This is no joke........... part 1

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April 1st 2008
Published: April 1st 2008
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............... be warned I fly home next Weds !!

I have had a good week so lots to tell you all about.

Last Weds the 3 day district sport competition started so Katie and I went to the stadium to cheer on 'our' children who were competing.We arrived at 9 and a track had been marked out in soot from fires.However,in true Ghana style nothing had really started by 10.30 so we headed to the internet for an hour.When we returned,we could hear whistles and cheers which was a positive sign.We watched some 400m heats and some of our kids ran,the highlight was 2nd place for one of the girls.Normally,400m would be one lap of a track but these kids ran twice round as we were told the track was only 200m.It definitely looked longer and several kids dropped out before the end of the heats.I don't think I could run half a lap in the heat , let alone twice round.The starter used a wooden clapper board so all we needed was the Chariots Of Fire music and we would be transported back to yesteryear !!It was good to see how other countries run their junior sports events.

On Thursday Fred took Susan and me to Accra to buy water filters for the island.He had managed to get the address of the main wholesalers and we hoped to get some free standing units as there is no power supply to run a pump on the island.We had the support of 4 other volunteers already so we were ready to shop !! After looking at several options we decided to buy the 25 litre free standing 3 liter system water filters.The first 2 filters remove bacteria such as typhoid and cholera,colourants,rust,oil,dust and particles.The mineral stone filter then adds things like calcium and potassium effectively producing a type of mineral water.We managed to buy 4 units and enough replacement filters to last 2 years with unboiled water and 4 if the islanders use cooled,boiled water.We are also leaving money with Fred for another unit and replacement filters for 1/2 years.It was a very long day but I was still buzzing when I got back home.
On Friday we went to the island to deliver the units and first set of filters.We showed the chief and various villagers how to set up the units and then put the first lot of cooled boiled water into filter no 1.It was green and cloudy with particles floating in it but once it had gone through the filtration process the water from tap was clear - a perfect result !! I hope to go back before I leave to see how they are coping.We headed back glowing with pride but came down to earth with a bump when our boats engine broke down in the middle of the lake and we had to row back to land using huge,heavy seat planks.We had rowed for what seemed at eternity when 2 boats came to our aid,one with oars and a 2nd with an engine to tow us.
I would really like to thank everybody that sponsored me because I am delighted to say that I was able to finance 50% of the project -2 units and the replacement filters with 'your' money.I like to think of it as a sort of Coral Relief and it is the most rewarding thing I have done in my time here as it could,potentially,save lives.
Sat was a rest day after 2 long,eventful days.
Sun - Lauren threw a wonderful leaving party for the children at the orphanage.She did pass the parcel,sack races,egg and spoon races and pin the tail on the donkey.She also bought food for lunch and 11 of the children did some dancing as a way of thanks.The music was almost as loud as the laughter of the kids - even Jeremiah took part in the sack race and was seen dancing.It was a wonderful afternoon on one of the hottest days - over 90 degrees- in the mountains.
Yesterday I popped into school to sort out my last weeks schedule but the teachers were having one of thier inpromptu meetings.We had a huge storm last night that knocked out the power at 5pm and when I left at 8.30 this morning it had not resumed.We also lost running water so I may be subjected to bucket washing again !!
I have done another PE lesson this morning for the 46 kids in upper primary.We did hopping,skipping,running and piggy back relay races.I even got Eddie and Stephen the teachers to join in.I hope to fit in 2 more lessons before I leave but may be scuppered by the exam timetable.Tomorrow I am off to Kumasi to collect my passport with my visa extension in it.

I have not been able to download photos today but will try again later in the week.
I hope to do another blog next Tuesday but depends on the power !1

Have a good week.

Hope to see you all soon

Coral x


3rd April 2008

How time has flown!!!
Hi Coral, I've really enjoyed reading your blog. It's been so interesting and informative and I'm going to miss them! And I'm going to have to stock up on chocolate once you're back. Really looking forward to seeing you again - it's seems ages since you were here and yet, it doesn't seem a minute ago that you were leaving. We'll all have to go to the Crab and Anchor and see if that family are still there...... See you soon, Kate xx
7th April 2008

Coral You are an inspiration! You certainly have had some awesome adventures and clearly touched some many lifes - here and there! I think that our trip will pale in comparision! Perhaps in time we can hook and swop some war stories! Remember - keep that dream alive! Sandy

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