Blogs from Baja California Sur, Mexico, North America - page 2


North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » La Paz February 24th 2019

Trip goals: Speak Spanish all day, every day √ Swim with whale sharks √ Solo road trip across the desert with the music turned all the way up, singing in Spanish at the top of my lungs √ Unplanned bonus: Swim with sea lions √ Discover what a great town La Paz is √ For a short trip with simple goals, I got way more than I had even hoped for. When a cheap flight direct from Seattle to San José del Cabo popped up, I bought it, knowing only that Baja California has much better weather than Seattle in February. The briefest of research about Baja California Sur made me decide to drive from Cabo up to La Paz to swim with whale sharks. With only three full days in Mexico, not counting my travel ... read more
Whale sharks!!!!!
Sea lions!!!!!!
Baja Beauty

Feb. 4….And So It Begins Our first port, Cabo San Lucas, on the very southern tip of Baja California, an easy stop with a myriad of beach activities, restaurants, shops and the proverbial time shares. Three ships are in port during this “high season” so we are tendered onto shore in a pretty efficient manner. The Sea of Cortez meets the Pacific Ocean here, and the lovely, luscious blue water is aglow with sparkles. Temp is near 80 degrees F with refreshing breezes, a perfect day for me. Hordes of people as well as vendors when we innocently run into Juan, who offers us a ride on a panga boat, good price but we have to really hustle to catch up to him as he leads us to the office where payment is due. Out of ... read more

POVERTYJETSET's SECOND SUPERBOWL SPECIAL EDITION BLOG EN VIVO FROM MEXICO! Just finished watching the New England Patriots most triumphant Superbowl LIII victory over the fraudulent Los Angeles Rams while hanging out in Guerrero Negro, Baja California, Mexico. Now for the blog... I didn't notice any jackrabbits swimming in their eponymous lagoon, Laguna de Ojo Liebre, in Southern Baja yesterday. But there were a lot of grey whales who winter around a few spots in Baja after their journey from Alaska. Arrived yesterday in Guerrero Negro a little before 8:00 after a semi-comfortable 10 hour bus journey from Ensenada. After grabbing a coffee I figured I would find a place to let me check in early, sleep the day away, and catch the ballena tour on Sunday... well before the Superbowl, of course. Anna, proprietress at Hotel ... read more
Lobster Dinner
La Bufadora
Ballena gris

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » Cabo San Lucas December 10th 2018

After we left the shores of Guatemala, we voyaged for 3 days before docking again. Life on board during days at sea is relaxing and unhurried, with our focus more on ourselves rather than where we are. Each day at 12 noon we attended the daily trivia quiz in the Explorers’ Lounge on Deck 7. These have proved to be challenging and we have hooked up with a lovely couple from the UK, Helena and Mark Smith, who live in Surrey. We have got very close to winning, tying at least twice and losing on the tiebreaker question, as well as always being either third or second, The questions have been varied and challenging. Helena and Mark are lovely and we have new people to visit in the UK. Each day Fletcher and I have gone ... read more
Cabo San Lucas from our balcony
The Marina at Cabo San Lucas
Pretty building in San Jose

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » La Paz May 18th 2018

La Paz is the main city in Baja California Sur and we find it has a rehab institution, but not of the sort you might expect. It’s a reptile park that takes in sick and injured reptiles and then works to release them back into the wild. The park is on the outskirts of the city and we feel we can walk there (and catch a local bus back) even though it’s reasonably hot here in the middle of the day. The park, though small, is very good and though an online comment, suggests that it’s expensive at 150 pesos ($11usd) but that isn’t too bad compared to many other wildlife parks. Inside there are plenty of snakes, a few spiders and quite a number of iguanas. There are also a few birds; parrots you can ... read more

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » Loreto May 15th 2018

Loreto is the site of the first Californian Mission (founded in 1697 by Salvatierre) and is the start of the Camino Real – the old road up the Californian coast that originally linked the missions. Today Loreto is a very pleasant place to spend a couple of days. It has plenty of amenities, a small harbour, good seafront and an attractive central district, which though catering for tourists (there is an airport here and plenty of condos) doesn’t feel too developed. There is a marine park offshore and a few dive operators offering diving in the park. We are tempted until I find out that the visibility is currently only 10 feet and the water temperature a chilly 55F. It’s also 170 usd for a 2 tank dive which is pricey. Instead we take a boat ... read more

Today was the end of our holiday! We went down to breakfast and found the family to say farewell. It was somewhat sad as we don’t know how long it will be before we see the American branch of the family again. This was the second time in two months that many of us had gotten together. We had attended the wedding of Don's nephew in Chicago two months ago in March, but the previous gap had been two-and-a-half years since the family gathered. We collected our bags from our room and said a teary farewell to Caroline and Max who were staying on for a further day. Then we queued for the taxi to the airport. We were a bit panicked as there were very many people waiting to go to the airport but ... read more
Don's nephew Ben (Katie's brother, not husband) and his newlywed wife Sammi

Sunday - the big day. We spent the day relaxing and then getting ready for the wedding ceremony. I (Lesley) had managed to avoid the sandy beaches for the past 13 days but today I had to succumb as the ceremony was literally on the beach. Whilst I was titivating myself, Don ran down to the Chabad restaurant to get food for us and for Caroline and Max. We started the celebrations with photographs. For these we removed the resort bands from our wrists, and stuffed them away. However, this proved to be a bit problematic as there were drinks at the bar first and the wait staff had a challenge with serving us without us wearing these bands. However, we soon managed to sort this out and we were drinking our margaritas! Then we ... read more
Bride & Groom start the party
Midnight Pool Party !
Bridesmaids blow Bubbles

We were able to have a lie-in as the service at Chabad started at 11 am!!! We strolled back to the Chabad house. The town was relatively calm and quiet after the rocking and rolling of the night before. At the fire station youngsters were training to be fire fighters. They were all dressed in a uniform and they were lining up in formation obviously to be put through their paces. The older firefighters were getting out buckets and hoses ready to show them how to get wet! The youngsters were taking it all very seriously. Again we had a minyan, which pleased us and amazed the rabbi. After the service ended we went next door to the rabbi’s apartment for lunch. Lunch was not so chaotic as the night before but there were still ... read more
3 brothers reprise The Letter
Katie and Ben - bride & groom
Mike and Rob entertain Katie

At Ensenada we have a think about our next destination. The LP has little (read no) information about places down the coast south of Ensenada until Guerrero Negro which is about 10 hours by bus. It seems to be mainly a destination for whale watching so St Ignacio a couple of hours further on seems like a better destination and there is an overnight ABC bus at 6pm which should give us a good arrival time. St Ignacio is a small oasis town set close to some stunning country close to the Sierra de San Francisco. It doubles as a centre for whale watching and as a trailhead for trips to see the Baja cave painting and petroglyphs. We get off the bus at 7am after a moderately comfortable ride, only to find the town itself ... read more

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