Blogs from Guilin, Guangxi, China, Asia - page 33


Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin August 29th 2006

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin August 29th 2006

Before we left Guilin to spend a few days in Yangshuo we needed to buy our train tickets back to Beijing. At the train station there were around 20 counters, half of them open with huge lines of people waiting. One of the closed counters was especially for VIPs, politicians, people who had distinguished themselves in some way, and foreign guests. As it was due to open a few hours later we waited patiently, hoping for someone who could help non-Chinese speakers. When we came back and reached the front of the queue we were however, informed (in Chinese) that there were no more tickets for the day we wanted to travel. Nor for the next day, nor for the next day after that, and so forth. So, with little hope we left to try to ... read more
Cheeky comorant!
Road to Yangshuo
Crazy vehicles

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin August 25th 2006

Sorry for the lack of entries recently......we just wanted to post a quick update to let you know we're still alive and then we'll post properly tommorrow. Well - things with Jen's eyes got worse unfortunately and her vision became really poor in both eyes....we were forced to go back to the hospital and this time got to see a lovely female professor. Things started badly when Jen couldn't read below the top letter on the vision board even with her glasses and then Dr Wei proceeded to terrify us by sucking in her breath and saying 'oh my god' when looking at Jen's eyes through the slit lamp - very comforting! Apparently Jen had now developed bad swelling of the cornea in both eyes which the doctor felt was due to a viral infection that ... read more

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin August 25th 2006

Arrived in Guilin after a surprisingly good 28h train journey - the trains here move a lot faster than the Transsiberian and are a lot less bumpy! Guilin is in the South of China and the scenery is probably well known to most people from the typical Chinese scroll paintings - soaring limestone peaks of all shapes and sizes covered in trees, rice paddies, people working the fields with water buffalo and the beautiful Li River winding through it all. The weather here is jungle like - incredibly hot and intensely humid (so much so there's a constant thick haze in the air) with powerful tropical downpours every few hours - it feels like you are in a wet sauna continually, but most things are air conditioned inside so we’re doing OK... We took a tour ... read more
The Waterfall hotel
Monk enjoying an ice cream!
View from our hotel in Guilin

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin July 30th 2006

It's hills, that I'm talking about, hundreds of them. They are the inspiration for much of the waterpaintings, one see's in Chinese art and think it's an over-exeggeration. Not only that, Guilin has caves, which when lighted with colored lights, looks like a wonderland. In my opinion it's one of the most natural beautiful places in the world. Being close to the tropics, the atmosphere seems more relaxed than in the other parts of China. Walking around in the morning, I see many doing taichi, calisthenics and stretching along the waterfront. In a parklike setting, seen about 100 people ballroom dancing, at 8:00 in the morning, mind you. They were mostly middle-age, and dressed in office attire, so I assume they were getting their blood circulating before hitting the office. The big tour of course is ... read more
Hills of Guilin.
One of Many, Coin Divers.
Lil Ville.

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin July 8th 2006

Longji Rice Terraces: I was really excited about this part of the trip as I had read a bit about it. The rice terraces were about 4 hours away from Yangshuo. So once again quite an early start. We did most of the journey by public bus, which was quite fun. A few quick facts: The rice terraces offer breath taking views all year round, the coulors of the rice terraces depends on the season.Summer they are really green and lush (we were there at this time), late autum the terraces turn yellow, winter white with snow. The altitudes of the terraces vary bettween 300 meters to 1100 meters with slopes between 26 degrees and 35 degrees. The local people are the Zhuang and Yao people. All the older women have really long hair that they ... read more
Rice terraces

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin May 23rd 2006

We got up at a very early hour - midday, and strolled in the heat to a lovely park. We had a makeshift picnic there (Chinese supermarkets don’t really cater for cucumber sandwiches and pork pies) and lounged around in our own sweat. It was approximately 1000% humidity. We stumbled across a zoo, randomly located inside the park. The animals were kept in appalling conditions (except for the giant panda who enjoyed the penthouse of cages). The first thing we saw was a tiger, kept in a 10 meter cage. You could get a photo taken with you sitting on it for 1 pound. When we left the cage was open. We walked away fast. We saw lots of monkeys and they were really clever, they were sticking their hands out of the cage to catch ... read more
Safety First!!!
Waterfall madness

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin May 22nd 2006

Finally managed to add photos to all our blogs so scroll down for some photo fun. Not too much fun mind you, most of you ARE at work… Paul - A quick note, the train station in Wuhan was quite possibly the most unattractive piece of crap I have ever seen. The toilet was a trough! Enough said! Got into bed and fell straight asleep. Train was nice, one of the newer ones I think. Arrived at Guilin at about 12 and got harassed by a lot of touts ("Come to my hotel, it's a hostel!!") before getting on a bus and finding the hostel we were aiming for pretty easily. Booked in for a night as it seems very nice (and very cheap!). First impressions of Guilin are that it is very clean and the ... read more
Laura and Nelly
Sunny Laura
Elephant Hill

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin May 21st 2006

Fri. 12th. After leaving most of our breakfast, we are taken to a mountain lake for a short boat trip around an island. It was pretty, but just like Royden Park on a larger scale. In the shop they sell large canisters of oxygen, and we are amazed at the amount of people using it. On the way back to Li Jiang, we make the obligatory stops at the tea houses, and Jade showrooms. Each time we hope the loos will be clean, but no joy. Admittedly some are better than others. Would you believe cattle stalls, with very low sides, and no door! After dinner (see previous comments) we walk to the old town and are again enthralled by it. It is even better and busier by night, with all the red lanterns lit, and ... read more

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin May 19th 2006

Asia can be a pretty bewildering place for us lao wai (outsiders). If you're one of those people that loves being out on a limb then China might just be the place for you. It's those moments when you're not really sure what's going on but you've had to throw your hat into the ring - you don't quite know where you're going to end up or what's going to turn up on your plate - they tend to be the experiences that you will ultimately remember most fondly. Learning to just go with it and enjoy the unknown is one of travelling's great lessons. There's no doubt about it, travelling through China is not for the faint-hearted. The cities are swarming with people dashing around, most of them talking at the tops of their voices ... read more
Temple in the Yuyuan Gardens
Shanghai skyline by night
Shanghai Neon

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