Blogs from Eastern Province, Kenya, Africa - page 4


Africa » Kenya » Eastern Province » Maua April 19th 2008

April 19th! This is the day of Tony’s birthday… he turns 30 in Kenya! Tonight we will celebrate with the other missionaries and volunteers in a double-party for Tony and Katherine, a volunteer for one year at the hospital. She is an IT person, and is helping to make the hospital computerized. The last week since our arrival in Maua has been full and challenging. We are finding ourselves adjusted to the time zone, but still working to adjust to the pace and life in Maua. I worked in the medical ward 2 days along with Jane, whom I mentioned in a previous post. I also did 2 days in the trauma room, which is basically the hospital’s ER. I have been able to do many dressing changes, giving shots, giving IV treatments, etc. under the ... read more
Hand shake?
Happy children

Africa » Kenya » Eastern Province » Maua April 15th 2008

Just a quick note to say all is well. We had a good day of working today. We are finding it difficult to adjust our American pace to Kenyan work style. It is interesting to work for 2 hours, take a tea break, work another few hours, break one hour for lunch, come back for 2 more hours, then leave for the day! Not that I'm complaining, but it sometimes feels like we do more "breaks" than work! I helped out on the medical ward, turning patients, giving bed baths, feeding patients via NG tubes, etc. (Nursing care without the medical license part of it). Tony went around with the hospital chaplain, who has asked him to give the sermon for tomorrow's chapel service. He also met with the Synod leaders, who have arranged to begin ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Eastern Province » Maua April 14th 2008

4-13-08 It’s Sunday afternoon, and I have found time again to sit and write a blog. Yesterday was another day to get settled. We drove the one-hour drive to Meru with Bill and Jane, a British nurse who has been volunteering here since August. She plans to stay anywhere from 1-3 years. I will be working with Jane on Tuesdays and Wednesdays on the medical ward, giving care to patients who are dependent. It was very interesting talking with Jane about the situation of care in the hospitals in Kenya. It seems Kenya has much of the same issue as we have in the US of focusing on the medical care of patients, but often neglecting the comfort and cleanliness aspects of Nursing. This problem in the US is bad enough, but here there are no ... read more
Elephants on the road!
Beautiful vista

Africa » Kenya » Eastern Province » Maua April 12th 2008

Hello from Meru! We have safely arrived at our destination for the next 6 weeks! This is truly something to be thankful for, especially after our long drive here through curvy, winding mountain roads! According to our missionary hosts, the only way they have lost fellow missionaries has been road-related accidents (no disease-related deaths), and there is a funeral today for 4 people in the Maua community who died on the road to Nairobi recently. Tony and I rode back to Meru with the hospital group of 7 (for a total of 9 in the van), plus all of our various luggage. We sat in the back of the van, and Tony tried to use the seatback in front of him to help the driver to steer the car:). All except Tony and the driver nodded ... read more
Pretty blue bird
Riding to Maua
Living room

Africa » Kenya » Eastern Province » Maua December 1st 2007

(30/11) (En lille kommentar: Her et nyt kapitel på bloggen. Den har været lang tid undervejs, da jeg har samlet lidt ind og ikke haft tid og måske heller ikke den store inspiration til skrive. Man vænner sig forbløffende meget til at leve et andet sted, med andre traditoner og opfattelser. Desuden er der adgang forbudt med USB-stick det sted, vi har haft internetadgang, da de har haft en del problemer med vira. Jeg har også haft travlt med planlægning af den forestående rejse rundt i landet og til Tanzania) 9/11 Kenyansk mentalitet: Man slår græs med en græsslåmaskine - ligger der en plastikpose med tomater i, kører man da bare henover. Græsset bliver jo slået. Der bliver også spredt splattet tomat og platikstykker rundt - og hvad så? Faktisk er græsslåmaskinen et sjældent syn; normal ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Eastern Province » Marsabit November 26th 2007

