Our First Port

Published: March 16th 2019
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Feb. 4….And So It Begins

Our first port, Cabo San Lucas, on the very southern tip of Baja California, an easy stop with a myriad of beach activities, restaurants, shops and the proverbial time shares. Three ships are in port during this “high season” so we are tendered onto shore in a pretty efficient manner. The Sea of Cortez meets the Pacific Ocean here, and the lovely, luscious blue water is aglow with sparkles. Temp is near 80 degrees F with refreshing breezes, a perfect day for me. Hordes of people as well as vendors when we innocently run into Juan, who offers us a ride on a panga boat, good price but we have to really hustle to catch up to him as he leads us to the office where payment is due. Out of breath and $24 later, after George realizes we are going on a boat tour not a bus, we board a small motorized vehicle as per instructions from a nino about 12 named Ivan. Then “el capitan” not Ivan, starts the motor and away we go. We are heading to Land’s End, a natural rock formation that arches out of the sea, really dramatic and beautiful. We pass several beaches busy with swimmers and snorkelers. Pristine sand,caves and more incredible rocks. In addition to people we go by a colony of sea lions lounging in the sun, see schools of fish through the glass bottom of the boat, and pelicans diving for an early dinner. A little slit in los arcos, is as if someone put a window to the the ocean from the sea, quite a lovely bit of creation. We didn’t plan for swimming for some reason, so we headed back to the downtown where we had the first probably of many margaritas with nachos as we sat looking out upon the marina, a relaxing way to spend Monday afternoon. Back aboard for a late siesta, then dinner with some cruise critics ( the site I go to for idea), not critical at all more informative. And to end the evening a movie about Frida Kahlo


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