Blogs from Jammu & Kashmir, India, Asia - page 8


Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh October 11th 2013

No, I don't have chapped lips... Indeed in this very dry area, with high altitude (all above 3000m) and blazing sun, even through the clouds; MY LIPS ARE COMPLETELY DRY! Leh is in fact a bit of a city in a desert. All around Leh it is rocks and sand. And only the city is a bit green. It's like that all over Ladakh. Very arid landscapes is sprinkled with little green valleys. As soon as there is a little river, usually glacier melting water, then the Ladakhi use them to build their villages around it. Through a smart and communal irrigation system they succeed at making thess high altitude deserts into fertile farmland. But so, water is a rarity here, and tourist like us form a threat to the environment. So it is very important ... read more

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Thiksey October 10th 2013

Hi All, Part of this trip was for me to learn to film. So this is my very first complete sequence, that I shot and edited myself! It's shot near Leh at Thiksey Monastery. We're slowly adapting to breathe a bit better. After the visit of the monastery, we went for some food in the tourist restaurant next to it. I ordered something with "aloo" (potatoes) to be safe, it was a potato salad.... ... read more

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh October 9th 2013

Slowly waking up. We're still out of breath at this altitude but we're going to walk around a bit. Today I didn't take any pictures, so pictures are Nadja Dumann copyrighted ;-) Ladakh is a Buddhist area, it's one of the few regions that look, feel, and lives like Tibet was before the Chinese invaded. In Leh there are a few mosques so here there are also some Muslims, mainly originating from Kashmir. These huge prayer wheels are filled with prayers printed on paper, and the more you turn the wheel, the more the prayers are recited and sent around the world. Let's turn the wheel for good-luck for our trip....... read more
Prayer wheel
Leh Sunset

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh October 8th 2013

08-08-2013 Altitude 3500m. Local name: Leh, Ladakh. We are exhausted and will need 24 hours sleep before being able to get around here... ... read more

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Alchi September 11th 2013

A national heritage, it is distinct from other monasteries in Ladakh as it is situated on flat ground unlike others which are located on hilltops. Alchi Gompa is located approximately 60 kms west of Leh off the main Kargil Leh toute near Saspul. Alchi Gompa was established in 1000 AD, by Rinchen Zangpo. The Alchi Monastery is famous for the murals which adorns the walls of this ancient gompa although most of them require restoration and unfortunately few of the murals are beyond repair. The Alchi monastery is now managed by monks from the Likir gompa. The two main temples in Alchi are the Alchi Du-khang and the Sum-tsek but there are also three smaller buildings to explore. It has three main structures known as Du-khang, Sum-tsek and the temple of Manjushri. Du-khang, the assembly hall, ... read more
Sum-tsek 2nd Building
Old Steps for 2nd building
Main entrance to Alchi

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Srinagar August 2nd 2013

Day 4: Having ended our stay at Pahalgam, we would go to Srinagar today. We got up early and took our breakfast and checked out of our room. From the rate chart we called the Taxi Asociation and booked an Omni. After bidding adieu to the resort boys and the owner we waited for our car. Finally we left Pahalgam for Srinagar at around 9: 15 am with fresh and fond memories. We told our driver, a young fellow, that we intended to stop at a few places on our way and so he should not hurry. We also asked him to show us apple orchard on the way, to which he readily agreed. Our car zoomed ahead along the empty road. Our driver suggested that we take a short cut through the village at Bij ... read more
apples waiting to be packed at the orchard
Avantipura ruins
saffron flowers

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Pahalgam July 30th 2013

It was after assurances from my friend that is was absolutely safe to visit Kashmir, did i make up my mind to plan a trip to Kashmir in end October 2012. It was something like a dream come true. I prepared the tour programme, booked the flights about 6 months in advance and then finalised the hotels after thorough re-search in the net. We would travel straight to Pahelgam from Srinagar airport and spend 3 nights in Pahelgam. From there we would come to Srinagar and spent 4 days there before returning to kolkata. Day 1 Everything was in place. On the date of the journey we had to wake up at 3.30 am in the morning to catch our flight to Delhi and connecting flight to Srinagar.I had read in reviews that the view of ... read more
View from the air craft
way to Pahalgam
Mantoo Cottages, Pahalgam

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh July 29th 2013

Leh – The Capital of the ex-Buddhist Kingdom of Ladakh We actually set off half an hour early by Air India to Leh, and, it’s a lovely flight over snow covered and jagged peaks of the Himalaya – quite spectacular. As we are about to land we fly over a monastery that looks like a mini Potala Palace (in Tibet) and arrive at the very small airport where there seems to be an army presence equally as heavy as Srinagar – no idea why. After the customary filling of forms as a foreigner (we are never sure what this is for or if it adds any value?) we get our stuff and are met by Punso the driver in his Scorpio Jeep from Overland Escapes who are managing the trek for us on behalf ... read more
Anything you can do ...!
M at Thiksey Gompa - Leh
That's high man!

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Srinagar July 16th 2013

Delhi We are back from Gangtok to a relatively dry Delhi for 3 nights, back to Namaskar India to their main room (203). Functional, clean, cool and cheap at Rs 1000 per night. It’s a lot cooler for the first day and we decide to go shopping to Connaught Place. After a quick bite at Khan Cha Cha (we are now regulars), we check out Fab India for some stuff for the family then to the Central Indian Emporium in Janpath for a few gifts and finally The Shop which is a “chic boutique” according to LP. We get some good gear for Louise, Sarah & Little B. As we are in Janpath we venture into The Imperial Hotel (mainly to use the posh loos for free). However, on a ... read more
Dal Lake in all it's glory & colour
Dal Lake in the sun
Relaxing on the patio,

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh June 22nd 2013

To escape from Siliguri required Tatkal (last minute, held-in-check) train tickets that can only be purchased the day before departure. These always go on sale at 10 a.m., although the wise (desperate) start queuing well before 7 a.m. We arrived at a little after six and were still not the first in line. At around 8.30 a.m. officials began compiling lists for order-of-service at each of the three receiving windows; however, they refused to add our name to a list and Ali was not best pleased. We were told something about foreign tourists to which we retorted that the tourist quotas were already full, we’d been informed of this the day before. We needed Tatkal. No, sit with the security guards sir and speak to the superintendent at 10 a.m. We were unconvinced. But, bless them, ... read more
Young monks, Thiskey
Pangong Lake, Ladakh
Ladakh woman, Leh

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