Blogs from Masanga, Sierra Leone, Africa


Africa » Sierra Leone » Masanga September 23rd 2013

A very warm hello to everyone, we hope this finds you all well, after what we gather has been a wonderful summer in the UK. Thank you, as ever to those who have written, it is always wonderful to hear from you! The rainy season is coming to an end here, but the nightly thunder storms remain very impressive and if we leave any electrical device plugged in, it will blow up! We left Masanga yesterday after an emotional farewell to staff, patients and our cat, and have a few days on the beach to gather our thoughts. Time has flown by! We were spoiled in our last week with a surprise party, touching gifts and kind words and prayers. We had a general staff meeting to hand over the keys to the car and we ... read more
Kissy road traffic...
Centipede burn
river no 2

Africa » Sierra Leone » Masanga August 18th 2013

Dear All, Whilst we sit in 28 degrees of humid thunder storms and smelly damp clothes, it seems that you are having a beautiful September in the UK. It serves as a great reminder of how stunning the UK is and what we can look forward to next year....and what will pull us back to the UK! So we are in our final month of work in Masanga. When we move on, we will miss it but the projects that we planned were for 6 months and now that these are almost completed, we are looking forward to new adventures down south. I can't remember if we told you but the general plan is overland to Liberia, fly to Ghana, then after some turtle spotting and the obvious visit to Ghana's best wave spots fly down ... read more
Hours of fun...
English weather for the beach!
Even salonean children still swallow coins!

Africa » Sierra Leone » Masanga July 17th 2013

Dear All, A very wet and warm hello to everyone. We hope this finds you all well, and thank you as ever, to those of you who have left us messages. No one mentioned that Andy Murray had won Wimbledon though or that a royal baby had been born! Life in Masanga seems to be flying by in a blur of ward rounds, teaching, management meetings, and groundnut based food, with the nights a blur of pregnant abdomens and febrile infants I am now diagnosing typhoid perforations of the terminal ileum at a distance of twenty feet…. So its been a while since we last blogged but we celebrated Jo's birthday week with a beach break on the first weekend, and a trip to one of the national parks, Tiwai Island, the following weekend. Home to ... read more
Night shift!
Spot diagnosis!

Africa » Sierra Leone » Masanga June 8th 2013

Dear All, A very warm and wet hello from Masanga. The rain falls very heavily for a very short period, so we have just been outside under the gutter, filling up all our buckets. The mangos have been raining down on the tin roof and now the rain has stopped, the kids are out looking for them. I have even baked my first mango crumble in our new Gas oven, which has now run out of gas, as has the nearest town…. I've been into work this morning and already sewn up two kids with mango picking related injuries.... We have been here for 6 weeks now and the time seems to have flown by. Thank you, as ever, to those who have been in touch. It is always great to hear from home, and when ... read more
Emergency doctor's waiting room
Independence Day games
Mr education, our watchman.

Africa » Sierra Leone » Masanga May 18th 2013

Dear All, How are you all and has the summer arrived yet? We apologise for the lack of any contact for a while but Masanga has the most appalling reception and Internet so connecting with the outside world is a constant difficulty. Contacting relatives to reassure them of our health is difficult enough, let alone trying to conduct a professional relationship with the rest of the world. It's a frustrating process and this is short account just to let you know what we are up to.....and for you to appreciate any cold weather you are having! Below is a small account of where we are up to so far written by Jo. Well we have done 3 weeks of work now and feel completely immersed into the Sierra Leonean life at the hospital. Because of another ... read more

Africa » Sierra Leone » Masanga April 7th 2008

Nu har vi fået internet, så jeg må hellere til at skrive noget mere om mine oplevelser hernede. Jeg ved ikke helt om jeg når at oploade hele min dagbog i dag, men jeg vil prøve. Først vil jeg dog lige fortælle et par generelle ting. Hverdagen og undervisning Hverdagen er efterhånden ved at indfinde sig hernede. Jeg står op et sted mellem otte og ni. Spiser morgenmad og forbereder så engelskundervisning med Erik. Kl. 10 har vi en times pc-undervisning og bagefter står den på engelsk undervisning class 3, det bedste hold. Derefter spiser vi frokost, og så kører vi to timers engelsk undervisning for class 2 og class 1. Class 1 består af folk der hverken kan skrive eller læse, og det engelsk de kan kommer fra krio (det sprog de frigivne slaver tog ... read more

Africa » Sierra Leone » Masanga February 21st 2008

Her kommer mit foerste indlaeg. Det er skrevet for ca en uge siden. Ankomsten Vi ankom til Sierra Leone sidste fredag (1. februar) kl. 19.00 efter en 12 timers tur fra København over Bruxelles og Dakar. Det første, der slog mig, da jeg kom ud af flyet, var varmen. Det var ca. 30 grader varmt og meget fugtigt. Da vi kom ind i ankomst terminalen mødte der os en hær af ansatte. Mænd i orange veste, der for 2000 Le (4 kr.) hjalp med bagage, politifolk med maskinpistoler, der stod og var vagtsomme, og så ellers en masse andre personager, som ikke have en helt indlysende funktion. Alt i alt virkede det som om der var flere ansatte end der var tilrejsende. Det kunne desværre ikke sikre os mod bortkommen bagage. Julie, en af de medicinstuderende, ... read more
Motor ring 3?

Africa » Sierra Leone » Masanga February 21st 2008

Her er saa det indlaeg jeg har skrevet for nylig. Jeg havde regnet med at kunne poste det foerste indlaeg for lang tid siden, men internet er en mangelvare hernede saa i faar to i dag. Torsdag den 14. februar I dag var der Valentines fest nede i byen. Der var virkelig mange mennesker, både børn og voksne og der blev danset hele natten. Det var fedt, men sindssygt varmt, og det blev bestemt ikke bedre af, at der kun blev solgt varme colaer. Til gengæld lærte vi lidt om hvad man må og ikke må når man danser. F.eks. kan man få en bøde hvis man danser med en gift kvinde, men til gengæld på man tager pigerne på brysterne hvis man kender dem. Faktisk lader de nogen gange brysterne hænge frit fremme, så man ... read more
The guitar hero

Africa » Sierra Leone » Masanga March 7th 2007

Jeg har ikke skrevet saa meget denne gang, men der var vist ogsaa rigeligt sidst. Her er nogle billeder af alt det jeg gaar rundt i. Tak for de mange kommentare, det er rart at hore nyt hjemme fra! /Morten... read more
Den ny aabnede borneafdelingen

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