Blogs from Baja California Sur, Mexico, North America - page 3


We all spent the day lazing around, chatting amongst the family and generally being idle! Even a bit of time in the gym or in the pool was fairly light activity. In the late afternoon we went with one of Don’s brothers and his wife to the Chabad for Shabbat. It was only a 2 km walk and was a surprisingly pleasant stroll through town. Each store was either a bar or a tourist shop selling Mexican chutchkes: maracas, sombreros, ponchos etc. The people were very friendly - or were they just trying to sell us something? Cabo in daylight was busy but relatively peaceful, as we were to discover later that night. We passed a large walrus statue by the marina, and an imaginative roof display with King Kong atop the Statue of Liberty ... read more
big brother Al, Don, brother Mike

The family were due to come into town during the course of the afternoon. At lunch time Caroline and Max took us to the Indian restaurant very close to the hotel. We discovered that it was Mexican Mother’s Day. We had a wonderful vegan meal and after our meal I was given a heart shaped red balloon with “Happy Mother’s Day” written on it. Upon return to our room we found the chambermaids had left a towel creature in celebration of Mother's Day. The cute dog was decorated with a real flower. (SCROLL DOWN to see) Later in the day two of Don’s brothers and their wives arrived, and - most important - the bride and groom arrived. In fact the reason we were here at this Mexican resort was for the 'Destination Wedding' location ... read more
Towel animal carried a flower

Lazy day spent sun bathing, reading and generally relaxing. We did use the gym today and a few other days, but our personal workouts at the resort did not seem as strenuous as traipsing around the Galapagos islands! Caroline started her search for vegan food. She sought out the manager of the hotel and submitted a very long complaints form. She and Max were so disgusted that they spent much of the rest of the trip eating at the vegan restaurants in town, despite the 'all inclusive' food having been paid for within the resort. We were a bit concerned as we had been warned that Cabo is one of the most dangerous tourist spots in Mexico. Another comment about the food and drink and general attitude of the resort. Yesterday when we arrived at ... read more

The night flight from Quito to Houston was simple but uncomfortable. We arrived in Houston and had a great deal of “fun” trying to get through immigration. We seemed to miss the easy path for US-transit-only passengers and ended up having to go through security again. We had a few hours wait until our ongoing flight to Cabo San Lucas. This was an ok flight and eventually we arrived In Mexico. Now this location was not in the main Mexico you think of which lies south of the middle of the US. No this was the southern tip of what is geograpically known as Baja California, alhtough it is officially part of Mexico albeit disconnected from the Mexican mainland. The baja sur runs south from San Diego California, with Tijuana at the northern border of ... read more
Pueblo Bonito Rose resort

The light from outside wakes me up around 8am. The ship is very still. No noise. Peering out the window, I see that we're anchored in the bay off Cabo San Lucas. Our arrival was scheduled for 7:30, right on time but we have a limited day here as our all aboard time is 1:15pm. If you're the first off and last back on the ship you may have 5 hours to spend ashore. But tours booked through the ship get off first, then the tender ticket numbers determine the order of disembarking after that. We aren't leaving the ship today. I had a deal with a local hotel located on the beach where we could hang out all day, using their facilities and enjoying the poolside buffet all for $27pp. However, it's a short day ... read more
Karen Filling Out Her Forms - Not Good
View of the Port from the Westerdam
Hotel Where We Could Have Gone

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » La Paz January 17th 2018

This blog entry is a little dedication to our sweet Goldie, whom we put to sleep on the 11thJanuary when her tumour had reached the point that it was causing her unnecessary pain and suffering. We weren’t sure whether to write an entry like this, but decided that she was such a big part of our lives, and indeed this trip, that it would be wrong not to. Ken rescued Goldie from the roadside in Puerto Rico back in 2007, when she was just a little pup, but she soon made herself at home with him and ended up spending the next 10+ years by our sides. From then on she led life at only one speed: full on! From chasing tennis balls or squirrels to swimming in lakes or scampering up mountains, she was always ... read more
A favourite snuggling pose
One of her many bizarre positions!

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur January 5th 2018

We're still alive in Mexico! The first couple of weeks have been pretty fun, and crossing the border was far quicker and easier than we'd anticipated. We'd already bought our Mexican car insurance in San Diego (if you have a car accident in Mexico where someone is hurt and you don't have insurance, we are assured that you go straight to jail until things are eventually sorted out), so at the border we just had to get our tourist visas (good for 6 months) and a temporary import permit for Tortuga. We also had to drive Tortuga through a high-powered X-Ray machine, which checked for weapons and drugs I think, but that didn't take long and we were quickly out onto the highway to Ensenada. It's definitely a big contrast from the US side to the ... read more
Camground at Don Alfredo's, near Ensenada
Christmas Eve dinner with Don Alfredo, family and Felix
Christmas Day breakfast, German style!

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » San Ignacio December 28th 2017

Cabo San Lucas, Mulege and San Ignacio 2 – 28 December 2017 If you remember , we changed our original plan of spending a month in Cabo to two weeks. That was a good decision as Cabo, although a much smaller town than the vast sprawling La Paz, is an acquired taste, very busy, visited by large cruise ships, sometimes two or three at the same time, and an enclave of North Americans, both from the US and Canada. Everyone speaks ( a version of) English and every hundred metres around the Marina can be found special ATMs to deliver American dollars. Everything is priced in dollars. Apart from the bar names and souvenirs, probably many made in China, there is nothing Mexican about Cabo Marina. It is huge. With a narrow entrance on the Sea ... read more
Pacific beach, Cabo where hotels try to block public access.
Beautiful sunsets on Pacific beach, saw whales and jumping sting rays.
One weekend in Cabo there was a boat race.

North America » Mexico » Baja California Sur » La Paz November 28th 2017

La Paz 2 November - 2 December 2017 The ferrry crossing from Topolobombo to La Paz went smoothly although for us the challenge was staying awake to wait for embarkation. It is necessary to arrive at least two hours before departure time so we were delivered by the Baldarrama driver at 9.30pm to wait for the midnight ferry. It is the only time the ferry leaves and then only a few times a week. On arrival there were people everywhere and it all seemed chaotic but in true Mexican style, without any fuss or histrionics, it all gets sorted. Luggage was taken to the hold and passengers climbed aboard just before midnight. I went to collect the cabin key to find that dinner was included in the price for all passengers. We did go to the ... read more
The Marina end of the Malecon
Sunsets are always stunning.
Town beach

We'd never been to Mexico. Which is funny because we'd been so many other international places, you'd think Mexico would have crossed my mind at some point. It really hadn't. In my mind it was resorts and partying, and largely unsafe. (Ok, I was wrong). Also, we live in California and I grew up surrounded by Mexican American culture and amazing food. So I never really felt the need to explore Mexico. My parents really enjoyed their trips, though, so I finally just asked if we could use their timeshare for a long weekend. We got up early and headed to the airport, only to discover on the way that Alaska Airlines had cancelled and rescheduled us to a later flight. It was only an hour later but it was no longer direct. Thanks. So we ... read more
Arrived with the Sunset
Beer, please!
The Pool, as seen from our balcony

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