Blogs from Greater Accra, Ghana, Africa - page 64


Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra August 21st 2006

August 21: I arrived on a cool Tuesday night and was promptly plunged, wild eyed, into the hive of activity immediately outside Kotoka airport. Pushing through the touts, I was packed into a waiting van and shuttled to the University, where I was handed a key to my room, a cold dinner of rice and chicken in a styrofoam box, and a roll of toilet paper. It seemed like such a dream. The past few days I have been acclimating to the weather, which has been extremely easy considering the usual temperature is around 80F and a cool breeze blows off the coast. My second night in Accra, I ventured to the beach with two friends to experience a Rastafarian party. It was a good time: blaring live reggae music; hundreds of Ghanaian rastafarians dancing and ... read more
Kwame Nkrumah Monument, Accra
Osu District, Accra
Cape Coast

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra August 21st 2006

Hello folks, Given that I've got just over a week left and the only post I've made thus far is entitled "disclaimer" I figured it was about time for that second post. I've gotta confess that I really have no excuses now. As of last Friday the internet is actually working at the Telecentre Guesthouse where I'm staying, so I'm essentially living at an internet cafe. I thought I should give an explanation of what I'm actually doing over here and where I've ended up after my original site shut down. Before leaving Canada I likely gave you all the same line that I would be "screening for eye disease, coordinating surgeries with the local hospital and participating in community health education" as that was the info I had. In reality my usual work at Enyiresi ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra August 19th 2006

Hello, friends! Well, it is almost time for me head back to the States---just TWO days left! I am filled with mixed emotions--it is so difficult saying goodbye to the people here...and yet at the same time, I am so excited to see all of you again! I am looking forward to huge hugs from family and friends, no longer smelling like insect repellant 24-hours a day, running water, and Subway sandwiches (yes, this has been my weird craving while abroad:) Seriously though, this has been an amazing experience that I will definitely never forget, and overall, I am ready to come back---as I feel like I am leaving with the knowledge that I have experienced everything I wanted to and much much more. This entire experience has been such a least once everyday I ... read more
U of Legon library
hangin with the gals
Lovely ladies:)

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra August 16th 2006

I had my orientation this morning, which consisted of me sitting in a room, surrounded by about 9 men from PCO (Population caring organisation). They introduced themselves and each represented a certain project which they explained and then tried to recruit me to. There was the leader of Peace Cells which focuses on Peace and reconciliation. Within the 12 zones of the camp, they have peace cells and every night they condect meetings, focusing on a certain topic, that changes monthly. Last night was my first meeting and the topis was reintegration. It was basically asking peoples opinion on people in the camp, that represent both sides of the War. Those who took part, and those who didn't. They asked whether they feel ok living together with those people, whether they think they should forgive them ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra August 15th 2006

Thankfully (or not?) there's not too much to report right now. Last week I interviewed a few of the staff members at the CDD for the documentary I'm making for them and yesterday I nearly risked my life videotaping random people on the street. But starting this Friday, I will be traveling almost every day until the day I leave. This weekend I will spend one night in Cape Coast and will do all of the 'touristy' stuff there...traversing the canopy walk in Kakum and touring the numerous slave forts/castles along the coast. After that, I will be traveling with Zach and Christian for 5 days to northern Ghana where we'll go to Mole National Park, the best place in the country to see wildlife ('safaris' are typically in eastern Africa but there are still tons ... read more
Yogaya and Simon
Random children
All-night bar @ Kokobrite

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra August 15th 2006

After a 6 hour wait at Heathrow airport, I was finally on my way to Ghana, the flight was long and delayed, but arrived safely at Accra airport around 7pm to be met by one of the people from the camp. we walked around for an hour or so, trying to find the late night garage where the car was being fixed. the main road was amazing, there are no car lanes marked out so its just do as you please, they wind in and out of on coming traffic, and just keep the horn blaring constantly to warn pedestrians and other cars. on the side (and in the middle) there are people walking up and down with great bags of wheat, bowls of fruit etc balanced on their heads, trying to sell their product ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra August 13th 2006

This time tomorrow I will be in Nigeria, on the aeroplane, fuelling up before pushing onto the final destination; Accra, Ghana. I say this with my fingers crossed, judging by the current state of Heathrow airport, I'll more than a little delayed, hopefully still flying though! When I arrive, provided it's on time, I will be colleted from Accra airport, along with other volunteers who are starting their placement today and taken to the Buduburam refugee settlement, outside of Accra. There, I am staying with other volunteers in a small house, in a village near Buduburam. I guess tomorrow I will be starting work at the camp, whatever that will entail. I have heard there is a summer school for those kids having trouble, so hopefully I can help there. It's a big place, with something ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra August 11th 2006

Hi, friends! I am in a picture kind of mood you can peruse or ignore:) I hope you are all well! Things are going great's hard to believe I'll be coming back in just 8 days! I've been spending lots of time lately at the clinic, reading Nelson Mandela's autobiography (I highly recommend:), and spending time with friends. I will post more soon but here are some snippets of recent happenins:) Peace, Katie PS. Shanna, thanks for the phone call the other day!:) :) :)... read more
Boti Falls
Boti Falls2

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra August 10th 2006

All of my blogs thus far have made Ghana seem like a vacationer's paradise, complete with waterfalls, isolated fishing villages, and well-kept refugee camps. But I don't want to mislead anybody...Ghana definitely has its fair share of problems. Violence, poverty, disease, corruption -- they're all here. And while part of me wants to paint an image of Ghana that is luxurious and lavish, part of me also just wants to be honest. Last week, while walking home from a bar, four of the obrunis were held up at knife-point and robbed (thankfully, I had already gone back to the Obruni House to go to bed). Apparently, the two offenders were middle-aged Ghanaians riding on a motor bike and quickly turned around once they realized that they had passed a small group of obrunis. After taking everyone's ... read more
7 o'clock news
More news

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra August 9th 2006

Greetings!! Hope you are all well! There is always so much to say about's difficult to fully express it over blogs, but I will try to capture some of my experiences as of late! Recently my experiences have reminded me of the cruel juxtaposition of poverty and wealth in this country (as in many places). Two weekends ago, I went to Mole National Park (more details below) and stayed in the hotel in the park. Almost everyone who stays there are tourists and I must say that it was nice to relax and meet people from all over the world. There was one experience, however, that definitely caused me to I sat outside the nice swimming pool, it was surreal being surrounded by white people and by such luxury. At one point, I looked ... read more
taking a break at the clinic
travelling bud
clinic buds

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