We had all been rather dreading this leg. It has the reputation of being one of the worst roads in Africa, and we were not disappointed. But as we drove out of the town, through a police check, we had to forfeit our passports while they recorded our details. Jeremy and I were then hauled off to meet the local Chief Supt of Police, clearly a very important person, who at great length detailed the position regarding shifta on this road. But because there had been no trouble for several months and because the road was well policed, he would not insist on us having an escort policeman with us. We of course expressed our delight and eventually set off, at least 45 minutes later than we had hoped! The first part of the road wasn’t ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Eastern Province » Moyale November 25th 2007

The rising sun awoke us to the magical atmosphere of total isolation in the African bush - lovely! We soon packed up and set off, delighted that we had not been “found” in our camp. We drove only a mile or so down the road and were into a small village - how lucky had we been, we asked ourselves! It was only 20 miles or so to Mega and the next village we came to we found there was a deep volcanic crater which produced an abundance of soda which the locals harvested. We got out of our cars to look into the crater and to talk to the locals about it. There was clearly a market for the soda, the black stuff going to the livestock and the white for human use. I think ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Eastern Province » Maua September 27th 2007

26/9Så skete det endelig! Min første Safari! Sammen med en ældre, spansk farmaceut hyrede Charlotte og jeg den lokale guide, John, der ikke er til at komme udenom, når man som muzungu ankommer til Maua. John og hans driver Charles samlede os op i en lejet Landrover klokken syv, lørdag morgen, og vi satte kurs mod “Samburu National Park”, der ligger ca. 60 km i fugleflugt nord-nordvest for Maua. Turen var dog meget længere, da vi skulle forbi Meru først, pga. infrastrukturen. Det så ud til at blive en herlig solskinsdag, og vi havde perfekt vejr på hele turen.Første “gamedrive” (“dyrejagt”) startede, da vi kørte gennem porten. Jeg vil lade billederne tale for sig selv, men højdepunkterne skal nævnes (der er en del billeder med denne gang, men der er mulighed for et slideshow, hvis man ... read more
Elefantflok ved vandloeb
Elefant spiser frokost

Africa » Kenya » Eastern Province » Maua September 20th 2007

18/9 Kampen i søndags var lidt af en oplevelse. Den startede med at vi blev hentet i spillerbussen; en af spillerne, Aaron, der arbejder som chauffør på hospitalet, kørte en minibus frem, som normalt bruges til sygetransport, tror jeg, men et rødt skilt var sat i forruden med navnet: “Maua Methodist Hospital FC”, og den var nu forvandlet. Da kampen var mod et lokalt hold, kunne vi ikke spille på det lokale stadion, hvor banen ellers er forholds plan. I stedet kørte vi lidt ud af hovedvejen til en skole, hvor et stykke immiteret savanne ventede os! Græsset var flere steder 40 cm højt, og banen vekslede mellem store knolder af græs og bare pletter med rød jord. Det var dømt til at gå galt med skader og elendig fodbold! Selv mine medspillere beklagede sig over ... read more
Udsigt over Maua
Vandretur omkring Maua
Vandretur omkring Maua

Africa » Kenya » Eastern Province » Maua September 12th 2007

Endelig lykkedes det at komme igennem - stroemafbrydelser konstant!Hmm… Måske er Dr. Hawala, som jeg erfarede, han hedder, ikke helt som jeg troede - faktisk værre end nogen kirurger, jeg kender! Han behandler både patienter og personale elendigt. Han kører på personalet, hvis de ikke lige gør, som han havde i sinde, de skulle - også selv om han sagde det modsatte for fem minutter siden. Slutter gerne af med noget selvdestruktivt, fordi han har opgivet den forfærdelige hverdag, han lever i pga. det elendige personale, fx. “I think I’ll go and go cut my head off and through it in the bush” - og så slår han op i et kæmpe latter, som går solo gennem operationsstuen. I følge the clinical officers, CO’s, er han “rude”, så det er heldigvis ikke sådan, de alle er, ... read more
Min vinduesudsigt
mira-bil (lokal, euforiserende plante)

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