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April 25th 2008
Published: April 25th 2008
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Ghana Men In UniformGhana Men In UniformGhana Men In Uniform

I 'found' there fireman at the main hospital in Kumasi who were more than happy to pose with me

Sorry about the delay in my homecoming blog. It has been a bit strange to be back home. It is difficult to explain why, but I am finding it hard to settle,I feel a bit like an alien on a new planet !! Don't get me wrong,I am really glad to be back and I been blown away by the welcome I have received by almost everyone. ( Explore employees - you will pleased to hear that I have a temp job lined up for 4 days next week so you won't see me for a while !! )
The blog was certainly a big success and reached a huge audience of all ages.It is nice to find out what a positive impact it has had and I am glad that I have been able to download some more photos with this blog for you all to see.

I went into school on my last day and took part in a football match against a team managed by Eddie as the Methodist School pulled out of the pre -arranged game.We played for about 40 minutes which was enough in the heat.It was good fun as it was a
Water filtersWater filtersWater filters

The huge colllection of spare filters for the island
very competitive mixed game.I was then presented with the traditional Ghana shirt which was a lovely thought.I said a few emotional goodbyes and then headed back to SOS for the last time ina taxi.Fred and Rebeca came to see me and then I headed off to Accra airport. Issah came to see me off which was nice.Incidentally,I had an e mail yersterday telling me that the seniors have won both of their league games so far.

I don't regret going to Ghana. I learnt so much and would say to anyone who has the opportunity to do any voluntary work abroad to do it without reservation.12 and a half weeks seemed to be a very long time for me but most of you thought it rushed by.I guess if you are leading a 'normal' routine anywhere in the world then it can seem that each day merges into the next. I was experiencing new things and meeting new people everyday and my senses definitely got a full work out.It is easy to concentrate on the negatives in life and everybody has different thresholds but I urge everyone to appreciate the good and positive things , however small because life
Water filtersWater filtersWater filters

Susan and me with the chief,please note the colour of the lake water in the top part of the water filter before the filtration process
is really too short not to.Take time out today to say thank-you to someone who means a lot to you; hug your kids;smile at the receptionist;send that e mail you have been meaning to etc.etc. and above all, relax and enjoy life,after all you only get one shot at it.

My new name is Skinny Minnie as I weighed 8st 6lbs when I got home.I have put on a few pounds since I got back but I am eating well and trying to exercise regularly.I have a few ideas of what I would like to do long term but at the moment I will be temping.Next week I have 4 days in a nursery and after that who this space.

I will attempt a 'best of Ghana' blog soon when time permits.Thanks for everybodies amazing support before,during and now I am home without you etc.etc.

Have a great weekend and keep in touch

Love Coral xx

P.S. Original Volunteers have put a report about the water filter project on their website - this is the link if anyone is interested :

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


SOS Nursery SchoolSOS Nursery School
SOS Nursery School

Virginia and the kids loved the new alphabet wall chart
Snakes and LaddersSnakes and Ladders
Snakes and Ladders

The kids in the orphanage loved this large scale game - thanks Steph
Last Day Football TeamsLast Day Football Teams
Last Day Football Teams

I played ( hence the red face !! )in a match on my last day at the Islamic school and here I am posing with the teams
Eddie and meEddie and me
Eddie and me

This is me with Eddie the 'official' PE teacher
Chuffed !!Chuffed !!
Chuffed !!

I was presented with the traditional Ghana shirt I am wearing in this picture by Godston,Aboti and Eddie.Stephen and the head were absent but they had also clubbed together to buy the gift
Machete GirlsMachete Girls
Machete Girls

Common place sight in Ghana
Issah Issah

Issah came to see me off at the airport.He is one of the senior players in Ashaley

15th May 2008

Welcome Home!
I have been following your Blog and it's great that you are now safely home, I am looking forward to catching up to you one of these days. You have had an experience and a half, fantastic. Love as always Louise

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