Day 2, See All We Do!

Published: August 5th 2015
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It's amazing what can be accomplished with 26 hands and feet, 13 great brains and willing hearts. We started from just a wooden shell. In two days we can now see how it will become a home. The insulation team, inside wall team. roofers, skirting to prep for the siding, electricians, plumbers, doors and windows.....such a coordinated effort and all directed by our amazing construction manager Don. We hear he is the best in the Western Hemisphere having built around the world, including sky scrapers and the Toronto Sky Dome. His warm demeanor, patient heart, and willingness to field a bazillion questions has sped our progress to be ready for siding, roof shingles and prepping for sheet rock.

Besides the build, we have enjoyed amazing meals and fellowship. Tonight we met Sadat, an Afghani refugee restaurant owner who hosted us for an authentic and delicious Afghani dinner. He and his family are Habitat home owners receiving their home in 2011. He thanked us for our spirit of generosity, but we were more blessed by his hospitality, graciousness, and warm smile.

The ride back to the cottages included a stop at Tea Hill Beach where several of our team ventured out onto the beach at low tide returning with a handful of sea treasures. Songs rang out in the van afterward, including our apparent favorite "Let It Go." And now we are letting it go til tomorrow.

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5th August 2015

Great Job!
How satisfying to see the fruits of your labors so quickly! Thanks for being our ambassadors and sharing your talents. Have fun and be safe!

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