Blogs from Western Region, Uganda, Africa - page 24


Sad news just in from Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda is that the 8 month old baby belonging to Kashundwe of the Mubare gorilla group has died. Rangers believe that the infant was injured amidst a scuffle that broke out between the Silverback Ruhondeza and the black-back Kanyonye. It is believed that the fight, most likely a result of dominance issue, led to the baby being in the wrong place at the wront time. Its particularly sad news because the Mubare group has over the past 2 years has lost a total of 5 individuals. Then 8 months ago, Kashundwe gave birth and more recently, a female who had gone awol to the Habinyanja group, returned. The group had increased to 6 individuals and made viewing more exciting. Sadly, it seems that the oldest habituated silverback ... read more
Kashundwe & infant
Babies are born every 4 years

An explosive piece of investigative journalism by Hussein Bogere & Simon Musasizi about a huge scandal in Uganda's tourism sector has been published in The Observer yesterday, 30th March 2011. In brief, the article is about a probe committee instituted by the minister of Tourism, Trade and Industry Maj Gen Kahinda Otafiire, which discovered several discrepancies in the amount of money used in the construction of a community lodge in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park - Cloud Lodge in Nkuringo. The probe also discovered that there is massive exploitation of the community that is supposed to benefit from the lodge, rampant illegal gorilla tracking and forgery of tracking permits and receipts, which drain the wildlife industry of hundreds of millions of shillings monthly. For more on the probe, log onto the web site below adn read ... read more

Its one of three places in the world that is home to the critically endgangered mountain gorilla. Gazetted at as National Park in 1991, Bwindi was declared a World Heritage Site under UNESCO in 1994. The park was officially opened to visitors in 1993 with the Mubare Gorilla Group that are still be visited today. Recently voted as Africa's number 1 birding destination Bwindi is one of those places you have to visit. When visiting Bwindi, here are 10 things you should do: 1. Gorilla trek 2. Enjoy a guided forest walk or two 3. Bird watching (either guided or alone - the birdlife is incredible) 4. A guided walk in search of other primates and other forest animals (over 120 mammals) 5. Discover an array of endemic fauna and flora 6. Partake in the Leaf ... read more
Preparing for a gorilla trek
Enjoying a forest walk
Enjoy a self guided walk

Janaury and February are the dry months in Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Its currently hot with no sign of rain. Fruit trees have begun fruiting deep in the forest and this has pushed the gorillas further inside. Currently, the Rushegura gorilla group are located behind the Buhoma Park Headquarters, slightly up the hill. Mubare gorilla group is close to Rubona Primary School and the Habinyanja gorilla group are back in "the neck" area of the park. Each is a good trek with visitors returning back from their walk around 14h00. Bitukura gorilla group, located in the Ruhija section of the park is still split into two groups. As soon as I get news of their locations and the possible reason for their split, I will post this informatoin. For the birders, the African Green Broadbill ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Bundibugyo January 13th 2011

No, la nebbia non e' quella che avvolge le montagne ugandesi sulle quali trovano rifugio alcuni tra gli ultimi gorilla resi famosi dal celebre film, ma e' invece quella che si trovava nel corpo del mercante al ritorno dalla valle del fiume Semliki: due giorni di pensieri offuscati e torpore fisico che mi hanno fatto temere il peggio, ma che poi si sono, per fortuna, risolti in un nulla di fatto, cioe' niente malaria ne febbre gialla, e neppure ebola, quello strano virus che saltuariamente fa la sua comparsa in qualche angolo sperduto del continente e causa la morte improvvisa di centinaia di malcapitate persone, per poi riscomparire nel nulla da dove era venuto; l' ultima volta in questa valle e' accaduto nel 2007, quando e' stato isolato un nuovo ceppo prontamente ribattezzato "Bundibugyo ebolavirus", dal ... read more
La strada per il Rwenzori
Bujagali: le rapide del Nilo
Il presidente Museveni in lotta per un nuovo mandato...

