Blogs from Namibia, Africa - page 118


Africa » Namibia July 29th 2006

Well, OK, this is just an excuse to send you photos of other stuff, including birds and, if not bees, then at least some curious insects, and some flowers and other things that I thought might be of interest. So, you can heave a great sigh of relief: there will be little text in this blog, and lots of piccies to look at. No excuse not to get back to work quickly after scanning this entry! Sorry, did I mention the "w" word???! Anyway, by the time you get this, I'll be off on my travels again. Fully recuperated from the effects of a lot of VERY early mornings, lack of sleep and the full-on schedule of the Namibian Experience having had a week of veg-ing in the chill of Cape Town (yes, I am managing ... read more
crimson-breasted shrike
female Southern korhaan
Cape sparrows

Africa » Namibia July 28th 2006

The second half of the Northern Adventure was to get more cultural as we left nature for anthropology and a visit to a Himba village near Kamanjab in Damaraland. This village has been developed by Jaco Burger, a South African known as the “white Himba”, who has adopted the ways of the Himba and was appointed head man of this particular group of Himba. The Himba people continue to lead a traditional way of life, with cattle at the centre of their lives, and move around between villages as the seasons and the cattle’s grazing requirements change. It was a privilege to be able to visit them, and have some of their customs explained to us; yet, at the same time, we felt as if we were intruding, as if the Himba people themselves were being ... read more
close-up of a petrified tree trunk
welwitschia at the Petrified Forest
rock carvings at Twyfelfontein

Africa » Namibia July 28th 2006

Who could fail to be intrigued by the romance and mystery in place-names such as Kaokoveld, Damaraland, Sossusvlei and Swakopmund, Windhoek, Otjiwarongo, Etosha and Marienfluss? By a country that boasts its own ghost town, and whose ports are all wedged uncomfortably between the desert and the South Atlantic? A country much of whose coastline is known as the Skeleton Coast after the multiple shipwrecks it has seen, and where diamonds could once be collected as easily as shells on a beach? Namibia has been high on my travel-target list ever since I saw photographs of some of its highlights when Colin and I were invited to go on an overland trip there out of Johannesburg. As it happened, we’d had to decline because the time commitment was just too great for two stressed City lawyers to ... read more
the trusty steed
the Northern Adventure route
technical hitch at Okahandja

Africa » Namibia » Swakopmund July 22nd 2006

Since our last entry, we have begun our 26 day Overland Adventure Tour. We left Cape Town Sunday morning when we joined our 19 other traveling companions. It is quite the diversification of people: 2 from Italy, 2 from England, 4 from Holland, 4 from Korea, 2 from Germany, 2 from New Zealand, 2 from Switzerland, and 1 from Japan. Most people speak English, but the Koreans and the Germans don't speak any English. A good majority of the people are young, but there are several older couples as well. Everyone is very nice and we are having a great time getting to know them and learn their cultures. An overland adventure tour is basically like one big camping road trip. Imagine driving across the US and camping everywhere you stay, but then remember we're in ... read more
Orange River
Tropic of Capricorn
Quiver Tree

Africa » Namibia » Swakopmund July 21st 2006

Hi everyone! I don't have very much time left here at the cafe... I have loads to say too but it will have to wait! Am here in Swakopmund Namibia (Jolie & Pitt stayed 15km from here for the curious)... We have been here the past 3 nights - staying in luxury - dorms in a hostel instead of the chilly outdoors! We leave for a cheetah park tomorrow. Most of us went dune boarding today. I was the one most covered in sand - Klay tries to tell me it had something to do with the 3 oz of sunscreen I put on before the adventure. hahaha It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! I might be your next pro sand boarder if we can install some dunes up north and rig up a damn lift up the hill!!! ... read more
On the Ridge
Ready to Go!
Me oh My!

