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North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur
January 1st 1979
Published: April 24th 2019
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Recently, I found this old picture in a family photo album. "Winter 1979" was scrawled on the back.

It made me wish life moved a little more Despacito....

When I first saw it, I was instantly teleported back in time when Los Cabos was nothing but sand dunes & sea. Off in the distance, you can make out the rock formation that’s called Lands End. The sleepy fishing pueblo of Cabo San Lucas barely existed.

Nowadays, this same spot is covered in multimillion dollar resorts, and all the chaos that comes with that. My attempt to get an “after” comparison photo foiled by looming concrete walls and vigilant security.

I wrote a little information on the back of this picture before I tucked it away back in the album to be stored away and forgotten. Maybe to be found by myself again, when I'm like 80.

Los Cabos will always have my heart.

Growing up in Canada, every blustery winter, my father would pile all of us into the family camper and drive the five days down the coast of North America. Sometimes our plan was no plan at all. It was the
After 2019After 2019After 2019

40 years later and it’s so different
70’s and nobody went to Mexico. Except us.

We were on "Mexican time" as soon as we crossed the border. And we’d spend four months on the Baja. We would toodle (my Dad's word) along the coastline, checking out surf conditions and exploring new places. It was a carefree lifestyle and one that I miss.

I reenacted my old camping memories a few years back by spending a week near La Paz at Balandra Bay and blogging about it. Only Those Who Can Leave Everything Behind Can Hope To Escape

It was wonderful experience and I plan to do much more of that in the coming years...

And hey, who doesn't love an nostalgic old travel photo, right?

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Photos: 3, Displayed: 3


24th April 2019

Going back in time
Wow, you are so fortunate to have seen Baja before the hoards of tourist. It is great taking a step back to those childhood memories. Evidently, you got your sense of adventure through genetics. Most parents back in the day would not have been making that trip. Priceless. Loved reading your old blog again. Thanks for adding it.
18th May 2019

You stayed in such a nice place when you were in Cabo and I'm glad I got to meet you there!
27th April 2019

Things change - and not always to the better
I know exactly what you are talking about when you say that things change and that you look back and sometimes think that there is something missing today. I can give several examples of places that have changed for the worse. But instead I am going to tell you about two places that changed for the better. I visited Bosnia in 1997. It was then a war torn country. I went back in 2010 and things were much better. I have posted a handful of before-and-after-pictures on two blogs from the 2010-visit. If you want to find them you have to scroll down until you come to summer 2010 to find them. /Ake
18th May 2019

Yes, it can be hard, all this change. Wow! Bosnia would have been very sad in 1997. You bet I will be looking at your 2010 blog on it. I'm glad things have drastically improved for them..
18th May 2019

Time indeed waits for no-one. Amazing comparison between 1979 and 2019, what a difference! Those months by the beach and the surf in the family camper van must hold so many wonderful memories for you ?
18th May 2019

I couldn't resist a quick blog after I found that picture. Things have changed so drastically. It's depressing actually, but I can't do anything about it. My memories are keeping me going there for sure.
18th May 2019

Nice place in Cabo
We had a great visit with our friends in Cabo at their time share. It was a lovely property and were thrilled we got to meet you. I'm sure we would have loved Cabo twenty years ago. I hope to get to stay in a beachy mom and pop hotel near Laredo before it gets too touristy.

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