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Queen Elizabeth NP December 29th 2010

We assembled early Wednesday morning at a friend’s house with mimosas before the eight of us piled into the tour guide’s safari truck. We drove several hours before coming to the border crossing with Uganda and continued on a short cut to the outskirts of Queen Elizabeth Park. We stayed at the Katara Lodge, which had several thatched roof cabins. The top half of the walls were made of screens and canvas, so you could roll them down and have an open air view of the valley below. One of the beds had wheelbarrow wheels, so we pushed it out onto the balcony one night and slept under the stars. On Thursday, our solar power was not operating, so we got dressed with one flashlight and a cell phone before starting out on our early morning ... read more
Safari Car
Baby Hippo

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Mgahinga National Forest December 9th 2010

Ten days ago, guides in the Mgahinga Gorilla National Park came across a two year old infant gorilla with a snare around its neck. Vetenarians were called in immediately, however to date, they have been unsuccessful in darting and helping the infant. The problem is two fold - the first time the vets attempted to dart the infant, it was in the thick bamboo typical of this area. They missed and the silverback, head of the Nyakagazi gorilla group became aggitated. From then on, the silverback has been overly protective of his infant making it difficult for the vets to remove the snare. Vest have identified that the wire is fairly loose around the gorillas neck, enabling him to continue eating. Unfortunately, living around Mgahinga N.P. are just too many people. The local communities still lay ... read more
Catching-a-ride 01
Makara-&-family 03

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Lake Bunyonyi December 2nd 2010

There was no need to put on the cult classic CD from the 90’s. The relaxing vibrations were all there to see and hear. The birds chirping followed by silence, a gentle rustling of the leaves. Blue sky ahead - Lush cultivated green hills surround me – Below is a greyish blue lake. I am in an opened air hut that I have paid $15 a night for. Seclusion could be no better. Behind me dark clouds hover over, letting off warning sounds. The breeze picks up and the leaves start creating urgency. The light tapping of rain hits my hut. But I am cocooned under the covers of my bed, sheltered and gradually drifting off to sleep with the sounds of nature reverberating around my day. At last I have found a place in Africa ... read more
My view
3 - local kid
4 - Kabale

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Kabale November 23rd 2010

On Friday afternoon, we headed up to Lake Bunyoni, Uganda. The drive took about 3 hours, including the border crossing. Let’s just say it was not like going between the U.S. and Cananda. We parked our car and piled into the boat with three other couples and mountains of camping gear. Arriving at dusk, we checked in and ordered dinner. The camp occupied the entire island with a combination of cottages and safari tents. The “sunbird” tent had a wash basin with a bucket of water, a composting toilet, a gravity-fed, outdoor shower, and two beds. After dinner, we played cards and drank French wine around the fire. The next morning, they delivered hot water for the shower and coffee (after a reminder by Alex). The water was hot, but it was still fairly brisk and ... read more
Dugout Canoe
View from our hike

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Kasese October 8th 2010

Kasese Queen Elisabeth National Parc lies in the south of Uganda. It is surrounded by plantages with banana's, coffee, papaya, mango, vanille, cacao, avocado, sorghum, cassave and papyrus. Inside the parc Kazinga channel connects Lake George with Lake Edward. It is full of life. We see buffalo's, wathogs (pumba in the Walt Disney movie "King of the Lions"), hippo's, nile crocodiles, Uganda kob (a kind of antilope) and a lot of birds like kingfishers, hamerkop, saddlebilled stork, spurwinged plover, blackheaded heron and the great white pelican. It is a big spectacle, specially when the kingfishers steal the fishes the cormorants just catched, while African fish eagles and lap faced vultures overview the show. Later we see our first elephants. It is around the beautiful crater lakes at a height of about 3000 meter and exactly on ... read more
In the village
With the local ladies
Making fire

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