Blogs from Cambodia, Asia - page 778


Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor July 28th 2006

Our second day started with us moving 'home' to a 'The Continental Cafe' just around the corner, the people here were really nice and gave you, what looked like a genuine smile. Borey then picked us up at 8:30 for more temple spotting. Yesterday really tired us out but we were now refreshed and we had saved Angkor Wat for today, plus Melissa had talked me into going up in the baloon for a panoramic view of Angkor. How was it I here you ask?? Quite scary, very quick and again expensive at 15$, but we did get some good views around the flat countrside with Angkor Wat in the Background. Next stop was the much hyped Angkor Wat!! Could it live up to expectations? We don't know! It was great to walk around, but its ... read more
Andy fighting off the sellers
Check out the carvings on that!!!
Where tomb raider was filmed

Asia » Cambodia July 28th 2006

So we arrived in Bangkok around 2am and headed to the Rambuttri Village Inn which we'd read about in the lonely planet, sounded like the nicest place so headed up there to grab a room, unfortunately the ever so friendly receptionist(not!) advised us in no uncertain terms they were full. We headed wearily down the road to find a cheapo hostel, we were only staying a couple of nights so we figured the cell, sorry room would be fine. The next day we got up late and headed for a wander around town, unfortunately we were up too late to get into any of the sights but to be honest Bangkok is more about shopping and waiting around for us so we headed to the markets to earmark presents and buy a few bits for ourselves ... read more
Cells at  S21 prison
Pictures of victims
Bed of torture

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 28th 2006

I think that Cambodia is the muddiest place I have ever been. Since it is the rainy season now it tends to rain at least once a day for a short period. The mud never drys. The streets are always muddy pools of sludge. It can definitely make tuk tuk rides more entertaining though. Who doesn't love off road tuk tuking? We are now exploring the capital of Cambodia. Our first day here was completely useless. We are staying in a backpacker area near a big lake. Our guesthouse is right on the water on the restaurant/lobby/patio is built over the water. It has a beautiful view and a great breeze. Our first day was spent relaxing in a gazebo over the lake with new friends. Unfortunately for us ,since we are not paying for AC, ... read more
The Beauty of Cambodia
"Hello one dollar?

Asia » Cambodia » South » Sihanoukville July 27th 2006

Hi Everyone!! Great to hear your comments and emails following our first blog attempt - we now consider ourselves veterans so here goes... We've been travelling around Cambodia for the last 10 days or so, and the vast differences with Thailand were obvious as soon as we set one foot across the border. Barefooted children pushing wooden carts on wooden wheels around by means of 'taxiservice', grubby toddlers begging for money and food, lots of rubbish everywhere and, most importantly to us at that point in time - the road just stopped. That's right, nothing but muddy, rocky, slippery clay on which we were about to travel 130 kms in about 10 hours. The dancing road, they call it jokingly. Well the joke was on us and boy did we boogie every time we hit a ... read more
Stuck in Cambodia

Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor July 27th 2006

So why did we go to Siem Reap??? To see the Angkor Temples!! Everyone and their mother who we have met on our travels so far seem to have seen them, so this was our turn. Could they live up to the expectation?? You will have to read on to find out. We were up at 7:00am, this is now an early start for us!! We then had to find a nice cheap tuk-tuk driver for the day or two. We did, his name was Borey and for 10$, which seems to be the going rate for a guys services for the day. Even though he did start at 14$ We bought our nice laminated tickets for the temples, which at 40$ for a 2/3 day pass seems to be way out of proportion with anything ... read more
Leading up to Bayon
Steep climb to Baksei Chamkrong.

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 27th 2006

Phnom Penh is a city of many smells Unfortunately, most of them are awful. The Cambodian capital is a place of stark contrasts - every so often you catch glimpses of real material wealth, but most of the time you see object poverty. You walk past an opulently decorated flashy bar which plays Western music and sells cocktails and aromatic cuisine, all priced in dollars. On the same street, just metres away, there is litter strewn everywhere; rotting vegetables and rubbish pile up in the heat; naked, malnourished children play outside until the early hours. There are many amputees and small children begging. In spite of this contrast, the Cambodians we’ve met have largely come across as upbeat, jovial and warm. The day we arrived we went to get some typical local food at a place ... read more
sunrise at Angkor Wat #2
sunrise at Angkor Wat #3
sunrise at Angkor Wat #4

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh July 27th 2006

Yep..i've had it all this last week. So much for chilled out times in this city that i'm almost calling home! here's a quick rundown... just an hour ago...thought i'd been in a motocycle crash when the moto Socheata and I were on (having just had a great interview with Jan Nye at the Cambodia Trust, an org that does lots of good work in Cambodia re disability and rehab) came to a bonewrenching stop on Pasteur right near the main market 'Psar Thmei'. Once i'd recovered and reverted back to my atheist self (why is when you have a death defying moment you always pray to something?), I was angered, if not LIVID to see that it had just been an arrogant policeman stepping out infront of us (at 30kmh) and hitting the moto with ... read more
Drinks at The Factory
Domi shopping
it was worth standing in the road to get this pic of THE film poster!

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap July 26th 2006

After a lazy morning we had a walk around the town. First impressions is that it's a nice town. Very different to the other places we had been to in Cambodia. You could see that tourism had been good for business. The buildings were much nicer and there were a lot of restaurants, bars and of course tuk tuks! The down side to having lots of tourists means there are also a lot of beggers, namely children carrying their baby brothers and sisters. There are also lots of limbless beggers. We have been told on a couple of occasions not to give money to these people because they are mostly on drugs. We have seen children maybe as young as 12 or so sniffing glue or something. VERY SAD. But they always seem to beg to ... read more
Is that mine or yours??
More bombs
Happy children with sad stories

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap July 25th 2006

Up extra early today, 5.45am so that we could get some food for our journey to Siem Reap. When we came to check out of the hotel the manager gave us each a scarf, very nice and free! Andy was sceptical and asked if it was free before accepting. So 6.45am we were on a minibus to the boat, so far so good. Again we were unsure of how today was going to pan out. We had read others peoples blogs who did this trip, got a crap boat, got driven for ages on a truck before going to the boat, was so full had to stay on the roof because all the locals had the seats and taking 11 hours. So we expect the worst and can only then be pleased. Got to the boat, ... read more
On da boat
Guess who?
Some stilt houses

Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor July 25th 2006

I read in the guide book that Siem Reap means Siam (Thailand) defeated, which the author that was a pretty subtle name for a city so close to the Thai border. Cambodians are supposedly still sore at Thailand for having occupied their temples for 10 years back a couple of hundred years ago. Yesterday morning we set our alarm for 4:30am so we could arrive in time to see the sunrise over the temple of Angkor Wat-the biggest and most famous. It has a huge moat in front so I got some pretty cool pictures of some bright patches of sunlight peeking through the clouds and reflecting over the temple and into the water. I went a little camera happy since each picture seemed better than the last as the sun crept up. We'd climbed up ... read more
Cambodian tourists
Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat

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