Feverish Interviews

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April 30th 2009
Published: April 30th 2009
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So I have attended two interviews so far (canceled a couple due to scheduling malfunctions) and have more set up for later on in the week and next week. We are approaching my first holiday here in China, on May 1st and the following three days there are Dragon Boat Celebrations happening throughout the lakes of the city. I can only imagine what the vendors will be like then!

My interviews have gone well, and each place has offered me a position if I chose to take it. The first one I went to was set up by this little man named Sandy who met me at the subway station and then we transited to the school together. We got along swimmingly and I felt quite comfortable and at ease with this man. The school ended being a far ways out and most of the interview was conducted in Chinese so I had to sit and plaster a grin across my face for nearly two hours. Tricky business I tell you. They then asked me to demonstrate a class for kindergarten kids. I wanted the earth to swallow me up at that moment, because esl to kids is unlike anything I've ever learned and had prepared myself for teens - adults. I swallowed and faked my way through as best I could. I didn't think I had fooled them, but they ended up offering me the kindergarten job, so I don't know how in the world that happened... but there you have it. I have never felt so out of my element and it started to really sink in, what if I suck? Haha. I was stricken with that frightening possibility. Sandy was very encouraging and said that from his psychology training he could tell that I am a brilliant person who is very nice and good. Even if I don't take that job he said his visa company could help me sort out my upgrades.

After that nerve wracking experience I joined a group for dinner across the street and then settled in for a quiet night at the hostel. I began to feel under the weather as I sat around reading, and then even later when I was snuggled in, watching a movie. Not "Beijing Belly" kind of sick, more fluey than anything. It was odd. Plus, no one from dinner was ill. I'm not sure what it was. I went to bed quite early to try and rest this little bug into submission. I awoke a couple hours later, extremely nauseous and ended up in the bathroom, barfing my guts out. I could hear someone with a similar complaint in the next stall, and it was like we were almost in competition with each other for the worst up-chuck. (We tied). Still no idea what was wrong, and when I arose I still felt quite miserable and had interviews scheduled that day. I canceled all but the first one, which I was determined to push through so as to not make the day a total loss. Fortifying myself with tea and water I set out for the easy ride on the subway and found the building with ease (after calling them crying out desperately that I was lost!) As soon as I walked in I felt right at home and the interview went really well. It's for one-on-one tutoring. They take your picture with you standing by your flag and then post it on the walls. Students come in and "shop" for the tutor they like best. Then the school sets up interviews with you and the student and then you sort your schedule from there. They pay 240 rmb/100 minutes. Pretty fair. The staff was fantastic and really encouraging so I feel quite alright about accepting a "wall posting" there. It will take a while to build up a steady schedule of students, but it will help to fill the gaps.

Haha, I just posted another add five minutes ago, and my phone just rang with a response... they are QUICK here! So I have an interview at 3:00pm for an adult class. Could be a full time position in a good location as well! Cross your fingers that it goes well. I have to remember to speak sllloooooooooowwwwww. I am just anxious to get the job thing settled so I can settle myself in some form of housing other than this hostel! I love it here, and it does feel like home, but I need my OWN home. Start to make this move a reality instead of some hostel dream. I can't wait to have a home base and unpack! I am very tidy, as my roommates are not, so living out of a tightly wedged backpack for three weeks has lost a little of it's magic. But I do take pride in how my bunk and locker are set up. Very functional. Also, I believe the only reason I resent it is because I am stationary, but in in-between land. If I was traveling I would be fine, or set up I would be fine. I have never been a patient person... so I suppose this time is good for me.

I am luckily feeling much better today, and still have no idea what was wrong. Maybe some 24 hour flu? I have been quite good at taking vitamins, so haven't really suffered during my stay here.

I am hoping to find some people to go to the Chinese Acrobatics with. It seems quite marvelous and I think that would be a fun evening excursion. There is a restaurant down the street and they play Cantonese Opera all day, much to my amusement. Walking down the street to the strains of what sounds likes cats dying just causes this uncontrollable grin to smirk across my face. Really, it is quite delightful.


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