Day out in Douarnanez

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June 20th 2015
Published: June 21st 2015
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Glorious blue sky day. Kisbee all ready to go so, so were we.

Must admit it was not quite as warm as I’d hoped when we set off towards the sea at Douarnenez (I've been spelling that wrong, sorry) at just after 10am and suspect it’s a couple of degrees colder here on the South Finistere north coast then it was on the south. Certainly a bit drafty as we scootered along and glad it was only 5 miles. Have a strong suspicion that that icy north wind which has plagued us in England this spring has found its way over here. Certainly a bit chilly if you’re not directly in the sun.

We’ve visited Douarnanez before when we were staying at St Nics in September 2010 and liked it so a good place to revisit. Found our way to the harbour, always a good place to start and had a lovely stroll round. This really is a picturesque scene and the photos I’ve taken are probably all repeats of last visit but the camera was enjoying itself clicking away and so was I.

We stopped for a coffee in one of the harbourside bars then scootered up to the town. Found Les Halles, the market, by the sounds of music. A stage had been set up beside the market hall and groups of musicians were taking it in turn to perform. Some pretty good music was being made, a jazz group was especially fine and we stood to watch for quite some time.

Down to the river’s edge where we stopped for lunch in a busy Creperie but for a change had Tuna Nicoise instead of galettes. As this town is a major tuna processor it was no surprise that the salad was particularly good.

Another staged area was being set up and I was handed a leaflet for a music festival that evening and day after. The market place performances were ‘tasters’ for the full evening festival, we think, and were by members of the local music school.

On Kisbee we found our way over the river on a high bridge to Treboul on the other side. This is the seaside resort side of the town. It also has a harbour but the boats all seem to be for leisure not working. We watched as the sailing school boats took to the water. One in particular with the traditonal big brown sales of Brittany was really interesting to see as the sales were raised.

Back to the campsite and a daily swim, this time in the indoor pool as that evil wind was making it a bit too cold to swim outside.

We were surprised later in the evening to see the campsite surrounded by mist. We’re a few miles from the sea so something must have been blowing hard to get it to us.

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


21st June 2015

note: drafty - American English, considered acceptable apparently by some though others prefer the English:- draughty
21st June 2015

and further
We are having good weather, lots of sun though not hot. When the children were in their teens we had a holiday in Douarnenez with Mostyn family and all the places you are visiting are (dimly) familiar to me. Melissa and I remember very wet weather and wearing 2 cagoules at once while sitting outside one evening with other happy campers playing pass the parcel while drinking much free red wine in pouring wine. Such fun ( it really was actually )
22nd June 2015

No rain and lots of sun. No pass the parcel - not many campers on our site ! xxx
22nd June 2015

pouring wine sh. read "pouring rain". Wet here today, better forecast tomorrow which is their last day before early morning trip to Exeter airport on Wednesday for onward journey to Disneyland, then Paris where Rob will meet them for a couple of days and onwards by train to Luxembourg for a week. As for me, left bereft in cool Cornwall. xxx
25th June 2015

Raining Wine
I did auto correct as I read it ! Hope you've had a lovely visit and that the sunshine returns. It has here for the moment at least.

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