Blogs from Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China, Asia - page 7


Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou November 14th 2010

Photos: …..Max (Gizmo) from class ten, certainly the best English speaker in Grade three, gets a negative score, normally dished out only for talking out of turn (or worse) in class. In this case he gets an answer wrong, confusing “before” & “after”, (“Thursday is before Wednesday”). Normally I just pass the question to the next team but not before docking ten points for Max's clearly audible, “Oh, shit!” Opinion among foreign teachers is divided on whether I should give him extra points for new vocabulary...... …..Thursday, November eleventh is Armistice day in those countries that participated in the First World War. Here in China, & maybe elsewhere, it is Singles Day, 11/11. Yet another special day I have never heard of before..... …..accident at the junction next to the Da Run Fa, a motor-trike knocked ... read more
Ancient Canal, Yangzhou
Ancient Canal, Yangzhou
3 Hedgehogs, Caiyi Lu, Yangzhou

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou November 7th 2010

Photos: …..a new experiment this week. I have been mounting the camera on my flexible tripod in the basket at the front of my bike to take videos on the street. I've posted a couple, one in the daytime, one on a road of street food stands at night, just to give you the flavour, so to speak, of Yangzhou. It's in the early stages at the moment so maybe I'll be able to refine the results with practice. If you don't have a fast internet connection you may want to skip the videos or go & make a coffee while the files download..... … can click the photos in this blog to enlarge them to full screen size..... …..there's a new craze at the school this semester. Yo yo qiu, or, as we are more ... read more
Speedy Recharge
Wenchang Ge, Yangzhou
Drying Ginger

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou October 31st 2010

Photos: You can click the photos in this blog to enlarge them to full screen size. ….....Halloween is big at this school at least. I can only put it down to the influence of a succession of American teachers. The kids get excited about it so lesson plans for this week revolve around frightening, gory & nasty things. The appeal is universal. I finally manage to find a mask at the Qu Jiang. Having been told to look there by Susan, the Chinese English teacher who sits next to me in the office, I am surprised to find it it is well known Blue Market. Obviously not what the locals call it. The mask is not as realistic as what I have in mind but, at ¥25, or about Au$4, it will do the job. Mike ... read more
Jia You
Some of my students

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou October 24th 2010

Photos: Photos from the National Day Holiday: You can click the photos in this blog to enlarge them to full screen size. …..could this be the week when nothing happens? It's good to have a quiet spell after the chaotic timetables of the last month, with time off mid-week being compensated for by working at weekends. Just having time to clean up my apartment & sort out some of the things on my ever increasing list... but who wants to hear about that? This is supposed to be about all the fascinating & interesting things that constitute life in China..... …..perhaps this is a good time to list a few of those things that have become so commonplace now that I don't think to mention them but I'm sure, when I first arrived h... read more
Packaging gone mad
Packaging as an art form

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou October 17th 2010

Photos: Photos from the National Day Holiday: …..with a contingent of a dozen or so Chinese teachers I am on the school bus on the way to a restaurant, no one seems to know exactly where, to celebrate Suzy's wedding. Roger, a Chinese English teacher who speaks very good English, & I have guitar cases & I am also carrying a bedspread, my wedding gift. It appears the most usual thing in China is to give the couple one of those heavily ornamented red envelopes with some money inside. I'm a foreigner so I'm sure they'll excuse me..... …..we end up at yet another of Yangzhou's thousands of restaurants, a brightly neon lit affair in a street south of the city centre I haven't seen before. We are met at the door by a young man ... read more
Suzy's Wedding
Suzy's wedding
Suzy's Wedding

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou October 3rd 2010

Photos: …..the change of weather to a cooler, more amenable temperature has brought with it a cold, slight sore throat & a hacking cough which I hope will be gone before the weekend. We get from Friday this week, (Guo Qi Jie, or National Day Holiday), to the next Thursday off but we do have to work the following weekend - again!..... …..on a beautiful, warm but not sticky-hot, clear day I remember to take my camera to the teacher's office to get some photos of the kids at their regular exercise session outside. Doesn't sound like much of a photo opportunity but, hey, this is China..... …..YYW short & out early. I wish the teachers who are travelling to Beijing good luck. They have now decided to fly, at much greater expense than a train ... read more
Bridge, Wenchang Lu, Yangzhou
Morning Exercise
Ramada Hotel, Yangzhou

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou September 26th 2010

Photos: …..the days are still hot & as sticky as, (in Australian English there is no need to specify, “as sticky as what?”). A few evenings have been perceptibly cooler, only by a small amount but it's a relief. I have taken to hand washing the morning's shirt & underpants while having a shower at lunchtime, to prevent an unmanageable buildup of washing..... …..the kid who spat on the floor during class didn't appear overjoyed to be told to get the mop & wipe the floor. Had he caught me in a less amenable mood he might have been upended & his hair employed to do the same job..... …..I have one or two students this year who are, I believe the correct current term is, “remedial”. One is virtually uncommunicative at any level & spends ... read more
German Porcelain
Jackey's Cafe, 1912 District, Yangzhou

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou September 20th 2010

Photos: …..sorry to anyone who has been waiting for the YYW to arrive on a Monday morning. With the crazy weekend schedule (see below) I have lost track of what day it is. In fact it's officially Friday today (Monday to everyone else!)..... … indicators; the first night when the fan is not left on all night as I lay on top of the bedcovers. The next indicator of cooler weather will be when I need to be covered by a sheet. In the daytime it takes a little longer for clothing to become damp, but at least damp rather than wringing wet. A cycle ride to the Living Mall, about 45 minutes to the west side of Yangzhou, raises a sweat but not the unbearable, dripping mess that would have resulted even a couple of ... read more
The West Gate
Teachers' dormitories
The Living Mall

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou September 12th 2010

Photos: …..I am trying to learn the names of another crop of students. I didn't do at all well last year & there were a number of average students whose names never quite made it to my memory bank. Already some have, the bright & lively ones like Max, Garrett & Evan, ones with distinctive or odd features, like Dabe, Chet or Nick. The girl next to Nick is called Nikki, so I can remember her name too, though sadly not the face yet. The ratbags. They can remain anonymous for the time being. The occasional chubby kid stands out, Noah, Jessica. As for Ranker, Darek, Blade & See - well, they are names to remember. They all enjoy talking but sadly not in English..... ….I have dinner with new teachers Mike & George also Xi ... read more
The High School Gym
Dinner with the Chinese Teachers
Dinner with the Chinese Teachers

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou September 5th 2010

Photos: Click photos on this page to enlarge. …..I have lost my wallet. I am hoping it will turn up miraculously, maybe with a pile of single socks to match some of those in my drawer, when our universe once again intersects with the one that exists in parallel & into which so many socks, keys & wallets have disappeared..... .....the weather hangs around 30°C in the daytime, not really all that hot but with the humidity it isn't at all comfortable. Most of the teacher's offices & classrooms are not fully air conditioned. It's really a question of do you change your shirt at lunchtime or try to dry it out & get through the afternoon with it. The smog hasn't been so bad, maybe the rain & the easterly breezes have cleared it a ... read more
School Opening Ceremony
Erin's Birthday
Lisa & Mei

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