Blogs from Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China, Asia - page 6


Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou March 5th 2011

Photos: …..Royal Weddings are thin on the ground in China, & have been since the Qing dynasty ended nearly a century ago. The People's Weddings however continue at an increasing rate, or so it seems here. After Suzy's wedding in October last year Dr. Wei has now taken the plunge & Miss Piggy breaks off a text chat on QQ to go to inspect her wedding dress for the big day (March the 8th). Who will be next?..... …..I am in the Grade 4 teachers' office looking for Suzy to help me impart some information to my classes, for which their English nor my Chinese are quite adequate. Roger tells me she's not here. Holiday? Sick? “No”, he replies casually, “she's pregnant”. I send her a text message of congratulation & ask why she didn't mention ... read more
Dr. Wei
Gan bei, Toasting friends
Dr. Wei's friends celebrate

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou February 27th 2011

Photos: …..the figures from last year's census in China are still being analysed but it seems pretty clear that Shanghai's population has been underestimated & is almost certainly over 23 million, probably about a million or so more than the total population of Australia. It's not difficult to see that it's on a different scale to my little town of Yangzhou, with only Sydney's population. I am in Shanghai to renew my passport at the Australian consulate. .... …'s common in all large Chinese cities I've visited to stack the main roads, the original highway at ground level overshadowed by another road supported on concrete pylons. Shanghai has more & bigger elevated roads. On Nanjing Lu, (a popular shopping street) I notice a tangle of roads where the Yan'an elevated road meets Bei Nan Lu, (North ... read more
Pudong, Shanghai
Old and New, Shanghai
Puxi Viaduct, Shanghai

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou January 9th 2011

Photos: -click on the photos in this blog to enlarge them. .....…..if you've read my reports of the lax observance of road rules, if indeed there are any, the carrying multiple passengers, including infants, on scooters with no head protection & seen the photos of what by Chinese standards are quite normal loads on bikes, trikes & trucks you too would find it strange to see the man at the traffic lights by the Old Canal near Yangzhou Number One Hospital, apparently being questioned about a loose number plate on what appears to be a new & well maintained car..... …..the final English Oral Exam is approaching fast. We have to finish by next Friday & submit the results so there will be no time for messing around, by teachers or students. I wish I had ... read more
Dog in a basket
What's for dinner?
Fish Restaurant, Siwanting Lu

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou January 2nd 2011

Photos: -click on the photos in this blog to enlarge them. …..Miss Piggy is getting married! I receive an excited phone call from Guiyang to ensure that I really am intending to visit during the Spring Break. I had assumed it would be a few days to meet her new boyfriend & his family but, in typical Chinese style it's becoming bigger than Ben Hur & though ticker tape, marching bands & keys to the city have not been specifically mentioned I have been reading between the lines. I wonder if the (Chinese) New Year wedding is a recent idea, or a deliberate omission from previous correspondence..... …..Shen Yue is here with her son for an English lesson on Sunday. I enlist her aid in finding some ingredients with the intention of making a cake of ... read more
110101 0897 Tianning Si Changzhou
110101 0916 Tianning Si Changzhou
101231_0886_Gao Dong_Zhang Qian

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou December 26th 2010

Photos: as usual you can click on the photos in this blog to enlarge them. …..Sunny has been promoted. Our friend from the Bank of China is on his way up the ladder, from a teller a couple of weeks ago to a supervisory position now. Congratulations on his rise but commiserations on the lack of time he now has. For two weeks he has had to pass on Saturday evening dinner in town with Kevin, from the lighting factory, & whichever foreign teachers want to go. Only Kevin, George, Mike & I this time. It's a remarkably good meal, a little expensive at ¥50 each, or about Au$8. This is in a private room with one or two waitresses in attendance at all times & of course (I should no longer need to mention) includes ... read more
Street Workshop, Yangzhou
Teachers' dinner, Yangzhou 2
Teachers' dinner, Yangzhou 1

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou December 18th 2010

Photos: as usual you can click on the photos in this blog to enlarge them. …..Peter insists I go to jam at music shop, near the Da Run Fa. Reluctantly I go to join a band of young Chinese guys practising a bizarre collection of western songs, including “I'll be watching you”, (Sting), “Country Roads”, (yes, THAT song), Nirvana, Metallica & Xu Wei. We all get along well. I don't know whether I really want to commit Saturday evenings, even for 3 hours or so, to it, especially as I have three students to tutor on Sundays..... …..still no firm plans made for the Chun Jie or Spring Festival, coming up very quickly. Actually in the middle of winter this year our holiday is from mid-January to mid February. It is of course notoriously difficult to ... read more
Daming Si, Yangzhou
View from Daming Si
View to the North, Daming Si

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou December 10th 2010

Photos: as usual you can click on the photos to enlarge them. …..the Chinese teachers do have it tough. The class teachers start earlier & finish later than us every day. Their staff meeting is on Sunday evening, starting around seven thirty. We know because we've been invited to attend & listen to them sing our praises, in Chinese, so we won't necessarily get it all. Peter & I, in the absence of other stage-ready performers, will treat them to a song they probably won't understand either, one of my originals, Destination..... …..Angel has offered to translate Destination into Chinese, to project behind us in the big auditorium as we perform the song in front of hundreds of Chinese teachers. I really hope she doesn't try. Just out of curiosity I take a couple of lines ... read more
Skipping at the school, Yangzhou
School, Yangzhou
Late afternoon, East Yangzhou

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou December 5th 2010

Photos: as usual you can click on the photos to enlarge them. …..sunflower seeds taste great but they are really not worth the effort unless you know how to bite the end, split the husk with your front teeth & effortlessly extract the tiny seed at the same time as you drop the spent shell & have another ready. I try but usually end up dropping the seed &/or getting a mouthful of husk. Advice if you have Chinese visitors; have some fresh sunflower seeds on hand. Almost without exception, they absolutely love them..... …..well, this must be a joke! Facebook is blocked in China but the school apparently has a profile on that very site. Those of you living carefree lives in open, democratic countries might like to look it up & tell us, who ... read more
Stinky Doufu seller, Yangzhou
Clothing Repairs, Yangzhou
Winter slippers for sale

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou November 26th 2010

Photos: as usual you can click on the photos to enlarge them. …..the northwest wind here is, almost literally, a two-edged sword. It clears away the worst of the smog into the East China sea. The downside is it cuts like a knife. It's worth wearing my beanie, especially after a haircut on Saturday, just to see a blue sky & be able to clearly see the power station, two kilometres away from the school. There's less burning off in the fields & the sun almost reaches the horizon on some days before disappearing into the haze..... …..another “only in China” moment. There's a large group of people near the big gate at the end of Dongguan Jie clapping in unison like crazy. I have included a short video clip at the start of the online ... read more
Thanksgiving at the school
Thanksgiving at the school
Thanksgiving at the school

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Yangzhou November 21st 2010

Photos: … of those “only in China” moments. Cycling back to the school I stop on the Old Bridge (Da Qiao), across the Grand Canal. Those who have seen the video can skip this part but the two men on a bamboo raft about the same size as the armchair in my apartment, one, in carpet slippers, paddling furiously with a shovel while the other prepares a thin net for the water. Luckily no coal barge is going by at the time. The wash would be too much for this, possibly the smallest craft I have ever seen on any waterway. It's a pity I have no time to stay & see if they catch anything..... …..Sunday evening, Wenyi is in Yangzhou again, this time with her dad. I arrange accommodation for him at the school ... read more
Shuang Li and Dave
Shuang Li, Wenyi and Dave
Susan sings karaoke

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