Africa » Namibia » Swakopmund July 18th 2006

Jumping out of a plane from 10,000 feet is not an experience I'll be repeating in a hurry! I'm pleased I did it but even though it was a tandem dive and I was safely strapped to my skydive master I was absolutely petrified the whole way through it - from the plane ride up to the moment I touched down! Quadbiking in the sand dunes of the Namibian desert however was a fantastic experience! Swakopmund has been one of the many highlights of my trip. It's a lovely coastal town with great restaurants and plenty of activities. I'll be sorry to leave. ... read more

Africa » Namibia July 11th 2006

Hey Nach einer super Nacht mit einfach traumhaften Matrazen (dicher als 5 cm!!!) haben wir ein fantastisches Fruehstueck genossen. Darum bin ich wahrscheinlich auch die Treppe (welche wirklich seeeehr glitschig war) hinuntergefallen und habe seit dem wunderschoene blaue Flecken am hintern..... Tja ueber 600 km mussten wir an diesem Tag fahren. Zwischen durch ueberquerten wir auch die namibische / botswanische Grenze was jedesmal ein groesseres Prozedere ist mit stempel etc. auch bekommt man in Botswana sofort Kondome wie auch Female Condoms in die Haende gedrueckt (....seeehr hohe AIDS rate....)dies sogar mit einer seeeeeehr detailierten Beschreibung.... Irgendwann kamen wir jedoch beim Camp an und dort hatten wir die Wahl, ob wir in einer runden Huette schlafen wollten oder im Zelt.. Wegen den vielen Spinnen und Kaefer entschieden wir uns fuer die Zelte. Zum Abendessen gab es Co ... read more
Kalahari Cafmp 2

Africa » Namibia » Windhoek July 10th 2006

Sali mitaenand 5.30 hiess es an diesem morgen und in einem affenzahn mussten wir alles zusammenpacken. Gleich nach dem Fruehstueck ging es los. Zuerst sahen wir nur ein paar Hyaenen doch nach einer halben Stunde erspaehnten wir drei Geparde welche gerade am fressen waren. War total spannend diese zu beobachten! Wenig spaeter kreuzten wir auch noch eine Schlange und einen wunderschoenen Adler! In Windhoek (Hauptstadt Namibia) konnten wir wiedereinmal ein wunderschoenens Hotelzimmer beziehen! Es war auch da wieder absolut traumhaft mit warmem Wasser zu duschen und auf eine saubere Toillette zu gehen..... Am Abend gingen wie zu Joes Beerhouse und haben dort super gegessen. Auch war an dies der letzte Abend von Wolfgang, welcher uns in Windhoek verliess und nach Hause flog. Darum stiessen wir noch mit einem Amarula auf die Reise an.... read more
Etosha Sunset

Africa » Namibia July 9th 2006

Here we where on a farm near Aranos. Thats a short drive(I mean short drive Namibias terms) south east of Windhoek close to the Botswana border. No this was a fun trip.We stayed with Loods family again on their farm called Erfenis.It was wonderfull.We helped with the sheep farming, that intails jumping off moving vehicles and running after sheep in long grass, now I understand why my Kiwi buddys like their sheep;-)(just jokes) We had a ball doing the sheep catching thing. We also went horse riding, well it was more like horse falling.I fell off twice once was my fault the second time the saddle I was using broke under me and i came tumbling to the ground.I had a fun but painfull time. ... read more
Sheep farming
Horse riding
Last photo

Africa » Namibia » Etosha National Park July 8th 2006

Endlich ging es zum Etosha. Gleich neben dem Eingan hatten wi Lunch. Ca eine Stunde spaeter brachten wir zu unserem Camp Okankojeo auf. AUf dieser Fahrt sahen wir bereits Zebrqas und Girfaffen! War ein wunderschoenen Anblick, so wilde Tiere einfach LIFE zu sehen! Das Camp war sehr gross und zum zelten eigentlich nicht wirklich schoen. Nach dem Abendessen sassen wir noch lange vor dem grossen Wasserloch, welches gerade neben dem Camping ist und man so bequem Tierebeobachten kann! Zuerst war "nur" ein Nashorn und ein paar Giraffen da welche am trinken waren. Ploetzlich kamen jedoch fuenf Elefanten und dann immer mehr auch mit ganz kleinen Babys! Am Schluss waren es ueber 35 Elefanten in unmittlelbarer Naehe von uns! Einfach atemberaubend! Kurz sahen wir auch eine Loewin welche herumschlich, diese verschwand jedoch wieder.... read more
Etosha Giraffe

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