in Vientiane. Ik moest ter plekke voor mijn visum betalen, alleen 1 probleempje: de geldautomaat voor de douane accepteerde mijn creditcard niet. Gelukkig hielp een hele vriendelijke medewerkster mij naar een geldautomaat vóór de douane die het wel deed en leidde mij daarna door een kleine security weer terug om het visum af te handelen. Met een goedkope bus kwam ik snel aan bij het hostel. Ik was nog te vroeg om in te checken, dus gooide ik mijn spullen neer en ging gelijk op verkenningstocht. Vientiane is om héél eerlijk te zijn niet een hele boeiende stad. Het heeft een aantal gebouwen die duidelijk Franse invloeden hebben (inclusief een boeddhistische variant op de Arc de Triomph), maar verder had ik de stad na 2 uur rondlopen wel gezien. ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane July 4th 2019

After recently finishing up my year as a teacher in Hong Kong, I was excited (yet trepidatious) to dive in to my next adventure. I wasn't quite sure what to expect when I arrived in Laos. I've never travelled by myself, until now. Some of my friends recommended that I get jabs before I left - I didn't listen. I imagined the worst possible scenarios in my head - food poisoning, malaria, infected insect bites (again). In all honesty, I was scared. Most people who know me know that my sense of direction is pretty much zero, so I was about 99.7 percent certain that I'd get lost at some point too. I arrived 2 days a go. Sleep deprived, hungover, dazed and confused. I managed to haggle a taxi to the hostel for 60000 Kip ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane April 5th 2019

ET L’ENVIRONNEMENT DANS TOUT CA ??? Arrivée à Vientiane, capitale du Laos. C’est l’heure de la sieste, dimanche après-midi. Les rues sont désertées. La ville étant déjà plus que tranquille habituellement, c’est aujourd’hui l’assoupissement général. Il fait une chaleur de gueux, soleil impitoyable, au zénith il laisse peu de possibilités d’ombre, plus de 40 degrés au réel, 153° en ressenti ! Au moins… Si le réchauffement climatique atteint ces parages, force les limites, et il n’y a pas de raison au contraire, je crains les dégâts. Il a toujours naturellement fait très chaud dans ces pays à certaines saisons. Les saisons sont au nombre de deux, saison sèche chaude ou très chaude, pendant laquelle il peut pleuvoir, et saison des pluies, également chaude ou très chaude, pendant laquelle il peut pleuvoir beaucoup. Je me retourne sur ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang March 29th 2019

LES PLAISIRS MINUSCULES Vincent Delerm a commis avec bonheur sa « première gorgée de bière et autres plaisirs minuscules » expression des petits plaisirs de la vie sous forme de courts chapitres, formule qu’il a surutilisé par la suite jusqu’à l’overdose. Reste que ce premier bouquin, surprenant, était bien jouissif et étonnant de justesse. Ces moments de plaisirs souvent infimes et intimes enjolivent le quotidien, brillent les pupilles, ravissent les papilles, réjouissent les ouïes et frissonnent les épidermes. La vie sans eux serait certainement triste. Trop futiles, les plaisirs minuscules, fort éloignés du CAC 40, des complexes relations internationales ou de la crise bancaire, provoquent sans doute les dîners mondains prompts au dédain et à la condescendance. Voyager, c’est aussi s’offrir ces plaisirs simples tout petits, minuscules à retourner les sens et resurgir les émoti... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang February 3rd 2019

Montag Morgen, den 28. Januar, habe ich Chiang Mai verlassen und habe meine Reise nach Laos in einem Minibus begonnen. Die Fahrt würde 3 Tage dauern : 1 Tag zur Grenze, 1 Tag um die Grenze zu überqueren und um mit dem Slowboat nach Pakbeng zu fahren, 1 Tag um mit dem Slowboat von Pakbeng nach Luang Prabang zu kommen. Der Minibus war komplett voll und weil ich erst am Schluss abgeholt wurde bekam ich natürlich einen der schlimmsten Sitze ; ich war eingezwängt zwischen einem Haufen Rucksäcke und Miguel aus Spanien. Die Reise war sehr lang und ich war froh über die lange Mittagspause die wir machten ; vor allem war ich glücklich als Lawrence, Richard und Jeff in Chiang Rai ausstiegen und ich für die nächsten 2 Stunden Fahrt einen besseren Sitzplatz bekam. :-) ... read more

