Blogs from Baja California Sur, Mexico, North America - page 51


Cabos San Lucas turned out to be a bit of a surprise for us. We had been led to expect a very tacky dirty and generally unpleasant place. Instead the beach was beautiful, bars along the sand, fantastically clean cool sea water and an attractive town centre. Granted as with everywhere there are some ugly bits... but these weren't areas that you have to go. The lonely planet guide said regarding budget accommodation - "there isn't any." Matt's Lets Go guide listed a few suggestions. The "el dorardo" our motel for the next few days was impressive. Huge rooms, very clean and all importantly - air con. Hmm - maybe I should be slumming it a bit more - the backpacker way - but when you get a room in the most expensive part of Mexico ... read more
Buildings near the Marina
Metal Mariachais
The Harbour

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » Loreto July 18th 2002

Our final day in Loreto. Loreto has grown on me in the course of our stay, it has a sleepy charm, friendly people and a small town atmosphere that I feel very familiar with. It is the Mexican equivalent of Sheringham, the small Norfolk seaside town that I went to high school in. The Historica Centro is very quaint, clean and well tended - I hope the photographs I have taken do it justice. My first port of call for the day was the Bank. I arrived at the bank with no idea how to say "I've had my card taken by your ATM. Please can I have it back." I started with "Hola, buenos dias" instead. Then asked if they spoke English - "only a little" - more than my Spanish. With a few English ... read more
Pelicans in the Harbour
Historic Centro
Loreto Church

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » Loreto July 16th 2002

Had toast and coffee for breakfast - nice to have something this early in the day without Jalapenos. We were all running low on cash so headed off to El Banco. The bank was shut - it's Sunday. The ATM however was working fine, gave me cash but got so confused when I asked for a balance that it took my card. Damn. I have to queue tomorrow morning to try and get it back ... I have no idea how to explain it in Spanish - 9am though is when I'll be there, and I'll be back every hour until I have my card again... I don't have any other option. The 1000 pesos ($100) will have to last me until then - I think it will, though I won't get far without the card. ... read more
Ali, Mano, Osmar, Matt, Edgar, Robbie
Napolo Beach

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » Loreto July 15th 2002

We caught an overnight coach from Ensanada to Lorreto - it cost us $60 or $560 pesos, but it took 16 hrs. 16 hrs is the longest I've ever spent on a coach, I'm glad most of it was through the night where I managed to sleep. Due to their being three of us one of us had to sit with a stranger, I was willing to roll the dice and see who turned up - if s/he had spoken a little English I could have really accelerated my Spanish knowledge. It was a fat middleaged Mexican woman - I said "Hola" she looked away out of the window and communicated from then on soley by kicks, grunts, snores and farts. This was the first really unfriendly Mexican I had met - and I had 16 ... read more
Loreto Beach
Fishing Port

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » Loreto July 15th 2002

You can see from Ali's latest entries that we having been having some fun down in Baja California. I have spent the last couple of days on the beach and now have a little sunburn. Nothing I can't handle! My original plan had been to spend the summer in California, but I have no regrets about heading south of the border. I had an amazing time on our ROAD TRIP, although Yosemite National Park nearly left me a broken man. I had to carry a full pack up a mountain for a 6 mile climb in the sunshine, with the air thinning at altitude. Being a keen trekker Ali seemed to get a perverse enjoyment from this torture, I was ready to push him over a cliff! The effort was worthwhile, as we saw some amazing ... read more

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur January 1st 1979

Recently, I found this old picture in a family photo album. "Winter 1979" was scrawled on the back. It made me wish life moved a little more Despacito.... When I first saw it, I was instantly teleported back in time when Los Cabos was nothing but sand dunes & sea. Off in the distance, you can make out the rock formation that’s called Lands End. The sleepy fishing pueblo of Cabo San Lucas barely existed. Nowadays, this same spot is covered in multimillion dollar resorts, and all the chaos that comes with that. My attempt to get an “after” comparison photo foiled by looming concrete walls and vigilant security. I wrote a little information on the back of this picture before I tucked it away back in the album to be stored away and forgotten. Maybe ... read more
After 2019
Cabo San Lucas

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