Blogs from Assam, India, Asia - page 2


Asia » India » Assam » Kaziranga National Park February 21st 2014

After two days in Kolkata I set off for the real part of the Indian trip, Assam. Totally unexpectedly, there was no WIFI available anywhere along my route so there has been a slight pause in postings. There was WIFI occasionally present in the areas, just not where-ever I was specifically staying. Most of the time my network connection signal remained blank. Perhaps this shouldn't have been a surprise – I flew into Guwahati and went straight to Kaziranga National Park, then to Nameri National Park and then Manas National Park. The only city I actually stayed at along the route was Guwahati for a few days at the very end (and there were a few WIFI signals there but my laptop wouldn't connect with any of them). First stop in Assam was Kaziranga National Park. ... read more

Asia » India » Assam » Sibsagar April 12th 2013

Rongali Bihu is also a fertility festival, where the bihu dance with its sensuous movements using the hips, arms, etc., by the young women call out to celebrate their fertility. In this aspect, the bihu dance can also be called a mating ritual by the young men and women. Bohag Bihu or Rongali Bihu festival continues for seven days.They are known as..Goru Bihu (Cow Bihu),Manuh Bihu, Hat Bihu, Senehi Bihu, Maiki Bihu, Rongali Bihu and Sera Bihu.Actually first day for to pay respect to cows and other days for social activities. img= read more

Asia » India » Assam » Sibsagar April 11th 2013

On avait planifie d'aller dans le nord de l'Inde voir le monastère Tawang, lieu de naissance du 6e Dalai Lama. Malheureusement il se trouve dans l'état d'Arunachal Pradesh pour lequel on obtient très difficilement permis de visite (vu que c'est a la frontière avec la Chine). Alors on est allés plus tôt que prévu a l'île Majuli qui est probablement la plus grande île fluviale en sable, sur le Brahmaputra. Son attrait principal était ses monastères satras, monastères hindou de rite vaishnuvite, établis au XVII siècle. Des bâtiments très simples ou les bhakats (moines) peuvent être célibataires ou non. Ces monastères sont renommés pour leur contribution culturelle: la danse Sattryia est devenue une des danses classique indienne (dansée par des moines). Tous les arts sont pratiques et enseignes par les moines Nous avons eu la chance ... read more
Moines - danse classique
Moines, danse classique
Danse de Nagaland

Asia » India » Assam » Kaziranga National Park April 7th 2013

Nouveau état, nouveau pays. Nous retrouvons la chaleur, les routes droites et asphaltées, la religion hindou, les saris et les arnaqueurs. Mais nous découvrons une cuisine gourmet, une soie incroyable (dorée matte, tissée par des vers qui ont mange d'autres feuilles que celles de mûriers) et des gens hyperaccueilants et sympathiques. Comme d'habitude, un mélange d'extrêmes. Car pendant que les chauffeurs des auto-ricksaws, de bus et de taxi, ainsi que certains garçons de restaurants, essayent de nous arnaquer en demandant 10 fois les prix payes par les indiens, d'autres hôteliers nous traitent comme des membres de leur famille et font tous les arrangements imaginables pour nous faciliter la visite en Assam. Un gérant d'hôtel nous a dit que tout touriste est son hôte prive et qu'il se fait un point d'honneur de lui montrer la vraie ... read more
Nameri - sieste devant notre tente dans ce parc
Nameri - orchidees sauvages
Nameri - piste de tigre!!!!

Asia » India » Assam » Guwahati August 17th 2012

Our first four days in India have consisted of a lot of travelling and marvelling at the sheer stink of the capital of the Assam region - Guwahati. Having done copious amounts of research into the conflict zone of the state of Assam, we made an executive decision that really we would be ok. The PM of India had travelled there so how bad could it be? Arriving at Delhi airport we went straight to the Spicejet (India's answer to easyjet) counter to book the first flight to Guwahati. The travel man immediately asked us about our route from there warning us to not go out when we arrived there due to Indiependence day and to have our wits about us due to tribal friction. This advice seemed to follow us wherever we went and was ... read more

