Blogs from Hampi, Karnataka, India, Asia - page 14


Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi November 9th 2008

Hi everyone! thanks for all the messages and stuff, its really nice to hear from home! time goes so slowly here that even though we've been here 12 days and checked the net about 5 times it seems like we've been gone aaages! we reluctantly left our purple hut and trained it down to Hampi. the train was a bit of an experience!! as we got a rather low class carriage! it was alright but there were big families on there who just stared at us the whole time! the women with scorn and the kids with fascination, and the men, well a bit pervily...! there was also beggars at every stop, cleaning the floor under your feet for money then getting dragged off by guards it was horrible! There was one guy with no hands!!! ... read more
the ruins are our playground
see - they move!
our house

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi October 30th 2008

Singh is King! Hola'! Nu har vi kommit till outbacken som jag sa genant trodde endast existerade i Ausland.. Har ar det varm och torrt och vackert! Gigantiska stenar och otroligt vackra tempel som ar tusentals ar gamla. Resan hit blev dock lang och tung, slutligen tog den narmare 20h men tag, tag och rickshaw.. Naval har ar vi nu iallafall, Julia fick en slang av magsjuka men hon ar redan i mycket battre skick. Ikvall tankte vi ga till den narliggande basaren och kolla in saker och ting, jag tankte kopa hem en indier eller nat annat reseminne, han kan val heta Efraim eller nat ... Imorgon blir det about 24h resa igen..dag natt dag.. skitkul... Efter det kommer vi till slutdestinationen Mumbai. Vi tankte satsa och boka in oss pa ett flyghotell da vi ... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi October 28th 2008

So after checking out at 10am we had 13 hours to kill before catching our bus to Hampi, thirteen brutal hours spent sweating on the floor of the baggage room in our hotel whilst whatever i had eaten or drunk tried to leave my system any which way. Not pleasant at all, but we struggled to Ankola about 30k away to catch our bus at 11 only for it to turn up at 12 already full of passengers with a very irate driver who didnt seem to want to let us on at all. Catherine and i were lucky and managed to grab a couple of seats and proceeded to have the most uncomfortable 8 hour journey with a driver who didnt seem to care that he was going at breakneck speed on the wrong side ... read more
cats pics 049
cats pics 052
cats pics 057

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi October 26th 2008

HAMPI After Goa I headed with a night bus (sleeper) to Hampi - it seemed there’re more road holes and sandy streets than asphalt on the streets… but there’re only two trains a week to Hampi. For sure it was even bumpier because my bed was located in the very back of the bus - sometimes I jumped with my whole back some centimetres :( It was so hot in Hampi although it was 9 o’clock in the morning… I had to take a riksha, a boat to get to the other side of the river where was supposed to be the hostel I made a reservation for a room. When I arrived they told me it’s the double of the price - there’s another hostel on the other side of the river with the 100 ... read more
Hampi/ South India
Hampi/ South India
Hampi/ South India

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi October 24th 2008

AFter getting back to baga we booked our tickets to hampi, all the trains seem to be booked so we had to do overnight coach return and then we had to book a 36 hour coach ride once we got back to goa to go to rajasthaN. The coach ride seemed to fly by with the help of a couple of valium and the dreams where rather entertaining. i awoke refreased in hampi with the giant temple towering over us and 100s of smaller temples dotted aroungd the boulder filled landscape. this is mor like what i expected of india wise men entertaining children with tricks and then gettting as much money out of the westerners as possible. leppers on the street corners and very crude homes that look very unlike the portuges and raj influenced ... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi October 18th 2008

Hampi est une ville entouree de gigantesques rocs de granit, de rizieres luxuriantes et de bananeraies. Elle est aussi connu pour ses ruines de Vijayanagar datant du 15e sicle, royaume des Dieux singes pour les hindous. On y est restes 3 jours, logeant dans une symapthique maison a toit de chaume tout ronde. Au programme, visite des ruines de temples hindous, et exploration de la nature aux alentours. Hampi est une ville a la ferveur religieuse tres forte comme nous avons pu le constater lors de la visite du temple Virupaksha.... read more
paysage de rizieres
entree du temple de Virupaksha
le temple vu de haut

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi July 12th 2008

hampi has been a very nice change from bangalore, it's very peacfull and quiet with really freindly people. we have spent most of our day's looking at ancient temples and ruins the views are amaing. The first day we climed up a load of bolders to the top of a temple which had amazing views of hampi follwed by dinner which consisited of vegetarian curries and non alcholic drink with hampi being a very religous and sacred place. There are so many ancient temples and ruins we decided to use a push bike to get around to see as many as we could and one temple we went to had a guide which who showed us around and explained the history behind the temple. We went up some stairs dodging past loads of wild monkey's , ... read more
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hampi pics 101
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Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi July 12th 2008

Hello there!So since last time I did a blog, we caught a train to Hospet then a bus to Hampi. Hampi has been absolutely amazing!The place is like I've never seen before! The first day we got there, we got off the bus and got attacked by rickshaw drivers trying to take us to their guest homes!so we chose a guy who said he'd take us to a guest house we heard us...he ended up taking us to his guest house, well played sir! but it was ok because it was actually pretty good, 100 rupees each a night(just over 1 pound) and a mosquito net and all that!So that day we went to the main temple- Virupaksha temple. When we got in the temple there were a few 'guides' telling us that they'd take us ... read more
mika hampi 004
mika hampi 005
mika hampi 006

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi July 6th 2008

My previous update saw us arriving in Pondy. However, Pondy failed to impress me but did have more of an impact on David. There is a european air to the french side of the town, with quieter streets, fine dining, super restaraunts and french speaking. However, there is little here to attract the visitor unless you are en route for yoga. We ate well and well ... ate well!!! I couldn't even master up the energy to take photos, but David did so I will include those in the next few days. Anyway we departed Pondy on a semi air con rather plush coach (phew!) and made our way upto Bangalore. This took about 8 hours with the final hour and a half just getting through the traffic in the city. It is quite a vibrant ... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi June 17th 2008

The banality of the human condition is bizarre and it catches up with you at the wrong moments. I remember standing in front of the Taj Mahal for the first time and thinking, of course, that it was beautiful/ glowing/ surprising despite the hype, yet another part of me was thinking simply: I'm hungry. Likewise, in the World Heritage site of Hampi, on approaching the Vittala Temple - an architectural wonder, hundreds of years old, with elaborate carvings, musical pillars, a stone chariot and a gopuram alive with monkeys - i was distracted by mangoes. Now let's be fair, mangoes are pretty special. But still, you'd think i'd have more discipline. I bought three from a little old lady sat under a tree, and whilst the walk around the temple compound afterwards was lovely, the thought ... read more
Watchtower, Hampi
Lion doing what? Part One

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