Blogs from Baja California Sur, Mexico, North America - page 5


North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » Cabo San Lucas November 28th 2016

On my last morning I decided to stroll the beach of Lands End, mostly to check out its West end. It is referred to as Lands End due to the fact that if you head directly South from it, you won't touch land again until you reach Antarctica.... read more
Looking East into the morning Sun
Lots of Water in those Waves

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » Cabo San Lucas November 27th 2016

I had a couple of hours before my sportfishing charter was to depart the marina, so decided to do the hike above Lands End to see what kind of views it offered. The hike up was worth it. I did however hike in my Keen sandals, and they were not quite the right footwear for the job but managed to get the hike in without any disasters. There are parts of the hike that are steep with rock and cactus, so falling down could prove painful. In think the round trip took me about 80 minutes. I did take my time on the way up and the way back. The path up is steep at the end, which means pretty tricky coming back down.... read more

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » Cabo San Lucas November 27th 2016

I note this as sportfishing "lite" since the boat I chartered wasn't really set up to fish for Marlin. We were however set up to fish for Roosterfish and Dorado (i.e. Mahi-Mahi or Dolphinfish), although on this day we would be lead to believe that there were no Dorado in the immediate waters of Cabo San Lucas. I really just wanted to dabble in sportfishing, and I certainly didn't want to wake up at 5am and then be on the water for 8 hours, although I did like the idea of a shared boat. But, shared boats are 8 hour trips, so I opted to charter a 17' "Panga" with Mr. Peter. We departed the marina at 1pm and would be out for three hours or so. A "Panga"can accommodate three people on board, but there ... read more
East end of Lands End

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » Cabo San Lucas November 26th 2016

I did little research before arriving into Cabo San Lucas, but was looking for Eagle Diverswhen I got there. I ended up doing all my snorkeling with them and found their guide knowledgeable, safety conscious, fun, and picked up garbage from the sea floor if he found any. I visited three separate snorkeling areas on this day : Santa Maria bay, Chileno Bay, and a marked area about halfway between the Marina and El Arco. Santa Maria is a generally not too deep bay with little coral to be concerned of swimming into, although some does exist. It appears getting into the Santa Maria waters from the beach right there would be really easy. Chileno Bay is more known for its Brain Coral and I found them mostly be green in color. The last spot was ... read more

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » Cabo San Lucas November 26th 2016

It was a fun day of snorkeling, so I decided to get on one of those "Booze Cruise" kind of things they have, and was shooting for a ride on Sun Rider . Sadly, Sun Rider was booked, so I was instead able to find a spot on the Ecocat , this enormous ( guessing it was 70') catamaran that offers a very similar service. Was a nice night for it, cool folks on board. Music on board, drinks were a flowin'.... read more
El Arco (aka The Arch)

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » Cabo San Lucas November 25th 2016

This was my first day in Cabo, so the attached photos are just from the things I found interesting that day on my walk mostly around the Marina. Oh, I had never seen this before either : A Sea Lion riding the swim platform on a fishing boat while being fed and petted by a guy on the stern. ... read more
Fun Time!
Public Beach

So here I am back in my happy place for a little R&R before the New Year. Los Cabos! Oh, and believe me, I needed it. After spending my summer locked up amongst the criminally insane who like to eat their prescription glasses and smother themselves in feces, I am so done. As you might know, I love Los Cabos so much my handle is Cabochick. I am deeply connected to this place. My family have been coming to San Jose del Cabo for over 50 years. Back when I was a kid, we would spend our winters on the Baja camping on the endless beaches only to slip into random sleepy fishing pueblos for occasional provisions. It was paradise. I remember how gigantic conch shells littered the shores, stingrays cartwheeled in the surf at sundown, ... read more
Did you see my Ass
Federalies in camo
Another Tequila Sunset

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » Los Barriles October 31st 2016

So, having eaten some very odd meals to use up the items in the fridge that couldn’t go through to Mexico; thrown out anything that potentially could be illegal to take over the border (details of acceptable food stuffs etc. were a bit variable); purchased spares for anything we thought could go wrong on the Rig; bought the maps and books required to make life easier; plotted our first few stops; photocopied all the required documents; filled with fuel and bought some Pesos................. we set off for the border. We followed the road signs to Mexico. Oddly the Sat Nav appeared to be giving instructions to stay. We had bought it in Florida, perhaps it was pre-programmed to stay in the States? Take the next exit, it said. As we passed the exit it instructed us ... read more
Another busy day
On The Road to Mexico .......
More a fence than a wall.

Almost time for the wedding! congratulations to Tricia Evans and Derrick Smith May 1 is their ceremony on the beach at Cabo San Lucas... read more

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