Blogs from Phnom Penh, South, Cambodia, Asia - page 11


Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh November 13th 2015

Breakfast at our hotel was fantastic. Andy had bacon and sausage so he was over the moon, Claire and Helen enjoyed their pancakes and I got exactly what I was hoping for which was congee. What better way to start the day! Sustenance was needed for what was to follow as we headed out to the Killing Fields. Let's get some educating done for those that don't know. They have so far dug up the graves of 1.7m victims of Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge. They believe that up to 3m people were actually killed though out of a then population of 8m. The current population of Cambodia over the age of 18 is just 40% which shows just how many people were slaughtered. And I do mean slaughtered as bullets were expensive (equal to two bowls ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh November 13th 2015

Sokum our guide is just one year older than me. When he was 8 years old, his family was separated and he had to work in the fields gathering buffalo dung for fertiliser so that he could earn a bowl of rice a day, the rice being mainly water and more like gruel. During the three years, eight months and twenty days of Khymer Rouge Tyranny, 16 members of his family were killed by the Government of Democratic Kampuchea, during which time, 1.5-3 million Cambodian people were murdered out of a population of 8 million. No one knows the full numbers as not all of the bodies have been found, let alone identified. This happened from 1975 until 1978 when the Vietnamese invaded. The impact on the population now is that 60% is under 18 and ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh November 12th 2015

I felt bad for the guys who took us to the boat. Our transportation was three wheeler push bikes with and one small Vietnamese man peddling, aided only with one gear to help him. Add to that that they were not only carrying a larger tourist on the back, but their luggage also. But worse for my guy, he not only had me, but EE and her luggage too! I guess they know what they're doing and Glyn's bike guy was relaxed enough to make a phonecall as he pedalled across a busy junction. It was a small junction afterall, not big enough to warrant taking any notice of the traffic lights, which were on red. The areas of Vietnam that we've seen have been very flat, so the the incline over this junction was barely ... read more
Cambodian boat on River Mekong
National Museum, Phnom Phen

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh November 12th 2015

The day began at stupid o clock but I was already awake so what the hell. Breakfast was taken at the hotel and was a vast array of different dishes. There were Vietnamese dishes as well as ham, cheesy triangles, fried eggs, fruit etc etc. As only breakfasts are included from hereonin I had a lot. We were then piled onto the backs of bicycles along with our luggage which must have been a hell of a struggle for the poor cyclists. They managed but weren't happy at how little we gave them for a tip I don't think. We then met up with other tourists, some of whom I would later form a European allegiance with and two of whom I would be quite happy to push off the boat.... One boat filled up with ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh November 11th 2015

Phnom Penh, the Cambodian capital city, is clearly a place with a troubled past with a present-day situation which acts as a reminder of both the suffering and the progress made since those sour times. As the final piece of the jigsaw in this 2-nation trip, expectations were perhaps riding on the back of the standard-setting elements of what had come before it, but thankfully, Phnom Penh seemed to slot in effortlessly with the whole run of events. Full marks must surely go to the Frangipani living arts and spa hotel for being a well-located (near the Russian market), well-equipped (ground floor and rooftop pools) and well-serving hotel (see morning breakfast juice for proof) which was a sound choice of lodgings in a city with no shortage of options. Onto the day of tourist sights, and ... read more
More appealing building styles (Phnom Penh; Cambodia)
Wish all entrances were like this! (Phnom Penh; Cambodia)
Independence monument (Phnom Penh; Cambodia)

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh September 17th 2015

If you have not read my previous blog "Dear Thailand, When I said I'll Be Back, I Meant It. and I'm Bringing More.", here is a short intro. My first trip in March 2015 inspired me to list things I would do this year as well as help me find my passion: Traveling and Inspiring others. Here's the list of things I would do in 2015: • Travel more. • Start a legacy. Be more than "Luisa". • Laugh more. Read more. • Invest for future. • Learn how to swim Travel more was the first topic I dwelled on. I talked about my second trip in Thailand, in May 2015. The trip didn't fail me, I managed to see and experience more wonders of the beautiful kingdom. This time, it's about the second on my ... read more
Street foods..
Our Masterpiece
With Our Masterpiece

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh September 5th 2015

Hej med jer Jeg håber i havde en go' fødselsdagsfest hos H+D, ærgerligt jeg ikke ku' være med (Søs, fik du drukket de Gajoler for mig du lovede? :) ) Lidt om indtrykkene de første dage i Cambodia. Phnom Penh er en ganske charmerende by, den er ikke nær så stor og kaotisk som f.eks. Bangkok og Hanoi hvilket bestemt ikke gør os noget - man får ikke stress. Her er en sjov blanding af bygninger der bærer præg af den franske kolonitid blandet med den pompøse Khmer stil. Valuta herude er en anelse irriterende, de bruger US dollars som store penge, og deres egen valuta, Riel, som mønter så at sige. Du kan f.eks. få $5 og 7000 Riel tilbage - meget besværligt :S Den første dag slappede vi ved poolen ovenpå den lange flyvetur, ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh September 4th 2015

Second stop. Sightseeing in Phnom Penh.... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh August 12th 2015

Day 24 We slept in until 9am today then down for a hearty breakfast. We then ventured to the roof top pool. The infinity pool was amazing with the views all along the Mekong,pure heaven. A feeling of peace even though below was bustling with people and traffic. There was a jacuzzi, well it would be rude not to! The bubbles were great therapy for Lesley's arm. We sun bathed for a short while but whilst hot it was cloudy. It would have been perfect had it not been for 3 young lads from London who brought the 3 girls (workings girls I'd say!) who they picked up last night. It was cringe worthy. Nearly noon so we decided to get ready to go out. Taxi booked for 8.30am tomorrow as flying to Siem Reap. My ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh August 12th 2015

Day 24 - luxury pool and easy shopping day in Phnom Penh Ahhh.... Pure luxury this morning! We slept in until about 9.30, then went down for breakfast. For the second morning I really enjoyed the muesli before my ritual omelette with bits, followed by fruit. We are being spoilt here. After breakfast we have planned to go up on the rooftop to enjoy the infinity pool. A short swim, relax on a sunbed .... on a pre warmed towel! Then a dip in the spa pool, OMG. It was amazing, so luxurious! The scenery, the coolness, the moment.... Unforgettable! We were really enjoying the moment until three young English lads turned up with their Cambodian, "girls". I'm not a prude by any stretch, but it was enough to turn my stomach. The lads were loving ... read more

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