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May 26th 2016
Published: May 27th 2016
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Reykjavik to Keflavik International Airport
Day 10

The original plan for the day was to catch the flybus at BSI (bus terminal) in Reykjavik at 12:30pm to arrive at the airport right before 1:30pm with a departure time of 3:30pm. However, that plan was faulted when we woke; we were noticed via email that due to the French ATC (Air Traffic Controllers) strike, the plane would be delayed an hour and 15 minutes. Check in time at the airport was still the same though. We rode the flybus to the airport at 12:30 and waited. We were updated the departure time was now 5:00pm. At 4:15pm we began the boarding process, however, due to multiple delays we sat boarded on the plane for over an hour awaiting the arrival of "a few more guests". After finally taking off, the flight was enjoyable. Although unable to sleep, I nearly finished my 500 page book I have been tackling. Iceland will hold a special place in my heart. The sights I saw while in-country are unimaginable; you must see for yourself to really believe.

Although the amount of money I've spend abroad is something that nearly gives me an anxiety attack, I can't help but start planning my next adventure. Traveling is something I will always set money aside for, because it's the one thing that actually makes you richer.


27th May 2016

Marilyn gave us the link so we could enjoy your journey! Your posts and pics were great. You have accomplished so much at ayoung age, we can't wait to see what you do next!! Happy travels.
27th May 2016

Thank you!
I'm so glad she shared it with you. I've had an amazing journey...there will definitely be more to share. I just need to replinish the bank first haha.
27th May 2016

Thanks for sharing your journey ❤️
I have so much enjoyed following your journey and seeing the beautiful things that you've seen through your eyes !

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