Blogs from Victoria and Alfred Waterfront, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa, Africa


Woke this morning to bright sunshine, and when we got to breakfast we could see Table Mountain (without any cloud). Yayy! So back to the Hop On Hop Off bus (red route this time) which also travels through the centre of Cape Town, and then part way up Table Mountain to the Lower Cableway Station. Off the bus, along with everyone else, to join the queue! Waited an hour to ride the cable car to the top. I guess (like us) everyone had waited for a clear day. There are two cable cars, one going up and one down at any given time, they each hold up to 65 people, have a revolving floor, and take 4-5 minutes to the top (or bottom). Once at the top there are paths around the mountain and spectacular views ... read more
Lions Head & Signal Hill
One of the cable cars
Both of the cable cars

Arrived in Johannesburg in the dark - 5am, got our bags and then rechecked them through to Cape Town and were again escorted from the international terminal to the domestic, but this time by a representative from the tour company - a nice touch. And not so rushed - had a 3 1/2 hour wait for our flight to Cape Town. Arrived there mid morning, but could not see Table Mountain on the drive from the airport - it was covered in cloud (the tablecloth apparently). But we were able to get into our room at the Table Bay Hotel. It is a beautiful hotel, on the waterfront where the cheaper rooms have ocean views (ours!) and the expensive ones have views of Table Mountain (hiding behind the clouds). It was nice to be able to ... read more
Table Mountain (under the cloud)
Painted Rhino

I hardly ever sleep well the night before a trip. The excitement still keeps my adrenaline pumping all night long, as well as the fear of not waking up in time to catch an early AM flight. I toss and turn the whole night, and the minutes pass by so slowly. I stare out into the darkness, wishing I could just skip ahead and be at my destination already, with no hiccups. You spend months preparing all the details of your trip: flights, transportation, itinerary, even clothes. And then the moment finally comes, which seems to catch me by surprise... that moment when you are merely minutes from take off. There's also the looming question, "Will my trip live up to my expectations?" Although this particular trip was really high on both our bucket lists, my ... read more
Loved this band by the Waterfront
Water droplets from fog
Art by the V&A Waterfront

Our daughter Amy married Karl last Saturday - we had a really wonderful day. Karl comes from South Africa and his family were unable to join us so all our family are hi-jacking the Honeymoon and going to visit them! We all fly out separately and meet up on November 10th in Bloemfontein where we will spend 5 nights together. We then all go off in different directions! Gary and I have 3 weeks there and the planning has taken a while! We are staying in a variety of places varying from wooden chalets to Country Estates and are hoping to see some great sights. We fly into Cape Town where we pick up a car and enjoy a couple of nights in the centre. Then off to The Karoo National Park for 2 nights before ... read more
Amy and Karl with lovely bridesmaids
Our family
Me and my boys

Well we have finally arrived in Cape Town...a mega 26hr journey...Melb to Perth...Perth to JoBurg...JoBurg to Cape Town....the Temaze really did help, we have never taken sleeping tablets...a wonderful thing to get 5hrs straight sleep! Cape Town is not really what we were expecting, its seems very clean, pretty and has a nearly nice vibe to it. Couple of issues with our hotel to start with but now sorted and in a great spot right on the water close to the V&A Waterfront...walking distance to attractions, restaurants etc. Have never stayed at a Radisson Blu Hotel, very comfortable but nothing to rave about. Day one out on the walking trail down to the waterfront which is such a great area to browse around and soak up the atmosphere, then for a 2klm walk to Hussar Grill...fantastic ... read more
Imizamo Yethu
Imizamo Yethu
Imizamo Yethu

Last night was very stormy and we were all woken up(with the exception of Fred) to the sound of furniture on the terrace being blown around. I actually thought someone had got into house and was expecting to see a big black man on the other side of the door!! Today is very calm so able to have breakfast on terrace. Picked up at 11.30 to go down to waterfront to meet Vivienne and Jean-Paul. We had a lovely long lunch at the Waterfront Fishmarket then back to Jean-Paul's for coffee. Finished off the day with a couple of drinks at Camps Bay and back to villa to see Andy win his tennis match much to the delight of his number one fan Veronica- in bed by 10. You can tell we are pensioners as obsessed ... read more

Gestern und heute hatte ich ein Busticket für so einen Stadtrundfahrt Bus - Hop on, Hop off. Man kann mit einem Fahrschein den ganzen Tag mit den 4 Buslinien rumfahren, steigt aus, wo man lustig ist, steigt wieder ein, fährt ein Haus weiter etc. Ich benützte dieses Ticket einfach teilweise für den Transport von einer Sehenswürdigkeit zur nächsten. Machte eine Stadtführung, ging in Museen, saß in einem schönen Park, fuhr hinauf zur Seilbahnstation vom Tafelberg und machte mehrmals eine Rundfahrt der Küste entlang (weil ich nur so zum Hotel zurück kam). Unter der Apartheid Gesetzgebung gab es 11 Rassengruppen. Der wichtigste Test war der Kugelschreiber Test. konnte man einen Kugelschreiber ins Haar der Testperson stecken und der blieb drin (Kraushaar!!), dann war das Pech. Andernfalls war man eben fein raus. Die unterste Gruppe waren die Bantu ... read more

Der heutige Tag war eigentlich genau so wie der letzte Tag der Reise von Nairobi nach Kapstadt. Denn alle wollen das Kap Agulhas sehen (suedlichster Punkt Afrikas), dann muss man da uebernachten - diesmal in Ariston - und dann muss man ganz schnell nach Kapstadt sausen, weil noch so viel zu tun ist an diesem Tag. Der Hauptunterschied zum letzten Mal war das Wetter. Es hat nicht geregnet (obwohl es am Morgen ganz danach ausgeschaut hat), die Sonne schien und es war sogar ziemlich heiss, alle Lueftungsklappen im Anzug waren offen. An manchen Stellen traute ich meinen Augen nicht, so erstaunt war ich ueber die Gegend - man sah sie naemlich diesmal... Allerdings fuhr ich nicht mit zum Kap der Guten Hoffnung - da sammelt man sich an einem grauenhaften Parkplatz, wartet rum, um dann gemeinsam ... read more

Deon was kind enough to put me up for more than a week. This is very epic as I have spent a bit more than I hoped and I need to pause for the cause to be able to do all the other things I want to do on this trip. So I relaxed while Mr. Mumbles worked the day away and we enjoyed the afternoon and evening activities Cape Town has to offer. One day I visited the V&A Waterfront where there are a lot of people partaking in all kinds of wharf activities. There was a big shopping mall where I picked up a much needed can opener as well as treating myself to a global initiative I have taken upon myself. That’s right….I went to McDonald’s to see what other treats we can’t ... read more
omg in all its gloriousness
mumbles got a cover up. sailor jerry style!
San bushmen painting for the win!!!

Over the five years I have owned my camera I have really developed an interest in photography and taught myself how to use some of the manual functions. I have been happy with some of the results but also frequently disappointed. For a couple of years I have wanted to take some tuition to ensure that I am covering all of the right things. Since we had some time to spare in Cape Town and a very favourable exchange rate, it was the perfect opportunity. I searched for courses online and found some suitable ones but then contacted the organisations and many didn't reply. The one that did reply, Martin Osner, looked amazing but unfortunately their dates didn't work because we had plans with the family. I did another search and came up with the Cape ... read more
"Building a Better Future"
The Marina

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