Blogs from Japan, Asia - page 18


Asia » Japan » Osaka » Osaka December 19th 2022

Today we utilized our trusty JR Rail Passes and went to Osaka, the second largest city in Japan. Osaka is the site of the Osaka Castle, a beautifully rebuilt castle filled with a lovely museum and a great view of the city. afterwards we enjoyed some regional food before coming back to Kyoto to find the WW2 memorial, a temple, and an interesting shopping area. It’s been a long day - the sites here are largely spread out so while it might take a bit to get where you are going , it’s worth it. Tomorrow back to Tokyo and then back to the US.... read more

Asia » Japan » Kyoto December 18th 2022

Today we tightened up our laces and got some good walking in to a breakthrough bamboo forest and the Kiyomizu-dera Temple. Both were in different directions, but we found them via public trains and busses. You'll see one of my pictures is if a pictorial in the toilet. Japan does toilets right! Seats are heated, but not in a way where you are feeling the ghost of the previous occupant, does go to the floor with no huge cracks, there's an option in most to turn on a running water noise so no one can hear what you're up to, and overall it's the best toilet experience in the planet. Ridiculous that I'm writing this? Yes. Am I sincere? Also yes. Japan is wonderful and I am so glad I came in December during the off ... read more
Write your  wish
My wish
The bamboo forest

Asia » Japan » Kyoto December 17th 2022

Such a fun day! Today we first participated in a tea ceremony where we were dressed in kimonos and had traditional matcha tea. Even though I am very much not the typical size (both height and width) of a woman here they were extremely accommodating and made it a truly memorable experience. We walked through Nishiki Market, a market for all sorts of local foods and the place where I was able to eat my must have, octopus stuffed with a quail egg. It was so good! Lunch was filled with squid, more octopus and dumplings. Then! You all will love this- we enjoyed coffee while petting cats in the Fluffy cafe and then played with otters at a different site. I understand that we must consider the ethical implications of these sorts of visits, but ... read more

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto » Arashiyama December 16th 2022

Today we utilized our Japan Rail Passes and boarded a train to Kyoto, luckily catching sight of Mt. Fuji on the way. Today we visited the Kyoto Tower and saw the entirety of the city while roasting alive. Seriously, everyone here is so tiny they ramp up the heat to meet the chill of December. One thing that's really surprised me is just how much time you can spend in the rail station- there's so many shops and places to eat, you really could spend days in them. The architecture you see in the photos today are from the Kyoto station- just an incredible site to appreciate in and of itself. It's been a busy day so it's lovely to turn in to a nice hotel room and relax. ... read more
I love bookstores!
Bookstore cont.
Throughout the city

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Chiyoda December 15th 2022

24 hours in Japan and I'm so glad to share its been lovely. I am traveling with a colleague/ friend and we were able to book a direct flight from Dallas to Tokyo. After a brief stint hunkered down in the DFW bathroom to hide from a possible tornado, we made it on flight and over here. These long flights are getting tougher and tougher! We have been using the monorail to get around the city and have visited the Shibuya scramble - apparently the biggest crossing in the world, walked around the city a bit and had Ichiban style Ramen. Many restaurants here run on a vending machine type system which makes it all very easy. The Ichiban style was interesting because you go into these small cramped spaces and sit up against a partition ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Ikebukuro November 7th 2022

Today I fly out of Japan to continue my Asia trip into the Philippines. It is bittersweet as I am finally familiarizing with neighborhood around my hotel and enjoying so much of my time in Tokyo. None of would be possible without the kindness of a fellow I just met 4 days ago - Yasu. I cannot thank you enough Yasu for taking your precious time especially after a couple of graveyard shifts to still show me the sights and sounds of Tokyo metro area. It is an experience I will never forget and will cherish forever. You have been a great friend despite just having met 4 days ago! I have scheduled a limo bus at 1:30pm today that will take me to Narita Airport which is 90 minutes away. So I met Yasu again ... read more

Asia » Japan » Saitama » Saitama November 6th 2022

The day has come! Tonight Yasu and I go to what should be the highlight of this trip - BAND-MAID opening for Guns N Roses at the Saitama Super Arena. But before we do so, Yasu insisted that he take me to a sushi place to which I "reluctantly" agree :) Met him at his hotel workplace after he finished a graveyard shift. This fella is amazing, don't know how he gets the energy to still show me around. From his hotel we walked to a nearby restaurant for lunch and is just 5 minutes away. It's a conveyor belt sushi which I've seen in the Seattle area but never actually experienced it. He told me the place just opened 4 months ago and it really showed. At the heart of lunch hours, it was busy ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Ikebukuro November 5th 2022

After a strenuous outing yesterday, my bum knees are killing me today. So I opted for a lighter excursion today in preparation for the big day tomorrow. My colleague recommended Kikanbo for my ramen craving. The restaurant has 3 locations in Tokyo but fortunately there's 1 just a 15 minute trek from my hotel. Yasu & I arrived there shortly after noon and as expected there was a line outside. Yasu volunteered to stay in line while I roamed around the vicinity of what I think is part of Sunshine City. The area was filled of young men and women (but mostly women) dressed as anime characters! My first thought was that my teen daughter would have loved to see this! She's a huge anime & Manga fan. I miss you dearly! We finally got sat ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Ikebukuro November 4th 2022

Met my local new buddy Yasuhiro last night briefly for a quick dinner at Cafe Restaurant Gusto due to the late hour as he was just coming out of a show by the band Yōsei Teikoku. Nothing spectacular about the menu but it served its sustenance goal as I was starving. After that, we agreed to meet the next day at 10 am at my hotel. Little did I know that he had planned a jam-packed day as we went to the following places: - Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine in Kamakura for brunch - Enoshima Island for lunch - Eonu for yakitori dinner (yummy innards) Getting to those destinations was an adventure in itself as we took the ever-so-complicated (at least for me) rail transit. A tip when purchasing rail tickets, get yourself a reloadable Suica Card ... read more

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto » Senbon September 3rd 2022

Over two billion people worldwide rely on rice as their primary food. According to new study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, increasing levels of carbon dioxide are not only warming the planet, but also severely lowering the nutritional value of key crops like rice. CO2-exposed rice has dramatically less iron, zinc, and B vitamins. Speaking of rice and Japan: Did you know there are over 30,000 certified sommeliers in Japan, 13k of whom are women? A modest 26.5% of all Japanese sommelier candidates pass the exams as sommelier training is quite rigorous there. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Japan’s induction into the International Association of Sommeliers. Japan also boasts countless wine schools and a flourishing wine b... read more
Sushi time

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