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January 21st 2007
Published: January 21st 2007
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Vinnie in his longyiVinnie in his longyiVinnie in his longyi

I believe this was right after I said "touch it once for me Vinnie." about the rock, of course.
okay, so my location is a lie but I haven't been able to blog since the last time I was in Bangkok and I wanted to have Myanmar light up on my little map...
anyways, so I'mma gonna try to start a synopsis here but I might lose my steam after I'm done telling all about our time in the country that won't let me use my email or blog

so I got into Yangon and met a Dutch girl and a Peruvian girl at the airport and we decided to share a cab into the city so I could meet up with Adeline and her friend Vincent, who she met in Vietnam. right away I could tell that Myanmar would be amazing because the driver recruited us right from the door, led us to the street and then made us wait until he brought the ricketiest car I've ever seen to pick us up. the doors were all rusted out and didn't close and I was too tall to sit up straight on the bumpy back seat, most of the dials were either broken, non existant or hanging by wires out of the orafice that was the dashboard.

right after getting out of the taxi some random dude came up to us trying to get us to change our money with him, apparently common practice in Myanmar. we decided against it for the time and when I did end up going with Adeline later the guy tried twice to rip me off by not counting the money correctly, then he asked for a present "like small baht, maybe 100" which to me is not small so I have him a pen. we later learned that currency is a weird thing in Myanmar because the ruler had demonitised certain denominations in the past so the people live in constant fear of their money becomming worthless over night, thus them frequently requesting American money over their own kyat.

I didn't even spend a day in Yangon when I got in. we decided to head to Bago right away and got to sit on little plastic stools in the aisle the whole way there, which I'd actually done in Laos also. Bago was a cute little town, but very noisy and busy because it's a main thourghfare for buses bound for other destinations.
the next day we hired a taxi
it was coldit was coldit was cold

I asked Vinnie if he was embarassed to me seen with me, guess what the answer to that was...
to take us to see the golden rock, a site of pilgrammage where there are some Buddah hairs (hair of the Buddah is all over Myanmar, very blessed indeed) but women are not allowed to touch it, only look at it. there were also many men getting their heads shaved there, one guy attempted to tell us why but I didn't quite get it, maybe something to do with the Buddah hairs being there...? we also saw a really hot monk. what a waste of chiseled features, although he may not be in it for the long haul as I learned from the former monk who I went on an accidental date with in Laos...

the next day after that we got on the night bus to Inle Lake, a very uncomfortable journey that I shouldn't complain about because the worst was yet to come.
the lake was beautiful and we took a boat tour out and saw towns that exist on stilts and the people have to take little boats everywhere
okay, I'm running out of steam for now, tune in for more later, I'll be in Bangkok for a few days sorting out my visa for vietnam
marilyn monroemarilyn monroemarilyn monroe

I didn't realise how windy it would be up there and Adeline took full advantage of that
so I'll have the time and prolly the boredom to get all up to date

much love

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me! fun!me! fun!
me! fun!

taking photos of myself has become an art to me

21st January 2007

Glad you're back online, toots. Can't wait to hear the rest of the tale. Love KDJ

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