Asia » Laos » West January 31st 2019

Today we decide to completely relax. For a start off, the bed in our hotel room is complete bliss. Lovely soft mattress, fluffy pillows, crisp white sheets. Seriously I don’t think we have had such a comfortable night since the day we dismantled our own bed! It’s very hard to leave. :-) We go through the hotel cafe for a good breakfast. Chocolate cereal flakes with cold milk, followed by scrambled egg on toast with sliced ham. Then there is fresh fruit - dragon fruit and water melon with a pot of home made yoghurt. The toast is the horrible sweet pre-sliced variety but other than that, everything is excellent. We decamp to our room to play cards, drink coffee and generally chill out until checkout time. It’s noon so we need to vacate our room. ... read more
Ian relaxes on sleeping bus
Waking up on sleeping bus
Views from sleeping bus

Asia » Laos » West January 30th 2019

We have arrived in Vientiane. It’s 7.30am so right on schedule. The tuk tuk drivers are there to meet us and the usual haggling match ensues. He starts off at 60,000 - a ridiculously inflated price and we finish up at 40,000. Still inflated but pretty much the best we can hope for as foreigners. It’s very telling that there is always one tuk tuk for foreigners and the rest are for the Lao. They do not want us to know what the Lao pay so always keep us separate but we know anyway. Our hotel is on the way to the centre of town, but our driver insists on going to the centre first, bypassing our hotel. In fairness, that’s where most other passengers are headed but it’s a ploy to make us think our ... read more
Ouch it’s cold in this pool!
Sunset view from our room!

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang January 29th 2019

We have slightly overslept this morning as we need to pack, check out, have breakfast and walk to the opposite end of town to attend another Big Brother Mouse volunteering session. We arrive at BBM about 15 minutes late and the session is in full swing but there are young people waiting to join in so it’s not a problem. We grab a couple of chairs and within no time I have a group of four whilst Ian has a much larger group clustered around him. Trying to describe my job has thus far been difficult but today I came prepared! I have two of my travel books which were destined as a gift for friends in New Zealand, but now we feel compelled to leave them behind in the BBM library! Ian’s group is of ... read more
Birds for sale
Temple murals
Bamboo bridge

Asia » Laos » West January 28th 2019

This morning we are up early - we need to make up for yesterday’s indolence! I think we are probably the first up for breakfast. We have a Plan A and a Plan B, depending on the availability of boat spaces for the river trip to the Pak Ou caves. Negotiation is key as the trips are highly inflated for all foreigners. We know the price should be around 10 dollars per person so we have a starting point. Our man starts at 40 dollars per person so we bargain hard. It would appear that he won’t do it for any less than 12 - that will do. OK, we agree with a handshake assuming we will be leaving soon. Not so. He jumps on a scooter, instructing us to wait five minutes, and disappears down ... read more
Volunteering at BBM
Meandering along the Mekong
Arrival at Pak Ou Caves

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang January 26th 2019

We are up early as our bus leaves at 7.40am and we need to get to the bus station. There is a little idiosyncrasy in the shower in that, either they had a bodge-it plumber, or they have different ideas about tap colour coding the water runs cold when turned towards red and hot when turned to blue. I keep forgetting and get scorched every time as a result. We are all going our separate ways today. Two couples are heading on to Vietnam leaving ourselves and Lisa only for the Luang Prabang bus. The taxi is late so today we do not get first dibs at the minibus seats - we are almost at the back. It’s a much smaller bus than the one we arrived in and much less comfortable. The driver is ... read more
Mountain passes
Van squash
Mountains and valleys

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