Asia » India » Assam » Guwahati April 25th 2012

Assam is amazing, edgy, scary, beautiful all at the same time. We saw a "Flying fox" bat outside the train station, while waiting for our share jeep to leave. Our driver almost got into a fist fight with other drivers, over parking space. The train station, which serves as nightime shelter for many of the city's homeless people, had been the scene of political bombings in the past. Guwahati is crowded & smelly. Holes in the sidewalk leading to the sewer below. Crossing the street takes nerves of steel. We just have one afternoon in Guwahati, & want to go to the Bhramaputra River. We tell autorickshaw driver to take us to the gnat where the ferry for peacock Island docks. He drops us off, instead, by a judicial building. We make our way thru a ... read more
Sunset on the Bhramaputra
Fellow Passengers
on the ferry

Asia » India » Assam » Sibsagar February 5th 2012

Sceso per l'ultima volta dalle colline, rieccomi nuovamente in Assam, alla ricerca di un luogo dove poter riposare le mie stanche membra; e quale città meglio di Sivasagar per questo scopo? Un grande lago vi sorge proprio nel bel mezzo, dominato dalla mole imponente del più alto tempio di Shiva mai costruito in India, che si affaccia proprio a ridosso delle sue acque. Una impeccabile guest-house governativa offre acqua calda tutto il giorno ed anche la possibilità di oziare su comode poltrone di vimini giusto a due passi dalla riva: strano che qui sia solo, che nessun altro si spinga da questa parti, ma forse si è troppo lontani da tutto, in una città sperduta su una strada che porta al nulla; proprio quello che fa al caso mio.... Eppure non è sempre stato così: Sivasagar ... read more
Sivasagar - Shivadol mandir
L'approdo all'isola di Majuli
Sivasagar - Alba sulla riva del lago

Asia » India » Assam » Guwahati December 21st 2011

We are back in beautiful Bangkok which feels, oh so luxurious, after India. India, hmmm, India. This was our 4th trip to India, and we still find it to be, by far, the hardest country to travel in. Life does not appear to be improving for the average person. But still a fascinating, and frustrating country! So, a 'quick' recap of the past 2 weeks. Chitwan NP in Nepal was great. We take the 6 hr tourist bus to Chitwan. We thoroughly enjoy our 3 nights, and 2 full days of activities. We stayed inside the park at a quiet rustic place. It felt abit like a camp with all the planned activities, but was fun! The park has accomadations for @ 60 people, but there were only @ 15 people staying there, so we felt ... read more
Jungle lodge in Chitwan, Nepal
Chitwan villagers in park
Carrying the cut grass

Asia » India » Assam » Guwahati December 14th 2011

"Cold wave", non si parla d'altro in questo momento attraverso tutta l'India del Nord; Amritsar ed il Punjab sono come sempre le zone piu' fredde della pianura, seguite a ruota da Delhi, in cui la temperatura minima e' gia' scesa pericolosamente verso i 3 gradi, e poi giu' per l'intera piana gangetica, dove di notte si arriva ai 4-5. Come se non bastasse, tipica del'inverno hindustano e' anche la formazione di una "fog belt", la temutissima cintura di nebbia che crea disagi di dimensioni apocalittiche, con treni a lunga percorrenza che accumulano puntualmente 10-15 ore di ritardo, ed in alcuni casi si sente addirittura parlare di interi convogli partiti e mai arrivati a destinazione, inghiottiti per sempre con tutto il loro carico da questa spessa, impietosa coltre bianca.... In questo momento il Mercante si trova in ... read more
Panni stesi ad asciugare sulle rive del Brahmaputra
La mietitura del riso nelle pianure dell'Assam
Uno sguardo sulle colline del Meghalaya

Asia » India » Assam » Jorhat October 10th 2011

After much deliberation with, well, with myself on endless bus and train rides throughout India these past few months, I have decided I just can't catch up with my email blasts (and as you know I am well behind) and will have to scrap everything I have done this past year and wait until further ado to write about my journey leading up to the present. I think what is best, is when I get a chance I will post the past blasts directly onto my blog site and if you are interested, you may log on to the site directly to receive them. I have done so much, seen so much and met so many memorable people (travelers and locals, alike), I am finding it really difficult for me to play catch up. I just ... read more
This Is A More Typical Look
My Home For A Week
The Commute Home

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