Blogs from Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, Asia - page 11


Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an July 18th 2013

Finally moved on from Beijing via overnight train to Xi'an. Xi'an is most famous for the Terracotta Warriors but the city is also very interesting and we spent today cycling around the city walls and visiting the Muslim Quarter. About 1% of the population of the city is Muslim, and the population originates from the earliest time of the Silk Road which led to Muslims from Central Asia coming to China and marrying locals. Our guide made much of the physical appearance of the Muslim population: according to him they are easy for the Chinese to identify because they are paler than the rest of the population. The dress is also distinctive, lots of brightly coloured suits and, of course, headscarves. The big draw of the Muslim Quarter is the food markets, which still sell traditional ... read more
Dates and prunes
Halal kebabs

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an July 18th 2013

Today's big event was the Terracotta Warriors. After seeing them so often in the media it was almost surreal to see them in real life, like seeing the pyramids or Red Square. They are quite incredible and made an arresting sight all lined up as they would be for battle. I went to see the Terracotta Warriors exhibition a few years ago in London and I was glad I had because the information at the museum was sparse. This has been the case at most of the museums and historical sites in China so far: they are very good at providing the technical information - age, materials, how things were built - but limited on the social history side, and the things that really bring history to life, so if you don't have the background knowledge ... read more
Terracotta Warriors
Terracotta Warriors
Terracotta Warriors

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an June 23rd 2013

Why Herro! So, this is my very first attempt at a travel blog and im hoping it wont be too rubbish, but my apologies if you get bored and need to leave/eat/do anything that is'nt reading about ME!! Aneesa and I arrived in Beijing at about 5.00am China time (10pm England time) feeling pretty hot, tierd, wired on caffeine AND excited, so we immediatly sat down, had another coffee, and then braved the Beijing subway to our hostel, which was actually not as difficult as i imagined. Got to our hostel to be told we couldnt check in until midday, (at this point it was 7.30am!), so we went for a little explore that turned into an epic adventure, including three different scam artists that we successfully evaded, delicious noodles, and not getting too lost... huzzah! ... read more

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an June 3rd 2013

The next high-speed train I boarded was en route to Xian, home of the Terracotta Army. This train would share a similar time as the one for Beijing, but I would be awake for a little more of it. Richard would meet me there via air from Shanghai. I was stoked because this would be the first actual “on the road” travel experiences I’d have with him. As the train arrived at the station, I already began to feel like a bit of a pro. I had the trains down, networks of metros seemed fairly easy, and I was actually picking up a few functional words in Chinese. I disembarked the train and made my way directly to the metro ticket line, and bumped into two fellows from Switzerland and France. We chatted for a moment ... read more
Terracotta Army
Terracotta Warriors
Cruising the Wall in Xian

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an May 30th 2013

Met up with the other travellers on the 'Wild China' tour in Beijing with an initial trip out to the monumental Great Wall, visiting the Mutianyu section dotted with Ming dynasty forts. A steep stair climb up and along the wall was rewarded with misty yet atmospheric views as it meandered over the ridges and hilltops. Exploring beyond 'Fort 23' reached a section slowly crumbling in on itself and overgrown with trees and bushes, enjoying the eerie solitude before returning to the tourist bustle for a well-earned pancake. That evening watched a Chinese speciality acrobatics show, impressive feats of jumping, spinning and bending were followed by 4 motorbikes simultaneously speeding around the inside of dome, fractions of a second from crashing into each other as they pirouetted... Next day caught a bus to Tiananmen Square across ... read more
Beyond the crowds...
Steps to the clouds
Great Wall View 1

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an May 27th 2013

There it was, my solo adventure in China was coming to an end as I was about to join the Dragoman truck the next day. First had to pick up my visa and get to Xi’an though... Didn’t really have a lot of time in the morning to do that as my train to Xi’an was leaving at 12.50. I booked it before I even went to Emei Shan but already at that time my choice of trains was very limited – didn’t know the route was so popular with locals! There sure were many trains going to Xi’an from Chengdu each day but at the time I was booking my ticket there were only two morning trains left – had my group meeting at 9 the next morning so really needed to get there before ... read more
at the city wall in Xi'an
ancient street in Xi'an
yum! dumplings!!!!

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an May 25th 2013

Shanghai at night was as to be expected.. the same as Shanghai by day except darker with flashing lights. We were hoping to climb up the 87 floor Jinmao tower- not the way Frenchmen Alain Robert did on the outside only to be arrested as soon as he got to the bottom again, but by the stairs... unfortunately this is Shanghai and a lot more modern than Devon so we had to take the lift... up 87 floors in just 45 seconds! The tower had views all across Shanghai- very tall, big and grey. The flight to Chengdu was 3 hours.... we had to fly rather than a 30 hour train otherwise we wouldn't have time to do anything on arrival the Chengdu before going to Xi'an. I slept most the flight.. Justine nearly had to ... read more

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an May 4th 2013

19 April 2013 I look at the air quality index readings in disbelief. 500 - Hazardous!!! For a full description of what this actually means google it. The short definition is: you are inhaling poison with every breath you take. 2.5 nanometer in aerodynamic diameter particles are lodging themselves in your respiratory system ready to be absorbed by your blood. If you continue to do this for any length of time you will get very sick. In fact just one day is enough to give you a rasping cough, stinging and itchy eyes and a disabling headache. And people live here?!!?? The incredibly impressive city walls have withstood centuries of attack, but this new enemy can't be kept out. It is everywhere. Even in your mouth. The taste and the grit are horrible. Not to mention ... read more
bell tower in the smog
city wall

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an April 27th 2013

Our first blog post after a heartfelt departure from Dunhuang finds us in central China in the city of Xi'an, the ancient capital for over ten dynasties and home of the famous Terracotta Warriors. Our train took 24 hours to get here, and with all of the luggage we had to bring to accomodate both winter in Dunhuang as well as early summer in Taiwan, train travel will definitely prove to be a challenge. Train travel in China has several options, but for overnight trains the only real way to travel is by sleeper—unless you wait until the last minute and want to stand for the entire trip, but luckily we planned enough in advance to avoid that. We opted for the soft sleeper, which has four people in one cabin and you can close the ... read more

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an April 25th 2013

(Delayed blog) We took off from Baotou Erliban airport on the evening of january 1st on 'Lucky airlines', a flight that took us to Xi'an Xianyang airport in an hour and 20 minutes. Due to the late night arrival we (I traveled with a colleague from London) opted for a taxi into the city. He dropped us off at the bell tower where we checked into the hostel named after it. After dropping our bags we walked into the city where we found a hotpot and ate until we were stuffed, while having beers to cool our tongues down from the spices. We decided it would be best to check out Xi'an's nightlife since we were there and so we did. We soon found a club where ordering a drink seemed a long and arduous process ... read more
Xi'an city wall
Xi'an muslim quarter
Wild Goose pagoda

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