Judy Garland

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August 18th 2017
Published: August 19th 2017
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blog 08-18-17 Judy Garland Museum

It cleared for real in the morning and the temp was delightfully cool. We were in no hurry this morning to get started so we took it easy, enjoyed a leisuely walk with the dogs, enjoyed breakfast then headed for town. It was Judy Garland day. Ginnie has been waiting for this day for a long time and her trip has officially begun.

We looked at all the exibits, read all the information, watched the movie on the ruby slippers and toured the house. It seems the ruby slippers were stolen from the museum several years ago and there has been no hint of them since. There are a million theries but the crime has not yet been solved.

Ginnie really liked the experience, so glad to have finally seen it.

We drove home, let the dogs out and had lunch and a delightful rest. Ginnie read a book and I just sat and vegged along the river. There was a man fishing (picture) and after a little while he paddled to the shore and was walking toward his camper. He had 2 nice fish with him and I asked if I could take his picture, he said only if I took one with his cell phone. It turns out that he caught a 17" small mouth bass and an 18" large mouth bass useing leaches. He was so proud ! picture

We had gotten a hot tip about a lake with loons on it not far from the campground so we took the car and went searching. We didn't find the access road to the lake but had a nice view of the local countryside.

When we got back it was cocktail time then dinner. It was a low key day, just what we needed.

Tomorrow we head to Nebraska by way of Iowa. It will take 2 days to get to Lincoln and I'm sure hoping the weather reports are wrong. I have heard rumors of rain and clouds all day, sure hope they are wrong. Monday is eclipse

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20th August 2017
our beautiful campsite

Campsite at JG's place
Lovely campsite along Mississippi and to visit the JG HOMESTEAD!! Pic of Watson needs to grace wall in KE's motor home!!

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