Helllllo Sydney!

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October 17th 2006
Published: October 17th 2006
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Well after almost 40 hours of traveling, I finally made it to my hostel (The Pink House, www.pinkhouse.com) in Sydney. The flights weren't nearly as bad as I expected (the food was though). Yes, they were long and I barely slept, but the feeling of going through so many weird time zones (light, dark, light, dark) and flying over foreign countries was so exciting the time "flew" by.

As I was leaving Toronto (after a teary eyed goodbye to Dad), I was worried that I wasn't feeling anything...I wasn't excited or scared. I later realized it was just because I was anticipating the long ride ahead and wasn't really grasping what I was doing. As we were landing in London I saw a massive castle from the air, which made me think about all the new things I was finally going to see and experience. Then came the butterflies of excitement!

Today I made my first call home for help. In my hasty packing it seems I forgot my bank card! Luckily I had some American money on hand but I'm still trying to sort out the best way to get some money. Until this is done it looks like I'll be spending some time in Sydney, which is absolutely fine with me. I walked around the city all day today and loved it! There's no other feeling like seeing and experiencing new things. Everything is different, the buildings, trees, birds, cars, accents (everyone thinks I'm American...grrr). Even though the weather wasn't great today (cloudy with some rain) I was so energized finding my way around this city. I spend the first part walking along the harbour, around the Opera House, throughout the Botanical Gardens. I bought a ticket to see the Sydney Symphony in the Opera House Thursday night. Then I went shopping! Oh girls...you have no idea. I had a blast trying on all sorts of amazing clothes there's no way I can afford (haha but I guess that doesn't say much since I can't afford most things right now). The shopping had to stop though because all the stores here close at 5 or 5:30 which is probably a good thing.

So, what did I learn today?

(1) How to cross the street.
- - Since people drive on the other side of the road you look left first.

(2) How to walk on the sidewalk.
- - It took me a minute to realize that maybe the reason I was bumping into everyone was because I was being the idiot walking in their way.

(3) Every picture of the Sydney Opera House must be photoshopped because it's NOT white.
- - a lot of the tiles are a cream color (some are white) so it actually looks creamy golden.

(4) Australians are seriously fit.
- - I swear the entire city was out running on their lunchbreaks. There were hords of people running everywhere, doing pushup's on the grass, swimming in the outdoor pool by the harbour, or doing yoga in a walk in room right on the water.

Well that's it for now. I think I will make my way back to the hostel and figure out what to do tomorrow...what a life!

Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


Queensland Bottle TreeQueensland Bottle Tree
Queensland Bottle Tree

this tree can grow 50 ft. tall with the trunks swollen to various sizes
Sydney Harbour BridgeSydney Harbour Bridge
Sydney Harbour Bridge

See the line of people climbing the top arch? They paid almost $170 each! It's $250 if you want to go at night.

17th October 2006

Hellllllooooo... back!
Heather, glad to hear you made it and that the trip wasn't completely horrible. I guess you'll just have to join all those fitness buffs to work the bad airline food out of your system. Don't worry about the little bumps, I'm sure everything will work out fine (but you forgot your money?!). Have a great time, and the scenery looks amazing. Kevin
17th October 2006

Thinking of You!
I'm glad to hear you got there safely Heather. I went to Winner's last night with Tricia and I was showing her something and talking about how I saw it last time I was there with you. It's hard to believe that a couple weeks you were in the Soo and we were doing stuff like that and now you're a world away in Sydney! Sydney sounds awesome. It must be surreal to see the Opera House and harbour in real life. I wish I could be there with you. That's really unfortunate about your bank card. I hope you can work something out. I'm happy to hear that you've been keeping busy and are getting out and doing things. Keep the blogs coming! Take care, Kristen
17th October 2006

great idea!
What a wonderful way to keep in touch with family and friends and to let us share in your excitement and experiences. A shame about your bank card - I would have cried for hours :-( But you will get it all sorted out and hopefully will be able to laugh about it in the years to come. Grandmum fed herself a scone and tea - she devoured the scone in about 4 bites!! Caitlin and I were terrified that she would choke, but then the three of us couldn't stop laughing about her eagerness (and gluttony) to eat it!! Keep us updated from your end and we will keep you updated from this end...
17th October 2006

I'm insanely jealous of you right now! Your pictures are awesome, and Australia sounds amazing from what you've seen so far. Can't wait to hear more from you. Miss ya!
18th October 2006

So excited for you
It is hard to believe that you are walking around the same streets and quays your dad and I were on over 30 years ago. Reading your first entry brought back all sorts of images, smells and memories. We'll get the finances sorted out soon so in the mean time make some great memories. Thanks for the sulfur crested cockatoo pic, listen for the magpies (day) and spurwinged plovers (night). Love Mom
18th October 2006

I love ya Heather!!
OH Heather!! How I miss you already!! I will wire you money!! haha!! You are a brave girl not panicking about the money thing. I know I would be going crazy. Have fun and stay safe!!!
19th October 2006

Best of Luck!
Heather! Sorry I missed your "good bye", but I'll keep in touch! And it won't be too long again until we say "welcome back"! Until then, take care! I'll be checking up on you! Adam
19th October 2006

Hello from London
Heather I'm sorry that I wasn't able to make it to Toronto to see you off last week but I'm glad to hear that you've made it over without too much of a problem. Keep the updates coming because I love reading about what you're up to while I'm sitting here and studying. Have a great time and take lots of pictures! PS> That was the most organized update I've ever seen from anyone, but I expected nothing less from you! Have fun!
20th October 2006

Didn't take long for the first call for moneyl!
Thanks for kicking off the blog. It's so neat to be able to share all this with you while you're there. As Mom says, the memories just flow back. I also was bumping into people until I figured out you have to walk LEFT when you meet people, not right. By the way, I have to point out that you need to look RIGHT before crossing a street, not left as you mention, or you're dead. How's that for doing the Dad bit! Enjoy all the excitement. You come by your feelings for seeing and experiencing new things naturally. Love Dad
22nd October 2006

wish I was with you
Heather, you are so strong. I'm so excited for you. Reading your blog got me very emotional because I know that this adventure will change your life. It will mean so much to you when you look back years down the road. Its truly a milestone in your life. I just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you all the time and wondering where you are and what you are seeing. Can't wait to read more. miss you lots.

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